Monkey King, Scorpion Spirit, including Pig Bajie on the python, were all stunned.

What's the matter, did this python go crazy all of a sudden?

Suddenly, the python's belly bulged up with a big bag, and then recovered, and another big bag was swollen, and then recovered.

In this way, keep bulging up and recovering from time to time.

And the earth and Qijue Mountain were constantly trembling as it went mad!

The persimmons on the mountain fell one after another, all rolling down into the rotten persimmon river.

The red scale boa constrictor kept jumping up and down and fell to the ground, as if the pain couldn't stand it!

In the end, a hole was punched in the python's belly!

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned after seeing this scene!

Okay, why is my stomach broken?

The python, the moment its stomach broke, its head turned quickly, trying to swallow something.

However, what it swallowed was its own belly!

"Fogweed! Is this crazy? I even swallowed my stomach!"

"Now it's all right, the goblin ate himself up!"

"The people around can finally live and work in peace!"

As the barrage of the live broadcast room flew up, the giant python was lying on the ground motionless like a thick tree pole.

Zhu Bajie jumped off the python, and he raised the rake to hit it. Suddenly, the python's belly opened, and Zhu Bajie jumped back in shock!

I saw Tang Seng came out from his mouth and said, "Apprentices, the teacher has killed the python, please drag it back and show it to the people in Tuoluo Village."

Monkey King: "······"

People in the live broadcast room: "······"

It turned out that the python was lying in the mountains and exposed outside the cave, because Tang Monk was in his stomach, constantly hammering it?

Can't stand the pain?

In the end, its stomach was really hammered!

This is too fierce, Tang Seng actually hammered the red-scaled python's belly?

From now on, no one can underestimate Tang Seng!

He is no longer the mediocre person who has no power to restrain the chicken and has no ability to resist.

In the future, everyone wanted to know whether those fairies would take a detour when they saw Tang Seng?

After all, you can blow your stomach at every turn. Who can stand it?

Tang Seng didn't eat the meat, his stomach broke first!

Monkey King dragged the corpse of the python back to Tuoluo Village.

The people happily rushed to tell each other.

Each of them took the best food in the house and thanked the monk Tang and his apprentices.

There were also a few people who raised some silver taels, which they wanted to give to the monk Tang and his apprentices as a gift.

However, Tang Seng was determined not to.

Not only that, Tang Seng also suggested that they slaughter the pythons clean and stewed them to eat.

You know, the meat of python is very delicious, it is a rare delicacy in the world!

In particular, how many years has this red-scaled boa constrictor cultivated, and after eating its meat, he can live forever!

Killed the monsters without any property, and gave them the pythons to eat.

The point is, they can't finish eating such a big python!

Monkey King suddenly smiled and said, "You can sell python meat on Taobao in the Three Realms! You will definitely make a lot of money!"

When the people heard this, they were happy and moved, and they almost regarded them as living bodhisattvas!

After Tang Seng's apprentice had eaten the food, he thanked the people a lot and set off on the road.

Before leaving, all the men, women and children of the whole village came to see off, and they were sent to Qijueshan Rotten Persimmon River.

However, when the python had a stomachache and went crazy that day, almost all the persimmons on the mountain were shaken off.

And those persimmons all rolled into the rotten persimmon river, so that the persimmons in the river blocked all the roads and were unable to pass. The common people want to open another way.

However, Qijue Mountain is more than eight hundred miles away, and such a long mountain road relies on mortals to open, when will it be?

Sun Wukong rolled his eyes and came up with an idea to ask Old Man Li to order some rice and steamed buns to feed Ba Jie and make Ba Jie a big pig and shove away these rotten persimmons.

Bajie was too dirty and didn't want to do it, Tang Seng said with a smile, "If you can really open a path, Master will count your head skills."

After hearing the skill of counting heads, Ba Jie immediately became proud and asked people to bring rice, fruit, biscuits, and steamed buns, opened their mouths, and ate them as if the autumn wind swept fallen leaves.

Then, he took off his clothes, muttered something in his mouth, and turned into a huge wild boar, with two front legs higher than a human, like a mountain!

The common people looked at it with amazement.

Bajie arched the road in front, Wukong and Drifting helped the master to follow behind, and the people of Tuoluozhuang took turns transporting food.

In just a few days, the Rotten Persimmon River in Qijue Mountain of 800 miles was opened by Bajie.

The men, women, and children of Tuoluo Village have been sending Tang Seng and their apprentices out of Qijue Mountain before they bid farewell to them reluctantly.

A thrilling python war finally came to an end. The audience in the live broadcast room that I saw throughout the whole process was so excited that they hadn't recovered. Suddenly, a prompt sound came from the mobile phone:

The gambling game between Saint Nuwa and Qin Hao has officially begun!

To be fair, Qin Hao adopted a secret ballot.

The voting is conducted on the mobile phone.

That is, everyone in the Three Realms can vote by secret on their mobile phones.

In order to choose the one you support.

As for the gambling game derived from this, the odds of the two are the same anyway, so most people bought both sides just like the Jade Emperor!

Sage Nuwa looked at the prompt on the phone and the secret voting method set by Qin Hao, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Isn't it just to make the people of the Three Realms say good-looking? Isn't it easy?

She is even more beautiful than Fairy Chang'e. Not to mention the carefully selected skirts, she is just afraid of putting on the sack, they are all beautiful!

After all, the face value is there, the figure is there, and coupled with the cough, I don't know how many years of cultivation have incomparable temperament, just let the people of the Three Realms say a good-looking, will it be difficult?

However, although she was full of self-confidence, she thought about it carefully in order to be cautious.

Regarding the preferences of the Three Realms, since Qin Hao appeared, the fashion of this clothing is hard to say.

In the past, it would look good if you wear it casually, but now, there are some girlfriends of Xiaoqian's fashion anchors, and the grandson queen who keeps driving the fashion trend, these are all eye-catching existences.

How do you dress up to win the game?

After thinking about her for a long time, she decided to find the Saint of Houtu to advise her.

So she called her mobile phone: "Houtu, are you busy now?"

The saints of Houtu are having a meeting with his Yamas. Recently, the Yamas have been watching the latest movie released by the mobile theater, "Super Body", even after watching dozens of times, they have forgotten what to do!

They neglected their duties and even caused several trial errors and several reincarnation errors!

It's so hateful!

At this moment, these Hades made mistakes many times for a movie!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

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