Wang Xiaohu couldn't protect Tang Xiaoyue, and he didn't even have the ability to punish bad guys.

He Xiaohu began to doubt his study.

Did he choose the wrong major?

Even if you can farm, count, and use a mobile phone, what's the use?

When a friend is being bullied, there is still no way to stand up for the friend.

At this moment, he deeply doubted himself, and also doubted the major he had studied in Datang First College.

Maybe he should go to Huaguoshan Martial Arts School.

Only by learning martial arts can you deal with the bad guys. Use force and fist to let them know that bullying is wrong.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly screamed: "Little Tiger, why is your fist on fire?"

It was Tang Xiaoyue who shouted.

She looked at Wang Xiaohu's fist with horror and horror in her eyes.

The flame jumping on it was like a small fireball.

Wang Xiaohu lowered his head in surprise, only to see a flame enveloped his fist, although it was not large.

But it is a real flame!

The strange thing is why he can't feel the burning of his fist?

Why don't you feel the pain?

There was not even a trace of discomfort.


How could such a thing happen?

too weird.

Tang Xiaoyue's shouts attracted the attention of many people.

They looked over in a strange way, and then they burst out with a strange scream.

Foggy grass!

what's going on?

Why did flames rise on the fist of the little boy who was punished by the physical education teacher? His hands were enveloped in flames, so it wouldn't hurt?

One by one, the children looked at Wang Xiaohu with surprise.

And Wang Xiaohu didn't even know that he had become the focus of everyone's attention invisibly.

Because he was also surprised.

How is this going? Why does my hand catch fire? He shook his fist up and down, and the flame did not go out at all.

The physical education teacher also saw this scene.

He walked over quickly, took Wang Xiaohu's hand in shock, and looked carefully.

Then, he vigorously shook Wang Xiaohu's hand, trying to extinguish the flame.

The flames followed like a shadow, moving along with Wang Xiaohu's fist.

It will not go out at all, and there is not even a weakening trend.

How is this going?

When such a weird thing happened, the physical education teacher did not dare to delay, and immediately reported to the college.

In the college, Wei Zheng is by far the biggest chief.

Wei Zheng didn't dare to delay a moment after he heard it, and immediately came to the playground.

"what's going on?"

Wei Zheng asked calmly.

Because the children at this moment are all in shock and panic. They have never seen anything like this, let alone imagine that someone's fist will catch on fire.

For children, such things are novel, but at the same time scary.

One by one, they were anxious and frightened.

If Wei Zheng does not remain quiet, it will definitely cause chaos in the college.

"Prime Minister, I don't know what's going on. My fist was on fire, but I didn't feel any pain at all."

Wang Xiaohu honestly reported the situation to Wei Zheng.

The panic on his face was obvious.

Wei Zheng approached Wang Xiaohu and looked carefully.

The child looks ordinary, and his fists are not big.

However, on his little fist, there is really a ball of beating flame shrouded in it!

And it keeps beating.

The flame was burning very vigorously, like a beating elves, revealing surprise and surprise.

Wei Zheng's first thought was to turn on his mobile phone and broadcast the live broadcast quickly. He wanted everyone in the Three Realms to see this scene.

Of course, his purpose is not just to earn traffic and earn fans.

Because if someone in the Three Realms sees it, maybe someone knows what's going on.

Taking a step back, even if no one knows, such a magical scene will cause a sensation if it is uploaded to the Internet.

People in the Three Realms talk about Datang First College, they will say that this is a magical academy, and what happened inside it is also magical.

"Dear netizens, you are not mistaken, you really are not mistaken, the child in front of him, his fist is on fire! And he can't feel the slightest pain! I believe this scene has never happened in the previous Three Realms. Yes, but now this scene is really happening before our eyes."

"Like you, I was shocked and weird. Why did this child's fist catch fire? Is it an occasional incident, or does it have a special function in itself?"


Originally, Saint Nuwa thought that he had spent so much thought, even the Saint Houtu called out and put on makeup himself.

So, she must have won the vote in three circles!

Unexpectedly, the first person who jumped out to vote turned out to be ugly, and the reason turned out to be outrageous!

What does it mean? It refers to corrupting social customs and is mostly used to condemn morally corrupt behaviors.

Is your own morals corrupted?

Have you corrupted social customs?

The sage Nuwa was the first to vote, and he couldn't hold back his anger anymore.

The calm smile on his face disappeared immediately, and turned into extremely angry!

In her crystal eyes, it was not tenderness, an impulse to wait for the other party to pull out from behind the phone, instantly flooded her brain!

"If this seat knows, this voter will definitely kill him alive!"

Everyone in the Three Realms, on their mobile phones, saw the saint Nuwa turning from gentle to angry.

One by one was terribly scared.

It is said that the saint smashed his corpse for thousands of miles.

Will this voter die miserably?

"Fogcao! To say that about the Saint Nuwa, isn't it an insult to the saint?"

"Yes, this person is too much, even if you don't look good, you don't have to be so harsh on the reason!"

"Upstairs, your words are too subtle, his reason is not harsh, but looking for death!"

"Yes, yes! As far as I know, the cause of the war of conferring gods back then was because King Zhou wrote a poem, and the saint Nuwa felt that he was blasphemed!"

"I also know that it was just being desecrated~ blasphemed, and King Shang Zhou lost his life to Jiangshan Sheji. This is a blatant insult~ scolding!"

"Bless yourselves!"

People from the Three Realms talked a lot, secretly guessing how the Saint Nuwa would punish this person.

Fortunately, Qin Hao began to anticipate this situation, so it was a secret ballot.

Even if the sage Nuwa doubted, there was no way to know who actually said that to her.

Can only sulking secretly.

However, what makes everyone admire is that this voter is not afraid of death, and has a heroic spirit to regard death as home.

Because, he also saw the anger of the Nvwa saint, and even heard the words of the Nvwa saint trying to kill him.

If you were replaced by someone else, it was estimated that you would have been hiding on the side for at least ten years and would not dare to go out!

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