"You foodies, you know the persimmons on the mountain, let's see if the Great Sage can win!"

"Hahaha! This is a good idea. It can also help the surrounding villagers to get rich!"

Barrage flew up in the live broadcast room, and netizens were asking Zhu Bajie to sell persimmons.

Some people even suggested that they should set off to Qijue Mountain and pick them with their own hands!

Zhu Bajie continued the live broadcast: "You have also seen this red phosphorus boa constrictor in the red cloud and mist, and it doesn't show its true colors at all. My old pig can't take a close-up shot! My old pig can only see two at the scene. Only big red **** eyes, and a piece of red phosphorus on his body. Now, this boa constrictor has not been cultivated yet, only half of it has been cultivated. If the practice is successful, it is estimated that we are all food in its belly. Up!"

"Indeed!" Netizens sent barrage to echo, Zhu Bajie said the real situation, such a giant python, let alone close, is scared when you look at it from a distance!

That big mouth has caught up with a house!

Perhaps the flashing light made the red scale python very uncomfortable. It shook its body and lunged at several people.

Monkey King and Xie Zijing fight, but Zhu Bajie hides behind with his mobile phone!

Cough! He wants to broadcast it!

Above the sky, the Yunni-like python spirit actually drew a tie with the Monkey King and the Scorpion spirit who were teaming up against each other, and the Monkey King and the others were not cheap. It was really amazing.

Let's talk about this body without talking about power.

Only after Sun Wukong used the spell could he reach a height of ten thousand feet, and only after the huge bull demon became a real body could he be able to grow a hundred feet long. And this red phosphorus boa constrictor is already this big before it has been cultivated, and if it has been cultivated, I am afraid that even Monkey King and the gods may not be able to beat it.

In the eyes of the public, they have fought hundreds of rounds and still can't win.

Now not only the audience, but even Zhu Bajie is a little anxious.

Victory is a small matter, but face is a big deal!

If Monkey King teamed up with Scorpion Scorpion, they couldn't defeat the Red Scale Python, then how would they be mixed up in the future?


Deep in the blue sky, chaos and void.

Amidst the clouds and mist, a solemn hall is looming.

Biyou Palace!

The nine elders gathered around a large round table and sat upright, the atmosphere was very similar to the round table meeting of Qin Hao's previous life.

But the dignity of the atmosphere is more serious than the round table meeting.

To the right of the Lord Tongtian are three monks, who are the three Buddhas of the past, present and future!

The Burning Lamp Buddha represents the Buddhas of the past, and the Buddha Shakyamuni is also the Buddha of the Tathagata, representing the Buddhas of the present, and the Maitreya Buddha represents the Buddhas of the future!

Next to them, it turned out to be the second sage of the West, so Zhunti was taken!

In addition to them, right across from the Lord Tongtian, there were three sages who had lived in seclusion for many years!

It is Shennong, Fuxi, Xuanyuan Huangdi!

Fortunately, the two sages of the West and the Three Buddhas in the past and the future have seen big winds and waves, so their faces remain calm and calm.

However, the heart is shocked like never before!

That's right, it's shocking!

Shennong, the Emperor Yan, is respected by the world as "Yaozu", "Shennong the Great", and "Di Huang".

He has a peculiar appearance. He is eight feet and seven inches tall, has a bull-headed body, big lips, is thin, and his body is transparent except for his limbs and head!

Fuxi, the elder brother of the Nüwa saint, has a human head and a snake body.

He took the body of the python, the head of the crocodile, the horns of the stag, the eyes of the tiger, the scales of the red carp, the legs of the monitor lizard, the claws of the goshawk, the tail of the white shark, the beard of the long whiskers, and created the dragon! In addition, he also created gossip and some words.

As for the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, he was the co-master of the human race in the ancient times and the head of the three emperors.

The Yellow Emperor's great achievements are countless, unifying the Chinese tribes and conquering the Dongyi and Jiuli tribes. During his reign, he planted hundreds of grass and trees, vigorously developed production, and began to make clothes, build boats, control music, and create medicine!

Shennong, Fuxi, and Xuanyuan Huangdi are the ancestors of the human race, and they have been living in seclusion in Huoyun Cave for many years, unable to escape from the world.

Today, he was invited to Biyou Palace by Tongtian at the same time?

This is the big thing that happened?

Their faces are cloudy and uncertain, and I don't know why the Lord Tongtian invited them.

However, what I guessed is that it must be related to the Three Realms, and even to the heavens and the earth!


After a while of silence, the Lord Tongtian spoke slowly with a solemn voice: "Yesterday, I went to see the latest movie "Super Body" released by Tu'er. After watching it, I was deeply shocked. Then, I was deeply shocked. Unexplainable, I didn't sleep all night."

Regarding movies, the Western Two Sages and Three Buddhas have seen the introductions on mobile forums, and they think it's quite new, and they didn't think much about anything else.

After watching Tongtian, but didn't sleep all night?

Shenlong, Fuxi and Xuanyuan Huangdi, they don't have mobile phones, of course they don't know what a movie is, let alone what "Super Body" is.

But the expression of the Lord Tongtian showed that the matter seemed to be serious?

"Friend Tongtian, you have already beheaded the corpse and become a holy, and there are still doubts that can't be solved, so that the teacher and the crowd are looking for us?"

"Not bad."

Master Tongtian took out his mobile phone, clicked on a video, and handed it to the three emperors.

"Jiyin Zhunti, there are three Buddhas, I have posted the website to your mobile phone, and you can also open it."

When the film was released, the audience recorded the video and uploaded it to the Internet.

Although it is a short video, it allows those who have not been able to buy a ticket or have something to do with it.

Master Tongtian also recorded it at that time, and he recorded the episode where Lucy spewed a large flash of light and flint!

After watching the Three Emperors of Human Race, they were directly shocked!

"Ah? What is this woman vomiting? How terrible!"

Looking at the large flashes of electric light, spit out from the thin woman's mouth, and directly threw the person to the ground, Fu Xi was the first to shout.

The two holy sages and three buddhas of the West were shocked immediately!

"I also want to know, what did she throw up?"

With an old voice, the Taoist Hongjun with white beard and hair walked in.


The Master Tongtian and the Second Western Saints hurriedly got up and saluted. Unexpectedly, the teacher came!

The three emperors of the human race and the three Buddhas of the past, present and future also stood up to greet them.

After Hongjun let them sit down, he asked straightforwardly: "Tongtian, I watched this video for my teacher, and it was very shocking!"

Tongtian nodded, unexpectedly this video also shocked the teacher, wouldn't it shock the Three Realms?

As a half-time saint, Hongjun has long understood the cultivation method, and logically speaking, movies and entertainment simply cannot attract his interest.

However, the video of Lucy spraying sparks and flints really shocked him!

"What the **** did this woman spray? Why is it so powerful after spraying?"

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