"Transformation Pill, I have heard of it, but although this thing is magical, the process is extremely painful. Are you sure you need this thing?"

On the way, Monkey King asked curiously.

The reason why Pill of Transformation is such a name is because everyone who eats this thing will undergo earth-shaking changes.


If a mortal eats it, he will thoroughly wash his essence, change his bones, and change his own destiny. The process is very painful!

But if the Yaozu eats it, it will transform into the way he most wants to become. For the Yaozu, it is a bit similar to the transformation pill.

It's just that if the Yaozu eats it, it is tantamount to molting, and it is still an extremely painful molting!

Now, the scorpion spirit actually needs this thing?

"Yeah, I really need it, I need to become a human race!"

Scorpion Jing nodded, his eyes full of admiration when he looked at Tang Sanzang.

For Tang Sanzang, she can choose to change the adult race, not by the art of change, but by becoming a human race!

Hearing this, the masters and apprentices were all silent.

Usually, although they know that Xie Zijing likes their own masters, they can even be regarded as half a master, but in fact, they know that it is simply impossible!

Because of this life, Tang Sanzang is a human!

It is even a Buddhist monk who believes in Buddhism, marrying a wife and having children, that simply does not exist!

Even Zhu Bajie quarreled with Xie Zijing many times.

But now after hearing the words of Scorpion Jing, he fell silent.

Because, from the bottom of his heart, he admires such people, dares to love and hate, for the people he likes, he can become another race!

At least, he only dared to drink and be bold!


Zhu Bajie sighed faintly, he is also a pig with only stories!

A group of people who learn from the scriptures, go back the same way!

And the purpose this time, they are no longer for learning, but for elixir!


Yujing Mountain!

At this time, the show has just ended, and the audience's excitement has calmed down.

However, what surprised everyone was that they discovered that it was not Red Boy who came on stage this time, but was replaced by Taibai Jinxing.

"Everyone, the old lady is too platinum, so I won't introduce more, because the red boy doesn't know much about pill, so the second half will be hosted by the old lady!"

Taibai Jinxing said with a smile.

Everyone nodded in understanding, Hong Hai'er didn't understand the pill, it was normal, after all, the pill was from the heaven, and Taibai Jinxing was also the **** of the heaven, there was nothing wrong with him presiding over it.

"The pill press conference is the same as the flat peach. You don't need to spend money to get the pill, and the way to get the flat peach is just a kind person!"

"So, what do you think is the way to get the elixir?"

Taibai Jinxing looked at the audience under the stage and said with a smile.

Everyone suddenly became interested.

Heavenly Court pays attention to good people. Most of them are still very happy. As for those who are unhappy, they must pretend to be happy because it is Heavenly Court!

But the way to get the elixir...

Everyone was a little confused for a while.

"You said, what is the way to get the elixir?"

"I think it should be qualifications, after all, Heavenly Court must value talents!"

"It's not necessarily. I think it should be someone who has studied Taoism!"

There was a lot of discussion, and most people began to guess.

Even some wealthy people are even more impressed. If this is the case, they won't get it.

In terms of good people, most of the rich and noble people are not considered good people, only a small part of them are good people.

However, aptitude, this thing is very mysterious, except for the gods in the heavenly court, maybe even they themselves don't know their aptitude.

"Everyone, it seems that you didn't get it right!"

Taibai Jinxing has been listening quietly on the stage, although his voice is messy, but to him, it is clear.

"Now, the old man is here to announce that the requirement to obtain the elixir is also very simple, that is filial piety!"

Taibai Jinxing said with a serious face: "Only people with filial piety can get the elixir!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was upset.

"What? It's filial piety?"

"Well, that should be the case. Since ancient times, people with deep filial piety can even become officials, so Heaven's attention to filial piety is right."

"Haha, I am a very filial person, this time, I will definitely get the elixir!"

After hearing that the method of obtaining the elixir was actually filial piety, some people were happy and some were worried.

Although Journey to the West is a mythical world, it is still ancient. Here, filial piety is greater than the sky!

Even the emperor did not dare to be unfilial, because this would be spurned by the heavens and the earth, and even more disgusted by the gods!

The reason is very simple. Except for a small number of gods who are innate gods, there is no father or mother, and most of the gods have fathers and mothers.

Who doesn't like filial piety?

Even in true ancient times, it was normal for a person with great filial piety to become an official of the court!

"Okay, next, we start screening!"

Taibai Jinxing waved his hand and officially started.

No one doubts whether the heaven can be tested, because good people have a way to verify the authenticity, let alone test filial piety.

Under the stage, Red Boy looked at the stage going on, very boring.

For him, this kind of show is very boring, after all, he does not need any elixir, no way, he is a rich second generation of demon.

"Forget it, I'll go out and find others to play with!"

Hong Haier looked around and found that everyone was paying attention to the stage at this time and didn't care about him, so he turned around and left.

And not long after he left, an old man riding a blue ox slowly came into the sky, this old Zheng, it is the great old gentleman!

"Is there a show being held?"

Looking at the bustling Yujing Mountain, Taishang Laojun murmured in a low voice. He knew about it, but he didn't care too much.

If it were in the past, this kind of fresh play is naturally very attractive, but now, with the changes of the times, it seems that it is not too surprising.

It's a bit fresh at best.

"Hmph, do you think that if the Saint Tongtian is here, Pang Dao won't ask you to settle accounts?"

"Wrong, so wrong!"

Taishang Laojun glanced slightly, and suddenly realized that there were many saints here, groaned, and landed slowly.

"Hey, Madam, why are you free to come to my Yujingshan to play?"

Qin Hao raised his head and asked with a smile.

The arrival of Taishang Laojun did not arouse the attention of others. If Taishang Laojun didn't want to, it would be impossible for anyone to discover his existence except for those in the world!

"I have seen a saint!"

Laojun Taishang looked at Qin Hao as if nothing had happened, rolled his eyes, and bowed his hands to Tongtian.

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