When Wang Xiaohu walked into the room, his eyes widened instantly!

Because it's so beautiful!

The first thing that catches the eye is the bright glass window and the tree-lined woods outside the window.

Under the cover of greenery, the room looks more elegant and clean.

Two large comfortable beds are placed side by side by the window.

The bed was covered with clean white sheets, spotlessly clean, and neatly stacked bedding.

In addition, in the bright room, there is a full set of furniture.

Sofas, TVs, tables and chairs, cabinets, drinking fountains, even air conditioners and wardrobes!

There are everything that should be equipped for living facilities.

Although he is a child, he can distinguish clearly. The specifications of this room are really quite good.

It can be seen that Taizong Li Shimin is determined and must vigorously develop the scale of the college!

Therefore, even if you lose money, you must also do a good job of hardware facilities!

You can live in such a good room with just a couple of dollars. It can be called a luxurious room, which Wang Xiaohu never dreamed of.

He has very few things with him, just a small cloth bag with a few coarse cloth clothes for washing.

Opening the closet, Wang Xiaohu wanted to put those pieces of clothes in, however, he found out!

There are several new clothes in it!


Stacked neatly!


Wang Xiaohu reached out and touched it. It was so comfortable to the touch that you could feel the comfort of the clothes without wearing them.

He picked up one of the blue clothes, which was a coat with the words printed on it: "The First College of Tang Dynasty!"


Isn't this the name of the college?

Why is it printed on the clothes?

However, this blue is really beautiful. For Wang Xiaohu, there is no other color except gray clothes.

Whose dress is this?

Wang Xiaohu's hands trembled a little. He was still a child, and he had no self-control when he saw something he liked!

Can't blame him!

Who made him never wear such beautiful clothes!

Untie the coarse cloth with trembling hands, then take it off...


Just when he was about to put on his new blue clothes!

The door opened suddenly!

A group of people walked in mightily!

Then, a dark and naked body came into their eyes!

What's the matter, someone in the academy does color? !


Journey to the west.

Although the Westward Journey World has changed too much because of Qin Hao's appearance; although the gods and people in the Three Realms have also undergone great changes as a result, it can even be said that the changes are earth-shaking.

However, the journey to the west is still going on.

Because there is a man who has always been unswervingly unchanging his original intention, and insisted on going to the West Lingshan to learn from the experience.

This person is Tang Seng!

After the immortal product press conference in Yujing Demon City, Tang Seng took three apprentices, cough cough, and a woman who had successfully transformed into form, and embarked on the path of learning the Buddhist scriptures again.

The original learning team was a bunch of pure men.

Although there are monkeys, pigs, and dragon horses, in a strict sense, they are all monsters.

Those who can be transformed are men, there is no inconvenience between each other.

On the way to learn the scriptures, most of them are in the wilderness. Eating and drinking in the wild is nothing, and there is no inconvenience for pooping and sleeping in the wild.

However, with the addition of a female scorpion spirit, a thing that was originally a fairy, it was very different.

After all, she is a pure girl!


At the Fairy Product Press Conference, the scorpion essence got a transforming pill, and he swallowed it directly into his stomach without delay.

Then, after experiencing a lot of pain, she broke away from her original fairy face!

She used to be glamorous, but there was always a demon.

And that kind of evil spirit is what Tang Seng dislikes most!

After all, he is an eminent monk who is dedicated to the Buddha and wants to cultivate a righteous fruit!

However, the current scorpion sperm has become a human being.

If it was just an ordinary person, Tang Seng would not feel embarrassed. After all, it was acceptable for a female donor.

He is a man of measure.

However, the scorpion sprite became a voluptuous, very sexually daring woman.

To describe it as charming and enchanting is not excessive at all!

If Fairy Chang'e is a transcendent beauty, and the daughter king is a graceful beauty, then the scorpion essence is a charming beauty!

Taking such a woman to learn from the scriptures, Tang Seng just thought about it, and big drops of sweat appeared on his forehead!

This thing too tests people's will!

The Tang Seng now is no longer the dumb and stupid Tang Seng a long time ago. Under Qin Hao's guidance, he has also seen through many things.

The catastrophes on the way to learn the scriptures are all brought out by Buddhism, and the monsters who come to stop the learning of the scriptures also come to cultivate merit.

The catastrophe of the daughter country is a test of her female sex.

The meaning of this scorpion sperm is the same.

Tang Seng began to question his initial decision, and took her to learn from her experience, whether it was wrong.

After all, it is extremely inconvenient to get along day and night and sleep all the way.

What's more, there are still problems in that area.

"Female donor!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Tang Seng spoke embarrassedly.

Scorpion Jing becomes a real woman as he wishes, pay attention, is a woman in the true sense!

Satisfied, she strengthened that idea even more.

In the past, she was a fairy, and she could shamelessly **** Tang Seng into the fairy cave and force him to marry herself.

Doesn't feel blushing at all.

But now, she was a little shy and reserved, especially in front of Tang Seng.

Because she is a real, human woman.

It's no different from the king of the daughter country!

"Brother Yu, are you calling me something?"

An imperial brother not only made Tang Seng cold all over, he directly fought a cold war.

Even the Monkey King and Drifting behind him were stunned, their goose bumps all over!

Only Zhu Bajie's reaction was not so strong, because his heart has been completely captured by the beauty of the scorpion essence!

To him, Scorpion's every move is a heart-stringing action. His response is apart from the ups and downs of a pig's heart!

There is no other reaction!

Even that "Brother Yu" made him a little sour.

However, Tang Seng is his master, and Xie Zijing has always been devoted to Tang Seng, and he is also half of his wife.

What can he do?

I can only swallow the jealousy secretly and watch the scorpion spirit quietly, with that enchanting smile and every move.

"Uh, female benefactor, you are still like Wukong and others, call me Master. After we come out of the Jade City Demon City, you will be transformed into a successful person and you will no longer be a fairy. For this, the poor monk wants to congratulate you!"


Xie Zijing's eyes were even more meaningful. She looked at Tang Seng with joy and shyness, her handsome face flashed with inexplicable emotions in her heart!

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