Tang Seng was so angry that a mouthful of blood came out, this was simply, too hateful!

It's still an old idiot to write oneself like a second fool!

If you let me know the author, he must be strangled to death!

He didn't care that the murder was serious, and he thought angrily.

The next plot is even more terrible: "The Tang monk and his disciples came to the Xiliang Women's Country, and Bajie got pregnant by accidentally eating water from the Zimu River.

In order to save the younger brother, Wukong fights with the shoe spirit who masters the water from the tire well. And the Queen of Xiliang took a fancy to Tang Seng again, and she wanted to give her the throne with her body, but Tang Seng and his apprentice had no choice.

Wukong designed to escape from the female country of Xiliang, the scorpion demon in Pipadong took the opportunity to **** Tang Seng, and the queen was disfigured by the scorpion spirit to save Tang Seng.

Wukong, Bajie, and Drift fight with the Scorpion Spirit. The Drift defeats the Scorpion Spirit with water and fire and rescues the Tang Monk. Wukong uses the method to restore the queen's youthful appearance.

Wukong was misunderstood by his master because the robbers snatched the treasure and killed each other. He was driven away by the master again. Wukong went to the Guanyin of Mount Putuo and cried out his grievances.

At this moment, another Wukong came, wounded Monk Tang and took away his luggage. The monk was furious and rushed to Huaguoshan to reason with Wukong.

Drifting couldn't beat Wukong, so he went to Guanyin for help, and unexpectedly met a Monkey King.

Guanyin shows that Wukong has been here for half a step, and that Wukong must be fake.

Wukong heard that another fake Wukong occupied his Huaguo Mountain and injured his master, so he went to Huaguo Mountain to fight with the Drifting Monk.

As soon as the two of Nazhi met and became a group, they were inextricably separated from the true and the false. After several tests, they still had no effect. Finally, the Tathagata revealed the cause and effect: a difference in thought leads to malice, and malice leads to evil. "

"Wukong! I didn't write such a post for the teacher, you should check it out quickly, and if you find it, stay in front of the teacher, and the teacher will kill him."

After I finished speaking, I felt wrong. I was indeed too angry. I didn't consider the seriousness of the words.

Immediately he changed his words quickly: "Ahem! The monks don't slander and can't provoke murder. Alas, if you find out who it is, you must make him apologize and delete the post!"

Then, Tang Seng took the line angrily, only feeling his head buzzing, he was a few dozen years old, and he had never been so angry before!

Listening to Master's answer, Sun Wukong was also quite puzzled, who is this so special, who would post such a post and write such a story!

He must find this person as soon as possible, and give him a happy beating!

However, so far, it is still necessary to find the participating songs.

He picked another good song in the music library.

"With the migratory birds flying south, the wind blows with a single blow. You sting my heart, and I shed tears for you. The world you abandoned, I wait for you to return.

I don't want to fly south, tears fall drop by drop, my empty arms, you let me surround, everything I have ever, you give the most beautiful.

I went back and flew, chased me, letting the past make me cry, I don't believe you and forget it, I don't want me to fly solo, wherever I go without you, my heart is dead.

I went back to fly and chase, even if I chased to the end with only ice and snow, the sky would be sad for me, the cold love was dying, and the wind and snow covered my heartbreak.

I don't want to fly south, tears fall drop by drop, my empty arms, you let me surround, everything I have ever, you give the most beautiful. "

The name of this song is Xue Migratory Birds, and it describes a story in which North pursues love for love regardless of the danger of leaving the team.

The song’s creator said that the unique "dramatic ups and downs" in this song are more mature, and the composition is more mature, and there is no lack of romance and elegance in the rigorous structure. This is the most direct affirmation of the creator's persistence for many years.

Of course, this creator does not only have one song. The Migratory Snow Bird will bring everyone a full of imagination.

The wonderful "Moon Forest" is a creative and omnipresent musical inspiration that combines nature and love songs after the troubled river of love.

Homesickness is a heartwarming masterpiece written by him because of homesickness during the month of the Turkic propaganda period.

Using the artistic conception of "A Thousand Miles of Sharing Chanjuan", I wrote a moving sketch that popular music has long been no longer sought after.

It is a new song that has always been preferred in the works. It has a classical and beautiful meaning, and a tune with both modern and oriental sentiments, which opens up another new direction for creation.

After looking at the many comments after the song, Monkey King intuitively told him that this song is good and worth collecting.

He continued to listen:

"I turned around and flew again, chasing me, letting the past make me cry, I don't believe you and forget it, I don't want me to fly solo, I will be ashamed wherever I go without you.

I went back to chase, to get drunk, even if I chased to the end there was only ice and snow, the sky would be sad for me, the cold love was dying, and the wind and snow covered my heartbreak.

I went back and flew, chased me, letting the past make me cry, I don't believe you and forget it, I don't want me to fly solo, wherever I go without you, my heart is dead.

I went back to chase, to get drunk, even if I chased to the end there was only ice and snow, the sky would be sad for me, and the cold love would soon wither and let the wind and snow cover my heartbreak. "

For boys to sing poignant and ethereal songs, they have to have a clean voice so that there will be no filthy atmosphere in the market.

The mid-range of his voice is bright and transparent, the high-range is a bit loose and unstable, and his heart has a natural weakness of lack of energy, so it brings a bit of swan-like sternness.

The temperament from beginning to end is also very similar and unified, which can be said to be his peak brilliance, and the intensity of self-reality analysis is even more in the woods. I can feel his innermost gentle and least easy secret, I accidentally heard it. Other people's private affairs are really vague and nervous.

Homesickness, moon forest, and spiritual heart, these three songs are three major joints, making the whole atmosphere the greatest connection and reference, mirroring flowers and moon, like dreams and illusions.

In addition, the boys were sincere, filled with all their emotions from beginning to end, and expressed the entanglement and affection in place.

Moreover, when he sings, the words and sentences have strong power.

The lyrics of the whole song are beautiful and in place, expressing that kind of feeling vividly and vividly.

I don't want to fly south, tears fall drop by drop, my empty arms, you let me surround, everything I have ever, you give the most beautiful.

Especially this sentence, empty arms, you let me surround, everything I have ever, you give the most beautiful. A few simple words express the most painful mood of the singer.

Coupled with the beautiful tune and sincerity of emotion, it is really a rare good song.

If the singing is in place, it will be a success.

The boy sang so affectionately, Wukong heard it warmly and knew it.

Do you want to choose this song for the competition?

He was hesitating, his cell phone rang, and after answering, Zhu Bajie called.

"Hey hey hey! Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, have you seen the posts on the forum?"

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