Journey to the West: I Am Entertaining in the Great Tang

Chapter 1277: My dad doesn't believe it

Little kid: "......"

After hearing this, the kid's face was obviously stiff, and he stared at Red Boy dumbfounded.

Listening to the conversation between the two, whether it was Qin Hao, Nezha or Roaring Sky Dog, they were all very interested.

What's so special here than the background?

To tell the truth, in this world, Red Boy's background is really not that strong. Almost nine out of ten people can't compare to his background.

Because a Stygian leader speaks for everything.

The most important thing is that the leader of the Styx has no sons, only a pearl in his palm. It can be said that the red boy was born with a golden key. If he fights his background, he is really not afraid of anyone.

"Big Brother......"

The little boy reacted for a long time before he recovered, looked at the red boy cautiously, and let out a soft cry.

"Hmph, do you know what place this is? Yujing Mountain! Here is where you can run wild too?"

Hearing the words Big Brother, Hong Hai'er's face twitched slightly, and then he snorted coldly before reaching out and grabbing the little kid.

"Go back with me, you have caused such a big disaster, you must go back and talk about it!"

Regardless of Xiong's resistance, Hong Haier grabbed it, nodded to Qin Hao, and turned away.

"Hey, it's interesting!"

Qin Hao looked at the backs of the four leaving, thoughtfully, and didn't know if the Bull Demon King would be killed.

Of course, there must be nothing wrong with Red Boy and Little Kid.

After all, Princess Iron Fan and Master Stygian, even if they don't like them, they have to pinch their noses to recognize them, and they won't embarrass a kid.

But this guy, the Bull Devil, may not be better.


Flame Mountain!

"Hey, my son, he's really getting more and more prosperous recently. As expected, Mr. Qin Hao, as long as he is by his side, he can grow up!"

Princess Iron Fan sat on the chair with a gentle smile on her face.

"Yes, madam, think about that bastard. I used to know that I played with those little fairies every day, and I didn't know anything, but now I know how to behave more and more!"

The Bull Demon pressed his wife's leg, and said with a doggy smile.

If it spread out, no one might believe that the demon king of the dignified Taiyi Golden Immortal is actually in this position in the family.

"Hmph, of course, don't look at whose son this is!"

Princess Tiefan snorted coldly, her exquisite face was proud, and then she said: "In recent years, children have grown up faster and faster. As a dad, you should also pay attention to some images and don't leave anything to your children. Good impression."

"Especially that vixen!"

Speaking of that vixen, Princess Iron Fan's face was a bit ugly.

"Yes, yes, Madam is right, I will pay attention to it in the future, and I definitely won't have anything to do with that vixen!"

The Cow Devil's eyes rolled around, but his face was sincere.

"Hehe, I can't see it!"

However, at this moment, a sneer suddenly appeared and interrupted the conversation between the couple.

Listening to these mocking words, whether it was the Bull Demon King or the Iron Fan Princess, his expression suddenly changed and he looked towards the door.

I saw that at the door, my child stood with a cold face and a gloomy and scary face.

"Child, what are you?"

Princess Tiefan frowned unchecked, and asked in surprise.

"You have to ask me this dad!"

Hong Hai'er grabbed the bear boy and sneered: "This guy my father must be familiar! Don't you know, this guy is very courageous!"

"It was almost killed in Yujing Mountain. If it weren't for Mr. Qin Hao's kindness and not to care about children, he might have died long ago!"

The words that followed, Princess Iron Fan and Bull Demon King did not listen. The moment they saw the child, they felt the blood!

The expression on the Cow Devil's face has obviously changed a lot, from being at a loss at the beginning, to being puzzled, and finally shocked.

In a short moment, the expression is so wonderful, it is simply the ancestor who changed his face.

However, when Princess Iron Fan saw this bear child, her expression had not changed!

Gloomy as water!

She is not a fool, she can tell at a glance that this kid has a lot to do with the Bull Demon King!


When the bear child saw the Bull Demon King, his eyes lit up, and he quickly shouted.

"Ha ha!"

The Bull Demon suddenly recovered, and smiled awkwardly, especially with a pair of small eyes, and looked at his wife, Princess Iron Fan.

However, seeing Princess Iron Fan's gloomy face, the Bull Demon suddenly fought a cold war.

"This kid is pretty cute!"

"Yes, it is really cute, but I think you are more cute!"

Princess Iron Fan smiled softly at Hong Hai'er: "Child, you take this child away first, there is something for my mother to discuss with your father!"

"it is good!"

Hong Haier gave the Bull Demon a fierce look, then grabbed the bear and turned and left.


The two children had just left, and the Bull Demon King knelt on the ground without saying a word.

That's a crisp and neat, without the slightest sloppyness!

Although I am a tough guy, I am not afraid of heaven and earth, but I am not afraid, but only respect and love for my wife!

After all, I am a big man, can I still care about my wife?

After the bull devil knelt down, he secretly said in his heart, this is his last comfort to himself!

It is also his last stubbornness!

"Haha, Xiang Gong, don't you want to explain?"

Princess Iron Fan watched the Bull Demon kneel down, and smiled coldly, her tone cold.

"This....... If I say, I don't know, do you believe it or not?"

The Bull Demon said cautiously, in fact, he really didn't know at all!

For the sudden appearance of this bear child, he was not mentally prepared at all!

"Haha, do you think I believe it or not? Of course, it is not a question of whether I believe it or not, but a question of whether my father believes it or not!"

Princess Iron Fan sneered: "Just now I was thinking of letting you be a father and setting a good example. As a result, your son caught your illegitimate child outside. I was so disappointed in you!"

"Don't, ma'am, let us take care of our husband and wife's affairs by ourselves. Why bother with my husband? Are you right?"

The Cow Devil's face changed wildly, and he said quickly.

"Ha ha!"

Princess Tiefan sneered, then took out the phone and dialed instantly.

"Father, someone bullied your girl, the dead cow, who actually had an illegitimate child outside, is too much, I can't live it!"

Princess Tiefan had a sad tone, as if she was heartbroken and didn't want to live anymore.

"What are you talking about? That **** thing!"

On the other side of the phone, after hearing this, the Stygian Master directly exploded.

He couldn't believe that his ears, his daughter, was actually bullied by the Bull Demon King?

Who gave him the courage?

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