"The poor monk did not want to break away from Buddhism, and it was not because the monk had to return to the vulgar, and the poor monk returned to the vulgar."

Just as various speculations on the forum, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was furious, Fuhu Luohan posted again.

This guy really learned how to get rid of the heat, and instantly grabbed all the attraction, and became the most shocking person on the forum.

"The poor monk just said that Princess Gaoyang has deep roots in love. If she doesn't return to the vulgar and doesn't give her an explanation, wouldn't she be a guilty man?"


No one thought of this. After listening to Fuhu Luohan, he realized that, yes!

There is a saying that I would rather demolish ten temples instead of demolishing a marriage. Two people agree. If Buddhism does not support it, they must be demolished. It is indeed too cruel!

Just as Fuhu Luohan said, didn't he become a guilty man?

Regarding the heartless man, since ancient times, it has been abhorrent.

In history, there are several notorious bad-hearted men. The first one is Wu Qi from the Warring States Period.

Wu Qi is a native of Weiguo, and his wife is a native of Qi.

King Lu liked Wu Qi's military talents and wanted to worship him as a general, but worried that his wife would be the daughter of the enemy country. He was afraid that Wu Qi would not stand firm, so he was hesitant.

In order to show his thoughts and obtain the position he wanted, Wu Qi went so far as to kill his wife who was married.

This is the famous story of Wu Qi killing his wife and seeking generals in history.

As a famous general of the generation, Wu Qi has a deep understanding of strategy and outstanding military exploits.

The reputation is big enough, and the behavior is extremely bad, so it ranks first.

Second, Liu An, a native of the Three Kingdoms period.

Liu Anben was a hunter. One day, his hero Liu Bei was defeated and accidentally stayed at his home while escaping.

Because Liu An's family was impoverished, and it was the time when the soldiers were in a panic, they couldn't offer anything to entertain Liu Bei.

He killed his wife and cooked it for the guests.

This kid is not the least thing. In order to chase stars, he did such an unreasonable thing. He should have been ranked first, but considering that he himself is not very famous, he was ranked second.

Third, during the Warring States Period, Zhao Sheng, the king of Pingyuan.

Zhao Sheng is the son of Zhao Guo. In order to increase his influence, he usually raises a large group of customers.

One day, his little wife saw a hunched and lame man passing downstairs, looking funny, and she laughed.

Who knows this cripple, but thinks he has been insulted, so he finds Zhao Sheng and asks to cut off the beauty to apologize.

At that time, he was rejected. Later, there were fewer and fewer diners under the door. After inquiring, it was found that it was related to the fact that the doormen thought that he was putting more emphasis on the handling of this matter.

So Mr. Pingyuan ordered the head of the little wife to be beheaded, and the number of doormen began to increase again.

This story was originally told as a light-hearted talk, and the impact was extremely bad. For the sake of seeing and hearing, it was listed as the third.

As soon as these famous historical figures appeared, netizens were about to explode.

Yes, they treat women too harshly, they are indeed ungrateful guilty men.

In fact, there are more than these people. At that time, King Zhou was innocent, the world rebelled, Muye fought, and the country died.

The dynasties changed, and in the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was a place called Wei, and there was a very famous story.

The gangster in the Book of Songs is a very famous one, which tells the sad story of an infatuated woman with a heartless man.

After the war, the former prosperous Chaoge gradually declined, and the Qishui Pass on the west bank of the Qi River was left with only ruined walls, without its former majesty.

The heroine of the story lives in Chaoge City, and her family does a silk reeling business. The silkworm cocoons collected are drawn into silk in hot water and supplied to the weavers.

To make it easier for her to see, we call her A Cai, who is a passionate and generous girl.

After leaving Qishuiguan, crossing the Qihe River, and then going east for a dozen miles, there is a place called Dunqiu.

Thousands of years ago, mulberry silkworms were abundant here, and Dunqiu was in a mulberry forest.

The hero of the story lives here, let's call him a gangster for the time being.

There are many Aman brothers and their families are poor. In addition to plowing the fields, they also raise silkworms, do some spinning and weaving businesses, and subsidize their families.

When he was very young, Aman followed the adults in his family to Chaoge, where he exchanged silkworm cocoons and woven cloth for silk thread at Acai's house, and replaced the excess with food.

At that time, there was no concept of money, and the main way of trading was to exchange things for things.

Hooligan means outsiders.

People in Chaoge City call the foreign country folks gangsters, which is somewhat discriminatory.

A Cai didn't look down on Aman who came from the country. Two children of average age often played together very happily.

Later, when he grew up, A-men became a handsome and strong young man, and A-Cai became a beautiful girl.

A-Mang fell in love with A-Cai, and A-Cai fell in love with A-Mang too. The curtain of the drama was opened.

The honest and honest Aman came to the city with a bundle of cloth, and when he saw Acai, he "sneered" and laughed nonstop.

He used an excuse to change the silk thread, but he was actually thinking of meeting A Cai in his heart.

When Aman went back, Acai sent him a long way away. After he got out of Qishui Pass, he couldn't afford to leave when he reached the Qi River.

The two chatted happily, and they simply crossed the Qi River together, and walked around, unknowingly they walked into the mulberry forest next to Dunqiu Village, and they were almost at the house of Aman.

A Cai is going back.

The two of them held their hands tightly in the mulberry forest, and the two pairs of fiery eyes looked at each other, and the feeling was too strong to contain them. The two held tightly together, vowing each other to never separate.

A Cai insisted on going back.

Ah Meng suddenly became angry, yelling, telling her to go, and telling her to never look for him again.

After a while, the two calmed down.

"Quickly ask someone to come to my house to propose a marriage. When autumn comes, come and marry me." A Cai murmured.

In the past, we paid attention to the destiny of the parents and the matchmaker's words, the man had to ask the matchmaker to go to the woman's home to propose marriage.

After receiving the answer, we will ask for the name, join the eight characters, get engaged, Najib, celebrate, marry, entertain guests and friends, and worship the heaven and earth parents.

It seems to be red tape, but it actually plays a big role in protecting the interests of the woman and maintaining peace and harmony.

It's been a long time since Aman came to Acai. Acai ran to Qishuiguan every day like a demon. She climbed the collapsed city wall and looked into the distance, expecting that the familiar figure would suddenly appear. Came along the pass.

Can't wait for Ah Meng, she cries sadly every time with tears.

The strong emotions can't be calmed down. She doesn't think about food or rice, sleeps at night, and her body is as weak as she is about to fall ill.

The parents had no choice but finally agreed to their marriage.

When Ah Meng came, A Cai suddenly became energetic, happy, talking and laughing.

The dissatisfied parents only gave A Cai a small amount of dowry, and the poor Aman couldn't afford a decent wedding. They just asked someone to do a divination. There is nothing unlucky about the hexagram.

The dowry was loaded into the car brought by Aman, Acai bid farewell to her parents, got in the car, and simply followed Aman.

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