
Time flies so fast, Liu Dameng has been learning martial arts for a month.

In this month, he really suffered enough.

The monkey instructor had very strict requirements, and asked him to climb the Huaguo Mountain every day before dawn.

Climb from the mountainside to the top of the mountain peak, then descend to the foot of the mountain, and then climb to the mountainside.

In the first few days, Liu Dameng was tired and vomited, his legs trembled, panting, and walking around the mountain.

It's really mountain climbing. It's not an exaggeration to say that those who climb the mountain use both hands and feet.

The monkey instructor was careful and knew that he would not be able to persist at the beginning, so he sent a few students to accompany him in turn. If he was really tired, he would walk with him on his back.

Liu Dameng did not expect that the teachers and students of the martial arts school are so good, which is really touched.

Slowly, he didn't need other students to memorize it, and he could complete the mountain climbing task independently.

One month later, even he himself felt that his physical fitness was much stronger!

At this time, the monkey instructor officially assigned him an admission number and became an official student of the martial arts school.

"It's a big meal!"

Another thing that moved Liu Dameng was that his money was spent on the road, and he was worried that he would be kicked out without tuition.

Unexpectedly, Huaguoshan School not only confiscated a penny of his tuition fees, but also changed the trick to cook for him.

Everyone sympathized with his experience, so they took extra care of him.

Every time he eats, he will cook some dishes he likes according to his taste.

No, seeing the steaming food on the dinner table, Liu Dameng was completely moved.

Huaguoshan School, it's so right!

"Quickly eat, what do you think, greedy tears are streaming out!"


Everyone uttered jokes and ate them with big mouthfuls.

"Thank you brothers, fortunately there are you!"

Liu Dameng really couldn't say anything else, and said thank you over and over again, very sincerely.

"Okay, don't be sour there! The dishes will be cold after a while!"

As the students said, they pressed Liu Dameng in front of the dinner table, sandwiched a large piece of sauced beef, and stuffed him in his mouth...

While eating happily, the voice of a timid little girl sounded in everyone's ears: "Excuse me, is this Huaguoshan School?"


This group of rough guys was surprised that there are girls on the Huaguo Mountain?

They all shook their heads to see that it was a six or seven-year-old girl.

"Ah, so small?"

So disappointed, such a small girl, come to learn martial arts?

There are female students in the martial arts school, but this age is too young!

"You are so young, don't run around alone, it won't be good if you lose it!"

Liu Dameng walked up to her and smiled gently: "Little sister, whose child are you, let's go home quickly!"

"I'm here to ask you for help, please save my dad!"

"Your father? Where is he?"

"He fainted, right down the mountain!"

Half an hour later, a middle-aged man with a beard was rescued up the mountain.

Liu Dameng called the doctor, and after some diagnosis and treatment, the doctor said: "He is hungry!"


The students from Huaguoshan hurriedly brought soup and rice, which was filled with soup and fed. After some tossing, the middle-aged man woke up.

The first sentence he woke up was: "Where is Xinxin?"

The little girl hurriedly shouted: "Father, I am here!"

Seeing that his daughter was safe, he was relieved, and then... fainted again.

After inquiring, people knew from the mouth of the little girl Xinxin that this man's name was Lu Yi, and he was a farmer.

Originally the wife and daughter, the family of three had a good time, but because the wife was good-looking, she was snatched away by the bully in the next village.

He sued the government, but the bully said he owed money and used his wife to pay off the debt.

The government didn't know what was right and wrong, so he hit him dozens of boards and drove him out.

He was worried about his wife's safety and could not take care of his injuries. He went to the neighbors in the neighborhood to testify that he did not owe the bully any money.

However, the people in the government had long received money from the bully, and all of them lost their conscience.

No matter how Lu Yi cried out injustice or cried out, it would be ignored.

After this dragged on for a long time, Lu Yi felt that there was no way. He had nowhere to complain and was frustrated. He remembered the Huaguoshan Martial Arts School, so he took his daughter to learn art.

Although he was very close to Huaguo Mountain, he was beaten and angry again. He still fell ill and fainted under the Huaguo Mountain.

When the students heard it, they were all furious. In broad daylight, there is such a thing in the land of Datang?

"Should we take the wife back for him?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea. You don't need to retaliate for a fierce grudge, but if a woman is in the hands of a bully, I am afraid that Ye Changmeng will have many dreams!"

"It's settled, let's set off immediately, little sister, you lead us to save people!"

When Lu Xin heard this, these seemingly powerful people actually offered to save their mothers, and couldn't say anything excited.

She squatted on the ground and kept kowtow, even though the students couldn't persuade them to get up.

In the end, Liu Dameng hugged her and went down the mountain to save people.

Three days later, when Lu Yi woke up, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, huh?

"I really think that the child's mother is crazy, and there is a hallucination in front of me."

Lu Yi wiped his eyes, thinking with a sigh, how could his wife appear here after being snatched by the bully?

A burst of heartache struck him, and he bowed his head feebly. As expected, a man who had no ability could not even protect his wife.

Thinking of his wife as beautiful as a flower, I don’t know what kind of torture he will suffer from the bully!

In addition, the wife is a fierce woman, once she is humiliated, she will definitely be better than jade!

Thinking about it this way, he became even more frightened.

He must learn martial arts well and rescue his wife from the wolf den as soon as possible!

"Ayi, are you awake?"


Lu Yi was surprised to find that the phantom could still speak, and also brought tea to his mouth!

Moreover, that phantom is truly his wife!

what happened?

Am I crazy?

Could it be that the day and night of thinking and worrying has made oneself nervous, that's why hallucinations appear? !

"You drink tea, fool!"

That phantom was another sentence, with a gentle and angered language.

"The child's mother?"

Lu Yi stretched out his hand in disbelief, for fear that what he touched was just a phantom, which would break at the touch of a touch!

However, when he really touched the warm arm, he was even more surprised!

The woman in front of him, the mother of his child, turned out to be a living person!


The teacup was knocked to the ground by him, making a loud noise: "My wife, I am not dreaming, am I really you? How did you escape?"

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