Coupled with the fact that the one who has been slain by eating melons has always been aimed at Buddhism.

Finding out all the reasons to work against Buddhism is to ruin the image of the Bodhisattva. It is indeed necessary to show him a little bit of color!

Now in the Three Realms, there are many people who have mobile phones. Can you find out who posted via mobile phones?

Venerable Kassapa thought of this, hurriedly ended the live broadcast, and hurriedly came to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao stayed in Datang recently and didn't return to Yujing City. After all, the Three Realms' good voices were still being held, so it was inconvenient for him to go back and forth.

The consequence of leaving for a long time is that the bookstore where I live is even more run-down.

He asked Xiao Qian and others to clean up and move in again.

On this day, he was preparing for the next issue of a good voice, when he heard a Buddha horn: "Amitabha!"

He looked up and saw that it was Venerable Kassapa.

"Excuse me, why did the Venerable come?"

Venerable Kassapa folded his hands together and replied respectfully: "Donor Qin, the poor monk is polite. Coming today, the so-called forum is a matter."

At the moment, he told someone about Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and then said angrily: "The point is that many of his languages ​​are so aggressive that poor monks can't refute it. If he is allowed to walk the rumors, it is estimated that the image of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva It will all be ruined."


Qin Hao's relationship with Buddhism hasn't been so stale recently, after all, Buddhism doesn't dare to trouble him.

He didn't care about some things.

"According to the IP of the forum, you can find the registration information of the poster. After all, the information can't be wrong. Moreover, you can find the IP of the network and you can know his true identity."

Venerable Kassapa was very happy when he heard it, so he asked Qin Hao to check it out.

Qin Hao nodded and went to the backyard of the bookstore. After all, the system could not be displayed in public.

He came to the backyard, summoned the system, and asked it to check the IP that kept eating melons. At this time, the sound of fighting came from the bookstore in the front yard.

"Where did you come from! You don't even know the poor monk! What a sin!"

Venerable Kassapa's voice was deafening, and it came clearly. Qin Hao didn't have time to listen to the system's answer, and came back quickly. He was seeing a seven or eight-year-old child doing hands with Venerable Kassapa.

Isn't this looking for death?

A child, where is the opponent of Venerable Kassapa.


Qin Hao quickly separated them. Now Qin Hao was already the pinnacle of quasi-sages, and neither of them was an opponent.

"What are you doing!"

After separating them, Qin Hao quickly asked the cause of the incident.

"The poor monk is here waiting for Mr., I don't know where he came out from, and he will fight against the poor monk!"

Venerable Kassapa was so angry that he hadn't encountered this kind of thing for many years.

Seeing Qin Hao, the child seemed to think of something and muttered to himself: "Why do you look so familiar?"

Qin Hao looked at him, and suddenly remembered the water and land Fa meeting when he first came here.

"Are you Muzha?"

Qin Hao was surprised to find that after a number of years, Mu Zha, who was beheaded by himself, had been resurrected.

Because of his death, the second sage of the West also went to find the leader of Tongtian.

Wanting to get compensation, I ate behind closed doors.

Unexpectedly, now, he can stand in front of him alive.

It seems that after these years of restoration, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has restored his cultivation level to seven or eight years old.

But why did he fight with Venerable Kassapa?

It turned out that Mu Zha didn't have much contact with Venerable Kassapa, and he came to Qin Hao's bookstore with deep hatred.

I started it at first sight.

Only then did I realize that I had called the wrong person.

His figure was only below Qin Hao's neck, but he was not cowardly at all.

Because he knew his identity and strength were there, Qin Hao was still a mortal in his eyes.

As everyone knows, he hasn't seen him for many years, Qin Hao is already several great realms higher than his cultivation base.

Mu Zha is very proud of himself. First of all, he is a disciple taught by Guanyin in the South China Sea in Antarctica. As the saying goes, he is a closed disciple.

Secondly, Muzha's legal name is Huian Xingzhe, he is the guardian of the Guanyin of the South Sea, and he waits on the bodhisattva with him and stays with him.

It is precisely because Muzha is the guardian of the South China Sea Guanyin, so in the Journey to the West, the South China Sea Guanyin from the Antarctic appears with Muzha every time it appears.

In the Journey to the West, there are many disciples of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea. Female disciples include the Dragon Girl Holding the Pearl and the Dragon Girl of Good Wealth, and the male disciples include the Hui An Xing Zhe and the Good Wealth Boy.

The most preferred disciple of Guanyin in the South China Sea is Muzhahui, the second prince of Tota Heavenly King.

Speaking of Muzha, his identity is very special!

In other words, Mu Zha is by Guanyin's side, and there are three main tasks:

Muzha is a strong man who casts down demons around the Nanhai Guanyin Bodhisattva. As the saying goes, it is called the protector.

First of all, he was responsible for running errands in Tiangong. He is a traveler. Because of Li Tianwang's status, Mu Zha is very qualified for this job.

Mu Zha is the second prince of King Tota Li, and King Tota Li is the father of the upper realm, holding the privilege of cutting first and playing later.

With the identity of Tota Li Tianwang, Guanyin of the South China Sea in Antarctica carries Muzha, which is equivalent to unimpeded in the heavenly court.

You can also ask Li Tianwang for help at any time, such as encircling a fairy, borrowing a Tiangang knife or something.

It can be seen that the second-generation official status is flexible and flexible in mind, and can coordinate all parties, which is the second advantage of Muzha.

The second person is responsible for conquering demons. For example, when Zhu Bajie and Drifting started to deal with the Nanhai Guanyin Bodhisattva, it was Muzha who stood in front of him for the first time.

It can be seen that loyalty has eyesight, strong mana, and justice, which is the second advantage of Muzha.

The third is responsible for taking things. For example, when he went to Chang'an, he was responsible for carrying the brocade robes. He was a "hercule"!

It can be seen that infinite power, hard work and no grievances, no matter how big or small, is the third benefit of Muzha.

In a word, Guanyin prefers Muzha and stays close to the left and right, not only because of his special status, but also has three advantages.

Therefore, after Muzha was beheaded by Qin Hao, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva used his own mana to repair it day and night, so that Muzha could recover part of his cultivation as soon as possible.

This time, she sent Muzha to Datang with the original intention to let him inquire about something quietly. Unexpectedly, the grudge Muzha would come to the door as soon as possible to retaliate against Qin Hao.

But when I came to this door, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva didn't know. If she knew, she would definitely stop Muzha.

Others don't know, she still knows, these years have passed, she still stays in the quasi-sage, and Qin Hao has already become the pinnacle of the quasi-sage that surpasses himself, by three major levels!

If someone says that there are only three levels, and nothing great, then it would be a big mistake!

Looking at Qin Hao above himself, Mu Zha only felt that the fire could not hold back the pressure. He took out the saber he carried, raised it high, and was about to kill him.

This was Qin Hao's method of dealing with himself back then. He was inadvertently taking the other way, and now he wants to return it to Qin Hao intact!

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