Although only the queen was standing in front of her, she was better than a large group of women just now, and Tang Seng stood there directly!

He could not describe his mood at this time, it was simply the biggest visual and sensory impact since birth!

No one, or no woman, can make him so gaffe, at this moment, he feels that his body is out of control!

He didn't want to watch.

But his eyes stared at the queen involuntarily and couldn't move it away!

He wanted to bow his head.

But his head was held uncontrollably, unable to move!

This feeling is really bad!

He is an eminent monk who has been baptized by Buddhism since he was a child.

The tulle moved slightly, and a quiet fragrance hit, and Tang Seng realized that the queen was already standing in front of him.

"Answer my question."

The tone is still faint, the expression is still faint, but it can't be avoided.

"This, the poor monk thinks, the poor monk thinks, the poor monk thinks..."

Repeated several poor monks again and again, and didn't tell me who was a mouse, but the sweat on his forehead kept dripping down.

"You mean it!"

The queen became a little impatient, Emei frowned, a trace of helplessness flashed in her bright eyes.


Tang Seng tried his best to calm his heart and soul, took a few deep breaths, and then said as calmly as possible: "Your Majesty, the poor monk is anxious to go to the west to learn the scriptures. He wants to change the customs as soon as possible, and can't stay too much!"


The queen was astonished. Could this person be a fool?

She looked at Tang Seng carefully and saw that his expression was very sincere, not like a fake, let alone a disguise.

"Ksitigarbha and Monkey King attacked Lingshan, Guanshiyin was beaten violently, and the Tathagata did not take a slight advantage. The introduction of Zhunti made a big joke! Buddhism at this time has become the talk of the Three Realms after dinner, and you actually paid it back. Thinking of going to learn the scriptures? Also, didn't you instigate Monkey King who attacked Lingshan?"

Not only did the queen think so, but in fact everyone in the Three Realms was so suspicious that Monkey King helped the Ksitigarbha King attack Lingshan, and Tang Seng must have signaled it behind him!

How else would he dare to do this as an apprentice?

Is there such a truth in the world, sincerely speaking to the Buddha, resolutely going through hardships to learn the scriptures, turning around but hitting Lingshan, shocking the world? !

If there is no support from Tang Seng, no one will believe it!

So, the queen just asked what everyone wanted to ask.

Tang Seng: "......"

This Nima is too wrong!

Ever since Monkey King came back from attacking Lingshan, Tang Sengdang hasn't done anything, but Wukong and Wukong are still calling, leading him on the way to learn the scriptures.

Its purpose is nothing more than to persist in learning from the experience!

After all, the monkey has an arrogant disposition, and it is unavoidable to do horrifying things in a moment.

Didn’t you fight the heavens back then?

Believe that he attacked Lingshan, it was also temporary, or was stimulated in some way.

I only need to take him to learn the scriptures, believing that Buddhism is boundless, and eventually he can annihilate his wildness.

Thinking this way, I felt relieved.

But at this moment, the queen unexpectedly proposed it---so embarrassing.

"In any case, it will not change the poor monk's determination to learn from the scriptures. So please pass the customs documents for the poor monk!"

Although a little lack of confidence, but he still said the bottom of his heart.

Although the Three Realms are laughing at Lingshan and Buddhism, his, Tang Seng, will never change his mind!



After extinguishing Gao Yang with a palm, Guan Shiyin obviously let out a sigh, and she slowly retracted the giant palm.

His eyes still looked at the debate machine coldly.

The defense machine was still in great shock and sorrow, and he couldn't recover. Before he came, he had thought about how Guan Shiyin would deal with him.

Maybe he will be imprisoned, just like Jiang Pavilion; maybe he will be thrown down Lingshan, just like the little novice who made mistakes before.

But I didn't expect that Guanyin Bodhisattva would openly slaughter!

Princess Goyang’s mobile phone is still live!

This is an open murder in front of the three interfaces, in front of the people of the world!

Greed, hatred and delusion, the three poisons have been committed; and now, do you even commit murder without any scruples?

Although he knew that Buddhism had completely stopped pretending, and Guanyin had completely stopped playing compassion, it was too cruel!

Last time, Buddhism still signaled to Li Shimin that he hoped to use Li Shimin's hand to kill the debate machine and Gao Yang. After all, it was killing people with a knife. Buddhism can still pretend to be innocent.

However, now, don't you need this layer of fig leaf?

Buddhism, which reveals the true nature of the heart, is really terrifying!

"What crime did Gao Yang commit? You actually killed her!"

The defense machine didn't realize it, he was yelling, he was yelling!

"As a Bodhisattva, you always speak of great mercy and compassion, and you are so compassionate, so you are so compassionate, and so are you? Killing a creature with your hand is as simple as killing an ant. This is Buddhism. All beings are equal?"

Word by word, like the sound of a Buddha bell ringing, deeply pierced everyone!

Guan Shiyin thought that if she killed Gao Yang, she would frighten the defender and prevent him from talking nonsense.

Unexpectedly, he did not compromise, did not fear, but was even more crazy!

Avalokitesvara in white suddenly grew countless arms, and countless hands grew on the countless arms, with an eye in each hand.

Then her face was solemn and solemn, and her eyes were staring directly at the monk Jing Ji!

As if looking at a poor bug!

A bug that can be pinched to death at any time!

Guanyin Bodhisattva has thirty-three forms, and she deliberately used the most eye-catching form, Avalokitesvara with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes, to show off her majesty!

Seeing her with a thousand hands growing all over her body, with a single eye in each hand, the monk Jingji knew that this was the method known as Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes!

"Dare to disrespect Buddhism, you are damned!"

With a scream of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, at this moment, the surrounding mountains and the earth shook together, and her whole body radiated a great light that exceeded the sun and the moon.


The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned. This rare Guanyin method is really cool!

Although in front of the Ksitigarbha King, a batch of her spicy chicken was slapped into the soil, and shamelessly gathered in a group to fight, but it was only because the quasi-sage was against the strong!

Its own strength is tyrannical, and in the entire Three Realms, there are not many that can be compared with it!

"The reason why Buddhism is developing rapidly is that it has a faint momentum to surpass Daomen. In addition to the great day Tathagata sitting in town, this Guanshiyin Bodhisattva is also true and tangible!"

"Yes, the Great Sage also raised his cultivation base because he was rewarded with a good voice. In addition to being a giant ape, he could be worthy of a battle with Guanshiyin. Otherwise, where is the ability to compete!"

"I don't dare to imagine that if Mr. Qin Hao doesn't admire Buddhism and allows Buddhism to develop rapidly, who else can be besides Buddhism, the largest sect in these three realms?"

"I believe all of what you said, but I want to know how she would treat the monk Jieji? After all, Jieji is a monk. Although he often talks about Buddhism, she is still half of her own person, right?"

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