Journey to the West: I Am Entertaining in the Great Tang

Chapter 1108: I want to return to vulgarity

This time I opened the sleeping memory, and began to remember the hardships, the reincarnation of heaven and earth, the changes of time, thousands of years have passed.

When another pair of lovers came together, they found that the one they love now is the one they used to love, because they have never drunk Mengpo soup!

After watching the barrage of this person, the live broadcast room was silent, even more silent than before!

——It's dead silence!

In this dead silence, only the heartbeats of Monk Pianji and Princess Gaoyang were heard.

"Puff! Puff!"

The audience in the live broadcast room stared at the two people on the screen, wondering how they would feel when they saw such a sad tragedy.

After a while, the person who sent the barrage posted again: "Sorry, my story makes everyone sad!"


his story?

He became the protagonist of the werewolf just to kill the birds?

This, isn't he already a pile of bones?

How can you still send barrage and interact with everyone?

Cell phone!

This thought popped out and shocked everyone!

Mr. Qin Hao is omnipotent. The appearance of the mobile phone has shaken the Three Realms and made the Three Realms convenient.

So, everyone has a guess, that is the person who sent the barrage, he is not a person!

Of course, it is even more impossible to be a god.

Then there is only one possibility, he is a ghost!

——A ghost from the underworld!

"You guessed it right, I am a ghost from the underworld. Because of resentment, I still haven't reincarnated, and I'm still stuck in this emotional entanglement."

His tone was very sad and unwilling.

"If there is a suitable opportunity, I will still be reincarnated, and I will no longer have a few lives for this relationship. However, what I want to say is that Buddhism, which is known as great mercy and relief, is often not available when people really need it Most sincere help!"


Monk Pianji also felt this.

"Bitter flesh, greed and desire, jealousy and hatred, love parting, resentment and hatred, please!"

He has a handsome appearance and a magnificent appearance. After he became a monk, he has been devoted to worshipping the Buddha in the Dazongchi Temple. He also became the presiding abbot because he was young and promising.

At this moment, he was lost in confusion. He looked at Princess Gao Yang beside him obsessively and said:

"I want to return to the vulgar!"

He murmured this sentence.

Others did not hear, but Princess Gao Yang, who was sitting next to him, did.


Return to vulgarity?

Princess Gao Yang knew that returning to the secular originally meant that the monks and nuns were expelled from the Sangha in accordance with the law and returned to the lay family to restore their status as secular people, so it was called returning to the secular.

If due to many personal factors, one voluntarily gives up ordination and leaves the Sangha and returns to the layman to restore the status of a secular person, it is called returning to the secular, also called anti-secular.

He did not say that he should return to the secular world, but directly said that he should return to the secular world. Then he made up his mind, knowing that he would go back to the secular world if he knew that it violated the Buddhist beliefs and creeds!

Just to be with the one you love!

Although returning to the vulgar also includes the meaning of returning to the vulgar, but in general, it is not a good thing!

In addition, there is another situation in which all monks and nuns are ordered to return to the vulgar because of the prohibition and abolition of the Buddha in the past dynasties.

In either case, monk Jianji's years of repairs have fallen short!

Princess Gao Yang was very moved, she persuaded: "You have to think twice!"

The monk Pianji nodded and said, "I once remembered that a monk went down the mountain because he couldn't bear the loneliness of the Buddhist school. But within a month, he couldn't bear the earthly tongue and went up the mountain again.

After staying on the mountain for less than a month, I still went because I was impatient and lonely.

After doing this three times, the old monk said to him, you don't have to believe in the Buddha at all, take off your robes.

You don’t have to be serious about being a layman. Just set up a place in the pavilion between the temple and the world. How about selling tea?

This vulgar person begged a little lady and set up a tea shop.

The guidance of the old monk is right, and people who are halfway can only do halfway things.

Therefore, in the vast sky and vast universe, it is often difficult for people to find a free space suitable for survival. Compared with many people, this monk is lucky because he has found his place after all.

However, if I don't return to the secular life, I will be busy running around all my life, and at the end of my life, there is still no place to go. "

Monk Pianji used this story to explain that his heart had been decided, and Princess Goyang was completely moved.

With the blessing of the audience in the live broadcast room, the monk Pianji sang the touching song again.

The popularity of this show was the hottest, and it set a new high since Princess Gao Yang started the live broadcast.

After the end, the monk Jieji went directly to his master and asked to return to the vulgarity.

When his master heard about it, he was greatly surprised. Then, after listening to the monk Jingji explain the reason, he told a story about Buddhism.

"The Buddha, Luo Huluo, asked to return to the vulgar, and the Buddha said:

Why are many people reluctant to learn Buddhism?

It's not just that beings are strong, difficult to adjust and convincing, ignorance and worries will obstruct the mind and nature of all beings, and the five desires and six dusts will lead all beings astray.

Ordinary is like you and me, and so is great like Buddha Rahuluo.

When Rahulu was nine years old, the Buddhist monk Mu Qianlian asked Jingfan King and Buddha Yasudhara to agree to let the Buddha Rahuluo learn the Tao.

Mu Qianlian said, but in the end, it was the Buddha who let Luo Huluo become a novice monk.

After all, he is a Buddha, and the rewards are different from ordinary people. The Buddha let Sariputta teach the Dharma himself, and Mu Qianlian taught the precepts.

But "Luo Hu is naive, slow to learn music, playful, not happy to listen to the Dharma. The Buddha's number tells the emperor, it's not easy to use it, what's the matter."

Luo Huluo is too young, playful and arrogant, unwilling to learn Dharma. Even if the Buddha came to admonish him, he couldn't listen, and no one could do anything about him.

Once, the Buddha said to Rahuluo: "The Buddha is hard to be worth in the world, and the Dharma is hard to smell. Life is hard to preserve, and it is hard to obtain the Tao. Now that the son is worthy of the Buddha, why is he slack and refuse to listen to the Dharma?"

You can be by the Buddha's side and hear the Dharma for yourself. What a blessing this is? Why are you so strong and not knowing the blessing in the blessing?

Luo Huluo replied: "The Dharma is exquisite, and the children's mind is rough, so you can listen to the Blessed Dharma? I have heard it before, and I have forgotten, and I have been in vain, and I have nothing. And now I am a young man, and willful , Self-serving as a small errand can accept the law."

The Dharma is exquisite, and my heart is vulgar. After listening to the Dharma, I forgot in a blink of an eye. The spirit is wasted, and there is no gain.

Now that I am still young, why not let me be reckless for a few years, and then come to learn Buddhism when I grow up to be able to take it up? "

The Buddha sighed: "Everything is impermanent, and the body is hard to protect. How do you guarantee that you can live to the day when you grow up?"

But Luo Huluo said: "I can't guarantee it naturally, but you are a Buddha, can't the Buddha save your son's life?"

Buddha bless all sentient beings, can't you bless your son to grow up alive?

Upon hearing this, Monk Jieji had already started to sweat on his forehead.

He had long known that Master was eloquent and good at talking about Buddhism, but he didn't expect to be so capable!

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