In the past, people still trusted the Buddha very much. The purpose of the eastward journey of Buddhism was to make the people of Datang more devout beliefs.

Unexpectedly, since Qin Hao's arrival, everything has changed.


The Buddha of Da Leiyin Temple looked at the posts that kept popping up on his mobile phone, and his expression became even darker.

"I never believe in Buddha, I believe, and when times are troubled, I ask, where is the Buddha? The Buddha said that it is difficult for all living beings, but has the Buddha survived all living beings?

In the troubled times, the Buddha was missing. I don't believe in the Buddha. I can't see countless deaths and injuries in the troubled times. The Buddha said that all beings are equal. But why did the monsters run rampant before Monkey King gave up his heart to become a Buddha?

And why is there no demons in the world after Monkey King became a Buddha? Even from a mortal point of view, tell me that it would cost such a huge amount of money to exceed the degree? How many people can afford such a huge fee?

This is rejecting the mortal's transcendence! Does this mean that beings are difficult? If the Buddha knew such a situation, he would open his eyes and tell nonsense. If he didn't know, what was the difference from the emperor?

Is this still all beings equal? Buddha, where is he going to make money in the prosperous times?

Dao does not come out in the prosperous times, and comes out of troubled times to save the common people. The true Taoist priests protect the common people at all times, walk the way for all beings, and truly cut demons and demons. Dao may not be infallible, but he truly cares about the common people in the world. "

"The way follows nature, and the Buddha seeks transcendence. The Buddha has good and evil, but the good and evil of the Buddha lead people to transcend, rather than distinguish between right and wrong in the world.

Buddha can cross people. If the Buddha crosses you, it is detachment because of what he asks for; if the Buddha does not cross you, it is because what he asks is not detachment.

The fact that the Buddha is not in the five elements is because the Buddha is detached. To be detached as a Buddha is not to be happy because of sentient beings, and not to be sad because of sufferings of sentient beings.

The Buddha is compassionate, preaching and teaching dharma for those who seek detachment. Buddha in the heart. The face of all beings, all beings are suffering, all beings have desires, and ask for non-transcendence. "

"The way follows nature, and the Buddha seeks transcendence. The Buddha has good and evil, but the good and evil of the Buddha lead people to transcend, rather than distinguish between right and wrong in the world.

Buddha can cross people. If the Buddha crosses you, it is detachment because of what he asks for; if the Buddha does not cross you, it is because what he asks is not detachment. The fact that the Buddha is not in the five elements is because the Buddha is detached.

To be detached as a Buddha is not to be happy because of sentient beings, and not to be sad because of sufferings of sentient beings. The Buddha is compassionate, preaching and teaching dharma for those who seek detachment.

Buddha in the heart. The face of all beings, all beings are suffering, all beings have desires, and ask for non-transcendence. "

"I really like a passage: "Worshiping God" is not to bend down, but to let go of arrogance;

"Vegetarian" is not about abstinence, but compassion; "chanting" is not about accumulating numbers, but pure heart;

"Holding fist" is not about showing with both hands, but respecting everything; "Entering Ding" is not about being unable to sit down often, but being unhindered;

"Happiness" is not face and joy, but a relaxation of the mood; "purification" is not abandoning desires, but being selfless in heart;

"Giving" is not about spending money to buy merit, but abandoning greed; "channeling" is not seeking protection from the Tao, but practicing selflessness.

"The so-called Buddhism does not promote duty, it is just some negative views or interpretations. Most of the main views advocated by Buddhism itself are about saving the world.

Later, it was divided into Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism due to some era reasons. The master of Mahayana Buddhism advocated saving the world, and the master of Hinayana Buddhism advocated saving oneself, but after all, it was a kind of self-cultivation.

Buddhism avoids the world, but does not avoid the world, and pays attention to inner understanding. Some people do enter Buddhism and use this to escape responsibility, but it has nothing to do with the essence of Buddhism.

The reason why people are humans is because they have the power to cultivate one's moral integrity, but also the duty of racial reproduction. Buddhism does not encourage human beings to perform their necessary duties. "

"According to the Romance of the Gods, Hongjun and Luohou were in the Western World War, and the Western world was devastated. Hongjun did not make any compensation.

Taoists care about the safety of all beings in the world? Who made the Fengshen Bang Liang Jie? Isn't it three cleansing fighting? There are so many dead people.

Did not see Taoism come out. Even Taiqing Shouxuandu is a master disciple. Just to covet the luck of the human race, there were many human races at that time. Why didn't he take it all?

After all, it was just to create a sect to collect human luck. The cause and effect caused by Taoism itself, why should Buddhism come out to help? "

"One kneeling before the Buddha for three thousand years, the Buddha said that you are really idle, and for thirty years before the devil, the devil will break the nine heavens for you. There is a kind of flower called Bi'an flower, and another kind of grass is called Bronchus.

There is a kind of water called Wangqingshui, and a kind of tears called Acacia Tears. There is a kind of soup called Mengpo soup, and another kind of bridge is called Naihe Bridge.

Flowers on the other side bloom on the other side, and the river is also forgotten by the riverside. However, the bridge head is empty, and the three lives are written on the three life stone.

The other bank flower, according to legend, this flower only blooms in Huangquan, the only scenery on Huangquan Road, the other bank flower blooms on the other bank, only flowers but no leaves.

The flowers bloom for a thousand years, and the flowers fall for a thousand years. When the flowers bloom, the leaves are gone, but when the leaves grow, the flowers begin to wither. Although the flowers and branches of the flowers grow on the same root.

But never see each other forever, just like a fate that is destined to miss. Kneeling in front of the Buddha for three thousand years, I didn't see my Buddha's heart pity, and there was no way the dust covered the Buddha's eyes. It turned out that I didn't throw the incense money!

Buddha, not greedy for money? Why accept the worship of the world? Buddha, isn't it evil? Why not allow the world to disrespect him? The Buddha said that all beings are equal, why are they divided into bodhisattvas, bhikkhus, and Dharma protectors? "

"It can only be said that it is unfair to Monkey King. After all, for him, it is indeed because of learning from his own Huaguo Mountain that his life was ruined.

And this song is written from the perspective of Monkey King, and my words are also based on Monkey King's words. It is combined with the situation of this song. It is not that my logic is wrong, but that there is no real fairness in this world. , And there is nothing wrong with the weak and the strong, the wrong is only one's own vision. "

Take a look!

What kind of a mess of public opinion!

The Buddha Tathagata above the golden lotus no longer had the tolerant face of the past. On the contrary, a raging fire faintly rose behind him.

This is a sign of Buddha's anger.

Are the people of Datang so arrogant now!

He didn't even put the Buddha in his eyes!

His dignified quasi-sage pinnacle level, between raising his hands and feet, he can destroy the entire Great Tang!

These people are not afraid?

He looked angrily at the posts on the forum that were filled with grievances, and slammed his hands, "Bang!"

The phone is broken!

A burst of green smoke filled, and the burnt smell surprised the Eighteen Arhats.

This is really angry!

For many years, I haven't seen the Buddha's face change, but now he is so angry!

Monk Jieji should have no way to survive, right!

And those people of Datang who talk nonsense, will definitely get retribution!

Thinking of this, these arhats were silent, and never dared to raise their eyes to peek!

I don’t know how the Buddha would discipline them!

In other words, punish the common people in the world!

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