Journey to the West: I Am Entertaining in the Great Tang

Chapter 1243: Amoy the second generation

Yujing playground.

The person in charge Ma Feng flew over and vowed to catch this little fox cub.

But when he came, the little fox flew up and was already in the air.

He laughed and cast a spell on the Ferris wheel. The fast-turning Ferris wheel suddenly swayed from side to side. Then, it came towards the ground and was about to fall.

The little demons on the Ferris wheel screamed, their faces as earthy.

Although they are all capable of cultivation, they are also afraid!

In this case, who is not afraid?

Some little demon with a high cultivation base jumped directly from the Ferris wheel, while others clung to the ground, hoping to jump again when they were closer to the ground.

The playground immediately became a disaster site of panic and panic, with a weird atmosphere everywhere.

The initiator of all this, the little fox cub looked at it with relish, and laughed louder.

Seeing that the Ferris wheel is about to fall, fortunately, the ground has been vacated, and there will be no casualties.

However, if such a huge and heavy Ferris wheel falls on the ground, it will definitely smash into a big pit!

It is difficult to say whether a cave-in will occur!

This is the first time a playground disaster has occurred in the Yujing Demon City. This kind of thing is generally not even thought of, because there will be accidents in the place where the quasi-sage is sitting?

That's really strange.

"One by one!"

Where Axiang's voice is heard, she blames herself! If you just stop the child from coming over, won't you encounter such a danger?

Eleven's grandmother was also anxious. The reason for her confidence was based on her reassurance of Mr. Qin Hao, but now, such an accident has happened!

"Hurry up and call back one by one, the Ferris wheel is down, and a cave-in will happen!"

"One by one, come back quickly and stay away from the Ferris wheel!"

One is a mortal child, without any cultivation base, in the face of danger, nothing can be done!

It would be terrible if you were to take your own life!

For this family, Eleven was originally the only pillar of life. If he had an accident, Axiang and her mother-in-law would definitely not be able to survive.

Both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law ran over here.

However, no matter how shocked people are, no matter how panicked the little monsters, everything that should happen will still happen, and what should fall will still fall.

The ferris wheel is falling down very fast, and it will touch the ground in no time!

And one by one was stunned, standing still, looking at the Ferris wheel motionlessly, pressing down from the top of his head!

"One by one!"

Because he was so young, people did not see him.

At this moment, the Ferris wheel has been pressed down, and it is too late to rescue.

If it is hit, it will definitely become a meatloaf!

Axiang yelled desperately, feeling black before her eyes and fainted directly.


As soon as the Ferris wheel touched the ground, a huge phantom palm supported the Ferris wheel and stopped steadily half a meter away from the ground.

There is only one centimeter away from the top of one's head.

! !

Foggy grass!

Who is this!

It's amazing to be able to hold the Ferris wheel!

Yes, this Ferris wheel is taller than a building, and it weighs heavier than a building, so someone can hold it with one hand!

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, a faint figure appeared behind the huge palm.

Mr. Qin Hao!


But immediately, they reacted. It may be difficult for ordinary little monsters like them, but for Mr. Qin Hao, it is simply a breeze!

Of course, this scene has a huge impact on the children.

All the playing kids stopped and stared at the figure in the sky blankly.

Some little girls have their eyes blooming with brilliance, as if they have seen peerless heroes!

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Qin Hao's giant palm slowly lifted the Ferris wheel to restore it to its original state.

Then, the phantom giant palm slowly dissipated in the air!

"Thank you Mr. Qin Hao for his life-saving grace!"

"Yes, if it weren't for Mr. Qin Hao to show up in time, then the child might suffer..."

People discussed, watching Qin Hao slowly landing in awe and admiration.

Qin Hao smiled slightly, very gentle, he wandered in front of one by one, bent down and said, "My kid, are you okay?"

All of them were shocked, and the whole mind was stunned.

Hearing someone's question at this moment, he looked up, at a loss in his big ignorant eyes.

"I, I'm fine."

"Well, it's fine."

Qin Hao raised his head and looked into the air. That fox cub was the one who caused this incident.

"Come down."

The majestic voice, with irresistible resoluteness, looked at him with a pair of cold eyes.

The little fox shivered for no reason, his eyes narrowed, and he dared not look at Qin Hao.

"I'll say it again, come down!"


The fox cub hesitated, after all he moved and fell to the ground from mid-air.

He lowered his head, afraid to look at Qin Hao's eyes.

"Why did you come to the Yujing Demon City to make trouble?"

"I, I didn't!"

The little fox didn't dare to look at his mouth any more, he looked around, then turned around and was about to run away!

But some women appeared in the back, some were very old and some were very young and beautiful.

It was Grandma, Xiao Qian and others.

"Take him away!"

Qin Hao gave a command, and then he saw one by one, and also saw the fainted Axiang and her mother-in-law.

"I didn't expect you to come too!"

Back in the Hexi Corridor, Qin Hao and the grandmother who couldn't eat with the whole family ordered a large amount of spices, and then sold them to people who needed spices through the Three Realms Taobao.

This business alone not only allowed the old woman and her family to worry about food and clothing, but also became the richest person in the area.

He had wanted to visit his grandma a long time ago, but he was busy with his work and was unable to spare time.

Seeing them in Yujing Demon City at this moment, Qin Hao was overjoyed.

Now that he is here, Qin Hao naturally wants to do his best as a landlord. He ordered people to carry Axiang on his back, and then invited grandma and one by one to come to his residence.

The mansion in Yujing Demon City is decorated in a very simple atmosphere, with mystery everywhere.

As soon as he came back, grandma came to report:

"After interrogation, I have now figured out the identity of the little fox cub, who turned out to be the child of the bull demon king and the jade-faced fox."

"No wonder it's so naughty and so tricky! It turned out to be their child."

Amoy the second generation!

Qin Hao nodded, not letting him go first, and when the immortal product press conference was over, he called the old cow and told him to speak.

However, grandma was embarrassed to report that the little fox cub kept going home. He couldn't persuade him, and he couldn't beat or scold him, so I asked Qin Hao to deal with it.

Qin Hao didn't feel in the mood to answer him, just said: "Let's go with him, get ready for tomorrow's fairy product release!"

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