Everyone did not expect that Monk Pianji would use the role of Wukong to express his anger towards the Buddha. In a certain sense, they are actually very similar.

According to the original plot, they all disobeyed the Buddha's decree. Monkey King was crushed under the Wuzhi Mountain, and Monk Jianji was even more miserable and cut directly in the middle.

However, after Qin Hao arrived, many things changed, and many things did not happen.

But I don’t know who it is, and I posted another post on the forum:

There is a round stone on the top of Huaguo Mountain, which is inspired by the spirit of the world and the essence of the sun and the moon, giving birth to a magic stone monkey.

He learned superb spells again and became the Monkey King on Huaguo Mountain.

Monkey King went to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to borrow a treasure in order to obtain a worthy weapon.

At first, the weapons lent by the Dragon King were too light. Finally, he took away the golden cudgel of Zhenhai Shen Needle weighing more than 10,000 catties, which made the Dragon King furious.

After the Dragon King complained to the Jade Emperor, Taibai Jinxing deceived Monkey King into the Heavenly Palace and named him Bi Mawen.

After he learned that he was deceived, he returned to Huaguo Mountain and set up the banner of Qitian Great Sage.

Taibai Jinxing went to Huaguoshan again to deceive Sun Wuchu into the heavenly palace, pretending to make him the Monkey King, and actually let him take care of Pan Taoyuan. When Monkey King learned the truth, the Pan Peach Club broke out.

The Jade Emperor became angry and sent a heavenly soldier to capture Monkey King, but no one could defeat the Monkey King.

The Jade Emperor invited the God of Erlang, and the two started a fierce battle, evenly matched.

Monkey King was escorted to the Demon Slashing Platform, but the sword could not be cut, nor could the fire burn. Taishang Laojun offered a plan and put Monkey King in the alchemy furnace to make alchemy. As a result, Wukong not only did not die, but also made "fire eyes and golden eyes."

The Jade Emperor was unable to subdue the Monkey King, so he invited Tathagata Buddha to appear on the stage. Tathagata Buddha and Monkey King bet to see if Wukong can jump out of the palm of the Tathagata Buddha.

As a result, Wukong could not jump out of the palm of the Tathagata Buddha, and was pressed by the Tathagata Buddha under the Five Elements Mountain.

Tang Seng left Chang'an to learn Buddhist scriptures in the West, and came to the Wuxing Mountain, where he uncovered the Tathagata's inscriptions, rescued Monkey King, who had been suppressed by the Tathagata for 500 years, and accepted him as his apprentice.

Wukong killed the six thieves in order to save the master, Tang Seng focused on the Buddha, compassionate, and chased Wukong away.

Persuaded by the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Wukong returned to his master, but was put on the "golden hoop" gifted by Guanyin.

The eagle-sorrowful little white dragon swallowed Tang Seng's horse. With the help of Guanyin, Wukong conquered the little white dragon and transformed it into a white dragon horse.

Tang Seng and Wukong came to Guanyin Temple. The greedy old monk stole Tang Seng's robes and set fire to kill people.

Wukong fights wits and courage with the evil monk, saves the master, but loses his robes.

The robes were stolen by the black bear demon, ready to open the Buddhist clothes to reveal the treasure. Wukong first turned into a snake spirit, and outsmarted him.

He took the treasure from Guanyin, turned it into a Haha monster and caught the bear demon alive with glue, and retrieved the robes.

Zhu Bajie went to Gao Laozhuang to recruit his relatives, and showed his true shape, frightening the Gao family, and he couldn't drive him away by inviting a monk to practice.

Wukong came to help, turned into a young lady to fight the Eight Precepts wisely. After several fights, he subdued the Eight Precepts. Since then, Tang Seng has two apprentices, Zhu Bajie.

The Huangfengling rat made a strange thing, turned into a mirage to support Wukong and Bajie, robbed Tang monk, and wanted to eat Tang monk meat.

Wukong and Ba Jie came to save the master, and the goblin set off a yellow wind over the sky. Later, he fetched Dingfeng Pill from Lingji Bodhisattva, surrendered the fairy, rescued Tang Seng, and the master and disciples started the journey again.

Under the guidance of Guanyin, the monk turned into a water monster in Liusha River, waiting for Tang Seng's arrival, but unexpectedly misunderstood Wukong and Bajie, which was a battle on the water.

Guanyin sent someone to explain, and the misunderstanding was eliminated. Tang Seng had three apprentices, Sha Wujing, and formed a complete team for learning the scriptures.

There is a treasure tree in Wuzhuang Temple with ginseng fruit on it, and Bajie slander, forcing Wukong to steal it. The three brothers ate one each. Dao Tong found out that they pointed at Tang Seng and his apprentice and cursed. Wukong burst into flames for a while, simply doing nothing, overturning the treasure tree, and walking away with the master.

Wuzhuang Guanzhu Town Yuandaxian returned to the mountain, found that the treasure tree was overturned, and arrested Tang Seng and his apprentice. Wukong took the initiative and asked to let his master and younger brother go and seek a way to save the treasure tree by himself.

First went to Sanshan to ask the three immortals of Fu, Lu, and Shou, then went to Mount Putuo to find Guanyin, and finally saved the treasure tree, Wukong also learned a lesson from it.

The white bone spirit wanted to eat Tang Seng meat, and he changed his human form three times to coax Tang Seng and Ba Jie. Wukong saw through them one by one and beat the white bone spirit three times.

In the end, the White Bone Spirit turned into Guanyin's appearance, and was beaten into its original form by Wukong. It is a pity that the Tang monk and the demon do not distinguish between right and wrong, and blame Wukong for killing people and chase Wukong away.

Under the guidance of the bell, Tang Seng strayed into the Boyue Cave and was captured by the Yellow Robe Monster. Ba Jie and Drifting went to rescue him, but were also captured by the Yellow Robe Monster.

The princess of Baoxiang Country, who had been plundered by the Huangpao Monster, came to rescue her in order for Tang Seng to send a letter back to China. She pretended to agree to the Huangpao Monster's marriage request and persuaded the Huangpao Monster to let the three of Tang Seng and his apprentice go.

Tang Seng went to Baoxiang Country to send a letter, and the Eight Precepts were able to rescue the princess with the Drifting Monk, but lost. Instead, the Huangpao Monster knew that the princess asked Tang Seng to send the letter, so he turned into a handsome boy and came to Baoxiang Country.

The yellow robe monster said to the king that it was the tiger spirit who had bitten the princess and rescued it by himself, and the tiger spirit was the Tang monk, and he turned the Tang monk into a tiger and locked it up.

Bai Longma turned into a waitress, but couldn't beat the yellow robe monster, but was injured. Ba Jie had to go to Huaguo Mountain to ask the big brother to come back and help.

Hearing that the master was in trouble, Wukong immediately returned to the Kingdom of Baoxiang with Bajie, fought a fierce battle with the Huangpao monster, rescued the princess, and Baotang Seng continued to travel west.

The golden horns and silver horn kings of Pingdingshan were originally the children of the Taishang Laojun who burned the fire. They stole the Taishang Laojun’s jade bottle, precious gourds and immortal ropes, went down to the world to commit evil, and grabbed the Tang monk to steam them and eat them.

Wukong broke the Yujing bottle first, and then turned into a real gourd who deceived him with a fake gourd to catch him.

The golden horn and the silver horn can't fight Wukong, so go and ask the **** nine-tailed fox to catch Wukong with the immortal rope. Wukong outsmarts the immortal rope, but instead of catching the silver horn, he is tied.

Wukong managed to escape, and used the three names of Sun Xingzhe, Xingzhe Sun, and Zhexing Sun to coax Silver Horn, and finally put the Silver Horn in the gourd, then defeated the Golden Horn and rescued Tang Seng, Bajie and Drifting.

The king of Wuji Kingdom was pushed into the well by the demon Dao, and the demon Dao himself became the king, occupying his wife and the throne. The dead king complained about his grievances in Tang Seng's dream and asked for the demon to save him.

Wukong and Ba Jie went down to the well, led the way through the Jinglong King, carried out the king's corpse, and rescued him with the resurrection pill.

The netizens on the forum were surprised to see this story and said: "This is completely different from the biography of Wukong! Besides, the matter of who is at the debate monk has all developed to the forefront, and they come here to post such posts. I do not know what it meant!"

"It seems that the original story of Wukong and the story told in this post are completely different versions. I don't know which one should we believe?"

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