"System, check the progress of the task!"

In the bookstore, Qin Hao sat on a chair and said in his heart.

"Ding, the progress is currently completed, 59%, and it is continuing to increase!"

The system gave an answer quickly.

"Check the causal value!"

"Ding, I currently have a causal value, 150,000!"

When Qin Hao heard this number, he nodded in satisfaction. Now he and the Buddhist gods and gods of the heavenly court basically have cause and effect, but it is not deep enough now.

"Well, A Chinese Ghost Story will be released in six days, and the novel is also being updated continuously. This is a stable income, but currently only forums can let everyone chat together. In the case of group chats, there are still too few!"

Qin Hao murmured in a low voice.

The main reason is the lack of entertainment, the real one!

"System, develop a small game, fight the landlord, it is best to modify the recharge mobile phone fee, like Qb, can directly exchange money, recharge in. In addition, develop a software similar to news to collect this world Big data and big news."

"Ding, developing Doudizhu and modifying the recharge function requires 20,000 causal values."

"Ding, collecting big news and big data on Journey to the West is very expensive and requires one hundred thousand causal values!"

Qin Hao was also slightly shocked when he heard this number, too much!

This simply rounds out all the causal value of oneself, but this kind of news is really worth it, paying attention to the general trend of the world, this is a must for any creature, and it is also a continuous income!

"Develop it, after the development is complete, release the software directly!"

Qin Hao pondered for a moment, waved his big hand, and ordered.

"Ding Dong!"

At this moment, the phone rang and looked down, it turned out to be Monkey King.


Monkey King: "Brother, I didn't expect you to have such a big background? I won't say that the Heavenly Sage is your master, but the moral **** can do it for you?"

Seeing this passage, Qin Hao gave a wry smile, do you think I want to?

He would rather be the leader of Tongtian, but the saint's hit is a random choice, and there is no way to control it! He is still a little worried now, whether the moral heaven will ask him to settle accounts.

"What else is there?"

Qin Hao didn't want to say more on this topic.

"That's it. According to what you said, we deliberately slowed down. We have already met the little white dragon. Now we have just left Xifan Hami, what will happen next? You tell my grandson, let me Be mentally prepared."

Monkey King typed over. In the biography of Wukong, it only recorded about five of their masters and apprentices. He didn't know much about the other information.

"Xifan Hami?"

Qin Hao frowned and thought about it, then he suddenly felt.

"Next, you will go to a Jiaozui Guanyin Temple, where there is a snobbery host, and a black bear spirit, but the black bear spirit is very good, but a pity..."

Having said this, Qin Hao paused, and a smile flashed in his eyes. He knew that the Tathagata had given Guan Shiyin three hoops at the beginning. The original intention was for Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, and Monk Sha, but those two guys were very honest, only Monkey King. Jump too much.

In addition, the words of the Tathagata are not clear, so Guan Shiyin directly left the other two hoops, and finally brought them to the black bear spirit and the red boy.

In the past life, it can be understood as corruption!

"Black bear spirit, I should take part in it, how can I cheap Guanyin woman?"

Qin Hao murmured, now that the Tathagata is seriously injured, he doesn't believe it, and Guanyin dared to face him head-on.

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