The people of the Three Realms were all deceived by Qin Hao. What happened to these few words that I didn't understand at all?

Qin Hao knew that these high-end knowledge in previous life was very daunting to them.

After thinking about it, Qin Hao decided to explain it thoroughly!

After all, in the future, all mortals will have to come into contact with brain training, that is, super powers. If you don't explain it, it really won't work.

"These are very complicated knowledge, so let me post some of the most common ones on the barrage first."

Hearing Qin Hao's words, people in the Three Realms locked their eyes on the dialog box.

"Generally, the strongest superpowers are teleportation, moving objects through the air, and mind power. Teleportation means moving from one place to another in a short period of time, which is similar to the space transfer of gods.

Moving objects in space, the ability to move objects in space is similar to the ability of a fairy to move mountains and fill the sea. As for mind power, this is even more a special magic function, which can produce special functions similar to fire breathing or water spraying.

When Wang Xiaohu's fist was on fire, it was actually his thought force that made the fire appear on the fist.

It's just beginning now. If the training time is long, the flame becomes bigger, and he can attack any direction as he wants, he will be powerful. "

People looked at the content of Qin Hao's barrage on their mobile phones, and they all felt so surprised!

Wang Xiaohu is a supernatural power?

Is he born?

Or is there something different about him?

That's why he got angry?

When people were wondering, Qin Hao explained: "The First College of the Tang Dynasty was established by Wang Wang for the purpose of letting the children practice radio gymnastics. Wang Xiaohu is not gifted, nor is he born with special abilities. The reason for his superpower is the broadcast gymnastics he did!"

Looking at this barrage, the people of the Three Realms completely expressed that they were stunned.

Do radio gymnastics, can you have superpowers?

So many children have done exercises, why don't other children, but he alone?

These problems all appeared on the barrage, making Qin Hao overwhelmed.

You know, he is really incapable of answering the questions of so many people in the Three Realms at the same time!

After a wave of barrage flew past, Qin Hao said: "As for why so many children do exercises, only Wang Xiaohu has superpowers. This is a question of personal qualities and talents."

After a pause, he sent another barrage: "Of course, super powers are not limited to the things we can usually see, such as moving mountains and filling the sea, spraying water and spitting fire, etc., but also many.

For example, foresight, that is, the pre-perception of things in the future. Tactile power, touch a person's objects, you can recall what happened in the past. Electrocardiography can capture the thoughts of people around and transmit thoughts from a long distance. Mind actuation reflects the power of the mind to control or influence material objects, or to influence physical events of the mind.

Stealth, invisible people can break through walls, is a very advanced special function and so on. On the surface, these children don't have any superpowers yet, but it doesn't mean that they won't be in the future.

Perhaps one day, an unintentional behavior of the children will shock everyone! "

After reading this barrage, the phone suddenly became quiet.

No one spoke, no more barrage came up.

The Three Realms fell into deep silence!

It turns out that there are so many more magical performances of super powers!

Just when Qin Hao felt that the explanation was over and he took a breath, a barrage popped up on the phone:

"Mr. Qin Hao, we seem to understand some super powers. Next, do you want to announce the result of your vote with the Nvwa Saint?"

Qin Hao: "······"

What I am really afraid of, Qin Hao thought, it's over, it's time for me to bankrupt my family!

He regretted it a little, just to get the attention of the people of the Three Realms and attract everyone's attention, so he thought of the way to start the gambling game.

It's not good now, the attention of the Three Realms has been drawn, but I almost have to lose it!


Qin Hao cleared his throat, okay, sooner or later, it will be dead, let the bankruptcy be even more violent!

"Dear friends, the bet between Saint Nuwa and me, it's fair to say, it's a tie!"

This sentence was like a stone thrown into a big river, which immediately caused a thousand waves of waves.

"Fogweed, what, did I hear it wrong, draw?"

"You got it right upstairs, but I hope you got it wrong!"

"A draw, what about our bet?"

"Yes, I bought two people and both won, so I bought 20,000 yuan in one go!"

"This! You are really rich! But a tie, does it mean that all our money is thrown away?"


Sunset Red Elderly Activity Center.

In just a short period of half a day, the number of people in the activity center increased sharply, and it soon became lively every time.

"The fragrance along the way, there are whispering light waves, I turned to think about whether those are non-causal, and the fragrance along the way makes me unpredictable;

Who is listening to the song, forgetting the loneliness, the long night, the fragrance all the way, the years have passed, in the crowd of people, you are also silent, wandering with me, to the end of the world..."

The vigorous and sweet song resounded through the mortal cities and villages.

Each activity center is equipped with professional teachers to guide people to practice square dance.

Most of these are single foolish men and women, or poor lonely old people.

Most of them are in their 30s, 40s or even 50s and 60s. They have suffered for most of their lives. In the end, they should also enjoy a good life.

The hard days are over, so now everyone has a smile on their face.

Some came with acquaintances, like Xiaohua's mother and Ergouzi his father.

There are also people who come alone, it doesn't matter, because there are many people here, and they can become dancers in a short time.

Cheng Chumo was even more busy, because he started the sunset red live broadcast.

What's more, what's more sorrowful is that his advertising is even worse than Qin Hao!

"Welcome everyone to the Sunset Red Live Room! This is Cheng Chumo. Before starting the live broadcast, please let me recite a love poem for you, "The Most Romantic Love in the World"."

What the hell?

The people of the Three Realms looked at the live broadcast room, the hair was combed neatly, and the hair was wiped; Cheng Chumo, who had a little powder on his face and a little rouge on his mouth, suddenly turned into a little white face, was stunned.

The most romantic love, what does this mean?

Love, can you eat it?

Just when everyone in the Three Realms didn't even understand the title, Cheng Chu silently pulled a long voice, emphasized with a sorrowful voice, and began to recite:

"I used to think that the most romantic love in the world is the sea tide's promise to the reef, the eagle's pursuit of the blue sky, the unrestrained red sun of Xia Heyu, the tenderness of the swallow and the spring rain!"

Foggy grass!

When the sentient beings in the Three Realms heard the first paragraph of his recitation, they couldn't help but exclaimed: When did Cheng Chumo's literary talent become so good?

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