With a kind smile on the face of Guanyin Bodhisattva, he kept nodding, "Yes, yes, you are all right!"

"But Bodhisattva, if there is no physical freedom, how can spiritual and ideological freedom come from? If people are imprisoned, how can they be equal to the Buddhas? Forcibly taking people away and detaining, this is the compassion of Buddhism?!"


This sentence came out like a gun, almost choking Guan Shiyin to death, she couldn't spit it out.

What, forcibly taking people away and detaining them, what does this mean--Jiangge? !

Dare to feel that your own affairs have not been resolved, and now you are going to stand out for others, are you tired of your life?

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva didn't want to kill him, because, after all, Buddhism focused on training him for so many years.

If it were not for the appearance of Gao Yang, he is still the best young talent in Buddhism!

It is still the head of the nine monks who have thoroughly studied Buddhist scriptures and thoroughly studied Buddhism!

All these guilt is Gao Yang!

Guanyin Bodhisattva glanced at Princess Gao Yang fiercely, his eyes were cold and fierce!

At this glance, it seemed to be a dead person!

Princess Gao Yang happened to look at her. She was shocked, and her hands trembled in secret live broadcast!

"Fogcao! Guanshiyin still has such a fierce side, looking at the look in the eyes just now, it seems to be a vicious person of the demon sect!"

"Will she act on these two people? After all, it is in Lingshan, after all, it is a ‘compassion’ Buddhism! She should have some scruples!"

"Will you not appreciate the viciousness and shame of Buddhism? Think about it, if it weren't for the Ksitigarbha king to read the book written by Mr. Qin Hao, I would have been deceived!"

In Princess Gao Yang's live broadcast room, the barrage is flying again, and people's attention is all on Guan Shiyin.

What will she do with these two people?

"Bodhisattva, please answer quickly, right?"

Monk Bianji was not afraid of death, so he asked again.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's expression of anger has changed. When all living beings see themselves worshipping and worshiping, they have boundless beliefs. When will they be so questioned!

And it's a straightforward questioning!

That expression and momentum, as if he had done something wrong!

Based on the dignity of Avalokitesvara, can you do bad things?

In other words, even if you do something wrong, will anyone say it without fear of death?

But today, there is!

Guan Shiyin stared at the monk Pianji with a gloomy expression, and said coldly: "Are you holding the injustice for Jiangge?"

Monk Pianji smiled: "For him, but also for me, and even more for the people in the world who are entrapped by your Buddhism!"

This sentence, like a boulder, hit the hearts of the viewers in the live broadcast room, and even more so!

"Presumptuous! How dare you run wild on Lingshan, this seat will let you know the lesson!"

As the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said, his body suddenly changed and became a different appearance.

She sat cross-legged on the lotus, clasped her palms together, and behind her back was a round Buddha light shining brightly against the sky.

Uh, what is this going to do!

Not to mention the monk debate machine, even the people watching the live broadcast, none of them can guess what she is going to do.

Suddenly, her palm stretched forward, and it turned into a giant palm that covered the sky and covered the sun, exuding golden light!

That giant palm covered more than half of the Lingshan Mountain, and the large Leiyin Temple seemed to be a marble in her hand.

"not good!"

Monk Jieji yelled, panicked and wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

Avalokitesvara’s giant palms fell slowly, like a black cloud pressing on top, and the air waves it brought up rolled, making the entire Lingshan sway!

Even the Tathagata Buddha in Da Leiyin Temple could feel the killing in the palm of his hand!


The big day Tathagata recites the Buddha's name and nods slightly. For those who disrespect Buddhism and the Bodhisattva, they should be killed!

His eyes are full of approval, and sure enough, he needs to give the world a warning!

Avalokitesvara's giant palm still fell. In the live broadcast room, the audience watched in amazement. They didn't know, her slap was photographed, and the monk was still dead!

Then, under everyone's stunned eyes, Guan Shiyin's giant palm finally fell!

This scene is very familiar, it was actually a copy of the King Ksitigarbha's filming of her!

She did it on purpose!

She admits!

Buddhism today has become a joke of the Three Realms, and her Guanshiyin has become a joke of the Three Realms!

At this moment, a defender who believed in Buddhism from a young age and was cultivated by Buddhism, turned out to be openly hard-hearted Avalokitesvara. One can imagine her anger and unwillingness!

If you don’t teach this kind of people a lesson, then the creatures in the Three Realms will definitely think Buddhism is good for bullying!

I think Buddhism is incompetent!

So, she just wanted to kill a hundred, just to show the monkey!

The entire Three Realms seemed to feel the powerful murderous aura, and even felt the awe-inspiring Buddha!

As if the earth was turned upside down, when everyone's brains were buzzing, the giant palm slapped Gao Yang!


When Princess Gao Yang disappeared in front of everyone in the live broadcast room, the mobile phone she used for live broadcast fell to the ground.

Fortunately, it was produced by the system, and it was not broken, and it was able to broadcast normally.

But what about Princess Goyang?

Just like this somehow disappeared under the giant palm of Guan Shiyin?

Even the debate at the scene was a little bit stunned. He didn't recover for a long time, let alone think of sadness!

Why didn't she kill herself?

She should have destroyed herself!

Or just let you live and die with Gao Yang, can't it?

Gao Yang——!

It took a long time before the eyes of the debate machine showed sadness and anger, as if it was waking up from a big dream!

Foggy grass Foggy grass! ! !

This scene is so familiar, this scene is so cruel!

"Where did Gao Yang go? Where did Guanshiyin Bodhisattva get her?"

"Isn't the monk who stubbornly attacked Guanyin just now? How come it was Gao Yang who was killed in a second?"

"This, although I know that Guanshiyin hates Gaoyang, that is after all the princess of Datang, the daughter of King Tang! It was so destroyed, have you ever considered the feelings of King Tang?"

"Mr. Qin Hao is a good brother of King Tang. Guan Shiyin hates him a long time ago, so how can he care about those? Besides, a little emperor, she doesn't care about it at all!"

"Next, what do you have to do with the opportunity to argue? Is it revenge for Gao Yang?"

In Gao Yang's mobile phone, the barrage in the live broadcast room was still flying, and the position where the mobile phone dropped was just right, facing the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

That face that was no longer merciful, fell in the eyes of everyone, especially ironic.



King Tang on the throne stood up abruptly, his daughter, the majestic princess, was shot to death like this?

He knew that Gao Yang could not drill out of the soil like Guanshiyin Bodhisattva.

After all, the little human immortal had no choice but to die against Guan Shiyin, who had no rivals under the quasi-sage!

He also didn't know what his daughter thought. He knew that he had a dead end, so he should go hard, or be with the monk Pianji!

Before that, what would it be to secretly let them go under the pressure of Buddhism!

"Big Brother!"

In a hurry, Wang Wang suddenly thought of Qin Hao, and immediately called his mobile phone.

"Brother, have you watched the live broadcast, Gao Yang is dead!"

Qin Hao: "······"

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