"Ah! Help!"

"Quickly, quickly, put out the fire!"

"Who can help me!"

In the Guanyin Temple, I don't know whether it is the wind or the monks who really deserve to die. The fire not only ignited the guest rooms, but also the entire Guanyin Temple.

Even many monks were exposed to flames, looking very embarrassed.

"Hey, you were arrogant when you set fire, but when you were burned, you were really embarrassed!"

Qin Hao sighed slightly when he saw this scene.

When everyone heard this, they suddenly laughed.

They looked at the monks struggling in the flames. They had no compassion at all, they were entangled in karma, and there was no possibility of treatment, unless the great magical power suppressed them with great magic power, and could do this, even if they were present at the cultivation level. The tallest Monkey King won't work either.

What's more, these monks will die if they do more unrighteousness. Why should they be saved?

Hong Haier: "This may be retribution! Some monks, who don't want to eat fast and recite Buddha, but seek fortune and kill, can only say that they deserved their sins."

Roaring Sky Dog: "Yes, it seems that you and I are the same people!"


Fire Cloud Cave.

Just when Red Boy sent the message, he felt two powerful breaths appearing nearby, and his baby's fat cheeks changed slightly, but he calmed down the next moment.

Because those two breaths are very familiar to him, it is his father and mother!

"Little ones, my father and mother are here, let me go out to meet you!"

The many little demons froze for a while, and then happily followed the king out to meet the king.

But before they could go out, they saw two figures slowly walking in.

The man is mighty and vigorous, while the woman has a beautiful face and graceful posture.

"Father, mother!"

When he saw the two of them, Hong Haier's eyes lit up, and he trot over, as if a little swallow had returned to the nest.

"Boy, let me ask you, what do you want so many magic weapons for?"

The Bull Demon asked with a black face. In fact, they had been watching the news on their way here, especially when they saw Red Boy’s barrage, the two immediately knew that Red Boy was not in danger.

Then, the result of so many magic weapons is only one!


Hong Haier's excited face suddenly stiffened, and her footsteps could not help but stop, standing still, with a dazed expression on her face.

"Although the Golden Immortal and Taiyi Golden Immortal level magic weapons are not very precious, you want too much. You asked for more than 20 items from your mother and more than 30 items from your father. What are you doing? use?"

Princess Tiefan's eyes were gentle, but her tone was full of questions.

Red Boy: "..."

"You have a lot of magic weapons on your body, and you have the real fire of Samadhi. I have never asked for magic weapons with us before. Since the mobile phone came out...you are not going to fight the landlord, are you?"

The Bull Demon is not a fool. At first, he was worried about the child's comfort, but now he is safe to see the child and his IQ has regained the high ground.


Hong Haier stood there, at a loss, yes, he did all fight against the landlord.

I don't know why, Quanteya lost!

Tens of millions of game coins!

All lost!

"Child, you are still young and don't understand the temptations of this world, so don't indulge in this kind of funky stuff in the future!"

Princess Tiefan saw the hesitating Red Boy, her heart softened, and she smiled and said, "Our family has a big business, but it's not bad for that, but in the future..."

Before she could finish her words, a black hole suddenly appeared beside Red Boy, and a large number of Taiyi Golden Immortal-level magic weapons appeared inside.

"Grandson, this is the magic weapon you want, not enough to ask for grandpa!"

In the black hole, an old and domineering voice came.

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