In the Datang Theater at this time, there was no sound, and everyone's gasping was inaudible.

Quiet, it's too quiet!

All the people, all the attention is drawn to the movie!

Including Master Tongtian!

The next plot is even more tense.

After easily killing the kidnapper and escaping, Lucy went to the hospital to take out the special bag of hers.

From the doctor's mouth, Lucy learned the principle and side effects of the drug.

Feeling that her abilities were endlessly powerful, Lucy returned to Mr. Zhang's hotel, grabbed him, killed the bodyguard, and obtained information about the location of the other three carriers from Mr. Zhang's brain.

In order to learn more about the special items in her body, Lucy contacted Professor Samuel Norman, who may hold the key to preventing Lucy from being killed by drugs.

Can Lucy's destiny be changed?

The hearts of the audience were entangled with Lucy's fate again.

If this woman died like this, it would be too pitiful.

"Apprentice, this way..."

Master Tongtian pointed to the screen, the poor and respectable woman, wanted to ask something, but couldn't tell her name.

"Lucy, Master."

"Ah, this Lucy, will she die, with such a strong ability, will she not die?"

"Well, Master, you'll know when you look at it slowly."

The master and apprentice were talking quietly. At this time, the audience was silent, because the plot had a new change...

Because Qin Hao had already reviewed the plot several times, the only audience in the audience was him, and his mind was not on the movie.

He is thinking about one thing.

Now, children can practice radio gymnastics through the method of collective training in the academy; young people can dance square dance through the forced method of Tang Wang and the workshop owners.

There is no problem with these people's brain training.

However, some people, or even a large number of people, have not been able to participate in cultivation.

That's the part of people in their 30s and 40s.

Although in previous lives, these people are the mainstays of society and people's needs, and they are young and powerful working class.

To be precise, it can only be regarded as a middle-aged person, but in the ancient mortal world, the age of thirty or forty is considered to be an old person, because most men of this age group call themselves old men. Although Journey to the west is full of aura, this is not the case. Unchanged.

After all, when you are a teenager, you will be a father. Is there anything wrong with claiming that the old man is wrong?

Qin Hao thought, how can we bring these people together so that they can also cultivate their brains?

These people can't go to the college to study collectively, and the workshop owner can't force it, because they are no longer working.

They usually cook at home and bring their grandchildren and grandchildren to support them forever.


This is really troublesome!

With a headache, he frowned and took out his mobile phone. Suddenly, he thought of something.

When I went to the upper part of the theater to meet the two aunts, what was the Saint Nuwa wearing?

The soft fabric, the design of Low Moon Hungarian, and the symbolic white lace!

What is the color?

Qin Hao squinted his eyes slightly, and with a movement of his mind, the sage Nuwa above the theater appeared in front of him.

She was looking down nervously, Qin Hao knew that she was watching a movie.

Even the melon seeds in my hand have forgotten to chant!

See it clearly!

She was wearing a pink short skirt, with her white lotus feet exposed outside, casually draped on the colorful clouds.

These are not the point, the point is, she is wearing a nightdress!

Foggy grass!

Qin Hao finally knew what was wrong, this lovely sister-in-law, was watching a movie in her pajamas?

Taking out his cell phone, he immediately sent a WeChat message: "Auntie, you are so beautiful today!"

Sage Nuwa was originally watching the movie nervously, but when he heard the mobile phone prompt, he looked down, and it turned out to be Qin Hao.

Seeing him boasting about his beauty, Nuwa's face suddenly showed a bright smile.

"My dear, when is your sister-in-law not beautiful?"

Qin Hao: "······"

It's also, Qin Hao is speechless for this sister-in-law. He doesn't know how many years the old woman has lived, but she is becoming more and more fashionable and daring to wear it more and more.

Coupled with the immortal face of the immortal, if you don't know, someone who says she is a teenager will believe it.

This is what makes the older the better!

"Yes, yes, sister-in-law is very beautiful every day...!"

Pretty like an old fairy!

Qin Hao added a word in his heart.

"You **** complimented me inexplicably. Isn't there something going on? Tell me if you have something to say!"

This movie was so exciting, Qin Hao baffled and praised him inexplicably. According to Nuwa's understanding of him, it must not be a vain boast.


Qin Hao thanked the aunt for her mercy, and did not say the second half.

"Auntie, your skirt is very beautiful, but it seems to be..."

Qin Hao hesitated, embarrassed to say.

"What does it seem to be?"

Nu Wa looked down at her skirt, pink, silk-embroidered white lace, but also showing the delicate collarbone, how beautiful!

Look at the fabric of the skirt, it is soft and comfortable, and it is cool and refreshing on the body, as if it is your own skin!

Is there a problem with this skirt?


This is the dress that Nuwa chose for several days on Taobao in the Three Realms!

You know, in the sky one day on the ground for a year, Nuwa spent a few days to choose, if it is in the mortal world, it will take several years to choose!

How could there be a problem with the skirt that was chosen so carefully?

Under repeated questioning by the Saint Nuwa, Qin Hao summoned his courage and said, "Auntie, you are wearing a nightdress!"

"Night skirt? What is night skirt?"

"I wear it while sleeping at home! Generally speaking, this kind of skirt is more comfortable, but it is also shorter and thinner!"

Qin Hao patiently explained.

He almost said bluntly, Auntie, the skirt you are wearing is too revealing!

Fortunately, your old man is in the auspicious clouds. If you come to the Datang Theater, you will be fascinated by it!

"Oh, I thought what was going on, isn't it just thin and short, I don't think it is!"

Qin Hao: "······"

My sister-in-law, do you know that you are the woman who has left me speechless the most times!

"I didn't mean that, sister-in-law, I mean, your age doesn't match the dress you chose!"

Pink, low-moon Hungarian costume, and barefoot, is this still alive?

"Hey, what's going on with you, brat today, this is how you wear this seat, do you dare to control this seat?"

The Sage Nuwa was a bit annoyed, and I said it all.

The implication is that if you are talking nonsense, I will beat you up.

This posture is very fierce!

"No, Auntie, I'm really doing it for you. If you don't believe me, you wander around the mortal world in a skirt to see if everyone says it looks good or not?"

"Why don't you have a gamble of the century?"

Saint Nuwa's face is full of confidence, she doesn't believe it, this mortal person has the same aesthetic problems as Qin Hao?

"Bet, how much?"

Century has gambled, and it is probably indispensable.

However, now Qin Hao can be said to be the richest person in the Three Realms, no matter how much Nuwa bets, he is not afraid!

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