Although Zhao Kuangyin also wanted to be emperor, how could he not do superficial work, who is good at disguising?

The mouths of everyone must be blocked.

And what he can do best is surface work.

Obviously it is usurping power, but we must be fair and honest.

After hearing what he said, Zhao Kuangyi was anxious.

If the elder brother does not become the emperor, how can he become the prince?

He nervously persuaded: "I once heard what my brother said about the old monk, and after two days of heavy light, Nangmu should have said that. This is already very clear. Brother, please follow the will of God."

Zhao Kuangyin was silent and walked out of the bedroom.

When the generals saw Zhao Kuangyin come out, they shouted in unison: "The army has no master, and they are willing to make the Taiwei emperor."

Before Zhao Kuangyin agreed, Gao Huaide and the others had already brought in the dragon robe and put it on Zhao Kuangyin's body.

All the generals knelt down and shouted long live three times.

Zhao Kuangyin said confidantly: "It's a matter of great importance. How can I be so hasty? Besides, I have been favored by the emperor for generations, so how dare I arrogantly claim to be the emperor without authorization?"

Zhao Pu comforted him and said: "The destiny belongs to the people's will. If Ming Gong renounces his destiny, he will go against his destiny and lose his heart. If Ming Gong feels ashamed of the Zhou room, he will give preferential treatment to the young lord after he takes the throne and support the queen mother We live up to the kindness of the ancestor." After finishing talking, Zhao Kuangyin was pushed and supported on the horse by everyone.

Zhao Kuangyin had no choice but to say: "Then you still listen to my orders?"

The generals said in unison that of course the orders.

Zhao Kuangyin said again: "After returning to Beijing, you must not offend the queen mother and the young master; the ministers in the court are my colleagues, you must not bully; you must not be disturbed by the imperial treasury and the people! If you obey the order, I will reward myself and dare. Disobey, military law disposes!"

After listening, the audience shouted promises in unison!

Afterwards, Zhao Kuangyin returned to the army and dispatched Chu Zhaofu and Hakka province to make Pan Mei go ahead.

After arriving in the capital, Pan Mei went to send orders to the ministers; Chu Zhaofu went to arrange for Zhao Kuangyin's family.

After the two entered Beijing, they acted separately. Soon the court got news. It was in the early days when the ministers suddenly heard of Chen Qiao's mutiny, and they were all frightened at a loss.

The Queen Mother summoned Fan Zhi and said, "You recommend Zhao Kuangyin, how can you cause such a disaster?" After that, the Queen Mother couldn't stop crying, tears streaming out.

Fan Zhi had no choice but to say: "The old minister will go out to discuss countermeasures."

The Queen Mother said nothing, crying and returned to the bedroom.

After Fan Zhi exited the palace gate, he held the right hand shot Wang Pu's hand and regretted: "The hastily dispatched troops and generals led to a mutiny. This is all our fault. What should we do?

Wang Pu was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, Wang Pu yelled in pain, and Fan Zhi hurriedly let go. He didn't know that his fingernails had fallen into Wang Pu's flesh, almost pinching blood.

Fan Zhizheng was about to apologize to him. The deputy guards commanded Han Tong to walk over and said to them, "The rebels are coming soon, why are you so calm?"

Fan Zhi replied: "What is a good way for Command Han?"

Han Tong said: "The soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover the land, and there are imperial troops in the capital. Hurry up and ask the decree to mobilize the city to defend the city and pass the message to the generals of the towns. Worried that the chaos and thieves will not be destroyed?"

Fan Zhi said, "Did Yuanshui save the nearby fire?"

Han Tong said: "You two go to ask for an order, I will call the imperial army."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

When Fan Zhi and Wang Puzheng were hesitant, they saw Fan Zhi's family ran over and said, "The former rebel team has entered the city, so please go home quickly!"

When they heard this urgent report, they both ran back home without asking for orders.

At this time, Zhao Kuangyin's former team capital school Wang Yansheng really took his iron cavalry and galloped into the city.

By coincidence, Wang Yansheng and Han Tong met and shouted: "Shanwei Han, go pick up! The new emperor has arrived."

After hearing this, Han Tong was very angry and cursed: "Where did the new emperor come from? Are you dog thieves who sell prosperous, rebellious, and dare to be so overbearing?" After that, Han Tong rushed to the house.

Wang Yansheng was cruel. After listening, he became angry and his lungs exploded. He immediately chased after him with a horse.

Han Tong had just entered the house and was about to close the door, but Wang Yansheng rushed off his horse back in a hurry, smashed Han Tong to death with a knife.

After killing Han Tong, Wang Yansheng simply rushed into Han Tong's home, killing him whenever he saw it, and beheading Han Tong's family.

Zhao Kuangyin led the army into the city from Mingdemen. He ordered all the soldiers to return to the camp, and he retired to the office.

After a while, military school Luo Yanlu brought Fan Zhi, Wang Pu and others to the gate.

When Zhao Kuangyin saw them, he wept bitterly and said: "I have been so generously favored by Sejong and forced to such a degree by the Six Army. I am so ashamed to have such a negative emperor's favor!"

Fan Zhi and others were about to answer, and Luo Yanlu sternly shouted: "Everyone agrees to be the emperor, who still has an opinion? If I refuse to follow my fate, ask if my sword will answer?" The sword was unsheathed and pointed at Fan Zhi, Wang Pu and others.

Wang Pu, the counselor, was frightened by this and quickly bowed down and begged for mercy.

Fan Zhi had no choice but to bow down together.

Zhao Kuangyin hurriedly stepped forward to support the two of them, gave them seats, and discussed their succession together.

Fan Zhi said: "Since the check is already the emperor, how do you deal with the young Lord Zhou?"

Zhao Pu said next to him: "Immediately ask the young master to follow the example of Yao and Shun, and give them a Zen position for inspection. The inspection will definitely treat them preferentially in the future, which is considered to be worthy of Sejong's kindness."

Zhao Kuangyin went on to say: "I am a courtier of the Zhou family. I have already ordered that the queen mother and the young lord are not to be violated."

Fan Zhi said: "In this case, the inspection should gather all civil and military officials to prepare for the meditation ceremony."

Zhao Kuangyin said: "Please two adults summon a hundred officials for me, I will not treat the old officials badly."

Fan Zhi and Wang Pu immediately retreated and entered the dynasty to call out hundreds of officials.

At noon, the hundreds of officials had gathered at the court, and they were separated from each other.

After a while, Shi Shouxin, Wang Shenqi and others supported Zhao Kuangyin in a yellow robe and walked slowly.

Hanlin Chengzhi Tao Gu took out the Zen edict from his sleeve and handed it to Dou Yi, the minister of war, who read it out.

After Dou Yi's reading was completed, Zhao Kuangyin boarded the Chongyuan Hall and added Dagonmian, which was the emperor's throne, and was congratulated by the civil and military officials.

Long live long live the voice resounded through the hall!

After Li Cheng, Fan Zhi and others entered the harem and forced the young master and queen mother to move to the west palace.

The poor widow in her twenties, the seven-year-old orphan, sobbing and crying, went to the West Palace.

mission completed!

Zhao Pu and Miao Xun looked at each other and smiled. Unexpectedly, in just ten days, Zhao Kuangyin became emperor!

If you develop according to the original plot, you don’t know it will take several years, even decades!

"We can go back now."

Zhao Pu whispered to Miao Xun, and then there was a knowing smile in their eyes.

next moment!

Something weird happened!

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