The abbot was not sure if it was Tang Sanzang, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

If you look closely, you can even see his lips trembling slightly.

He seemed to be asking the person behind him, and he was also asking himself.

"Abbot, it should be, otherwise, how could there be such a big movement?"

"Yes, yes, this kind of Buddha light, Hongni, etc., except for Master Sanzang, how can anyone else have it?"

"Abbot, look over there, they are here!"

Following the shout of a young monk, everyone looked up, and there was a big white cloud above the sky.

Several people stood on the clouds, it was Tang Seng, Monkey King, Zhu Bajie and Drifting!

Beside them, there is a white dragon horse!

"Master Sanzang! Master Sanzang!"

There was cheers in the yard, and the monk Tang in the clouds heard it, and his heart was moved.

There is also bitterness.

After all, at the beginning, I took on the hopes of all people to learn from the experience, and even the beliefs of all people!


Hinayana Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism, these are the bibles in every monk's heart!

What they are looking forward to is that they can get the truth back, but! ·

I am back, but-there is no truth!

Tang Seng at this moment was ashamed and ashamed!


Blue star.

In the second year of Taiping Xingguo, Zhang Qixian was admitted to the Jinshi, Zhao Guangyi set a special precedent for him, let him directly serve as Zuo Supplement.

Zhang Qixian is often outspoken when he goes to school. Zhao Guangyi admires him very much. This time Zhang Qixian came out to discourage him, and Zhao Guangyi temporarily cancelled his plan to become a teacher.

Zhao Pu, the predecessor of Tongping Zhangshi, was deposed by Taizu and demoted to Heyang Jiedushi.

Zhao Pu was very aggrieved and once went to the table to defend himself.

"The imperial brother Zhao Guangyi is loyal and filial. Others say that the minister is slandering the imperial brother behind his back. How dare the minister? The minister has sworn a poisonous oath in front of the queen dowager Zhaoxian. Observe!"

Taizu handed this memorial to Zhao Guangyi and resolved the misunderstanding between them.

After the death of Taizu, Zhao Guangyi succeeded to the throne, and Zhao Pu was declared to be a pilgrim, and he was changed to the crown prince Taibao, but because Ludoxun always got in the way.

Although Zhao Pu has been back to Beijing for a long time, he has never been reused by Zhao Guangyi, and is depressed every day.

Zhao Pu has a brother-in-law named Hou Renbao, who once served in the capital. Later, Lu Duoxun transferred Hou Renbao to Yongzhou because of a feast with Zhao Pu.

Yongzhou is far away in Nanling, which is thousands of miles away. Near Jiaozhou, Jiaozhou is Jiaozhi. It was annexed by Dali in the late Tang Dynasty and retaken by the Southern Han Dynasty in the Five Dynasties.

After the Southern Han Dynasty was suppressed, Ding Lian, the coach of Jiaozhou, once appointed Song Ting.

After Ding Lian's death, his younger brother Ding Ying inherited the position, and Li Huan, the general, imprisoned the young Ding Yan, and Jiaozhou was in chaos from then on.

After receiving the edict, Hou Renbao did not dare to defy, so he had to prepare soldiers and horses and Sun Quanxing and others to set off to conquer Jiaozhou.

When the army came to the mouth of the Baiteng River, they just saw the sailors from Jiaozhou stationed along the river with hundreds of warships.

Without saying a word, Hou Renbao took the lead and killed him.

The Jiaozhou navy did not take precautions and collapsed in an instant. Hou Renbao seized more than 200 warships and won a great victory.

Afterwards, Hou Renbao himself was the vanguard and agreed that Sun Quanxing and others would respond alone, and went deep into Jiaozhou territory alone.

Sun Quanxing and others were afraid of accidents, so they stopped advancing. Hou Renbao's momentum is like breaking a bamboo along the way, like entering the land of no one.

Suddenly Hou Renbao received a letter from Li Huan, expressing his willingness to surrender. Hou Renbao believed it was true and relaxed his vigilance.

In the middle of the night, Li Huan led his army to the robbery camp. Hou Renbao was sleeping soundly in the camp. He suddenly heard the sound of war drums outside and his clothes were not properly dressed, so he ran out to meet the enemy in a hurry.

The Song Army all fell asleep in their dreams. The sudden night attack made the Song Army chaotic. In the end, Hou Renbao died in the chaos and the Song Army was defeated.

The transfer agent Xu Zhongxuan reported to the court according to the facts. Zhao Guangyi was furious, and ordered the class teacher to return to the court immediately, and arrested Sun Quanxing, Liu Cheng and others in the street.

Later, Li Huan sent an envoy to the dynasty to pay tribute and asked Zhao Guangyi to oust Ding Huang and appoint himself as the governor of Jiaozhou. Zhao Guangyi had lost the battle and saw that the emperor was far away from the mountain, so he had to reluctantly agree.

Zhao Pu heard that his brother-in-law Hou Renbao had died in Jiaozhou, and he had another hatred of Ludoxun in his heart!

Zhao Pu dreamed of beheading Ludoxun and digging his heart to pay homage to his brother-in-law's spirit in the sky.

Reluctantly, Lu Duoxun is being favored by Zhao Guangyi, and he can't take advantage of it for a while.

And Ludoxun is very cunning. He has always been on guard against Zhao Pu, fearing that he will join the Korean and Chinese officials to impeach himself.

Therefore, all ministers' memorials must be passed through him before they can be submitted.

The Minister of Korea and China dared not say anything about it, and even Zhao Pu had no choice but to let him make waves.

After a long wait, finally, the opportunity has come!

One day, when Zhao Guangyi was the subordinate of King Jin, Chai Yuxi, Zhao Rong, Yang Shouyi and others suddenly played Zhao Guangyi secretly, saying that the King of Qin Zhao Tingmei was arrogant and unlawful and deliberately conspired to change.

Lu Duoxun and King Qin have always had a very good relationship, and I am afraid that the two have also colluded.

These few words hit Zhao Guangyi's key point, Zhao Guangyi couldn't help but feel jealous, and summoned Zhao Pu into the palace to discuss secretly.

Zhao Pu offered himself, expressing his willingness to investigate the matter, and more than just kowtowing:

"The minister was an old minister in the former court. Empress Dowager Zhaoxian entrusted his will and received the emperor's favor. Later, because of her own power and pride, she made many mistakes and angered Longyan and was demoted to the outside of the capital. But the minister's loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon. Some people slandered the minister, saying that the minister was slandering the emperor behind his back. The minister once wrote to Taizu and explained that he hoped that the emperor would observe the details and return the minister's innocence."

His explanation was very sincere, and Zhao Guangyi nodded.

"People are not sages, no one can do nothing. I am fifty this year, but I have done many wrong things in my life. I know Aiqing's loyalty very well. I will never let Aiqing be wronged again in the future."

Zhao Pu thanked Shengen, and Zhao Guangyi awarded Zhao Pu as a Situ, a part-time servant, and named Liang Guogong on the spot, asking him to closely investigate the incident of the King of Qin Zhao Tingmei.

At that time, Taizu's youngest son, Zhao Defang, died of illness. He was only 23 years old at the time of his death. It was only more than a year after Zhao Dezhao's suicide. Zhao Tingmei felt more and more uneasy, saying that Zhao Guangyi had failed the brotherhood of Taizu.

Who knew that these complaining words reached Zhao Guangyi's ears, and a group of treacherous officials were fanning the flames and slandering King Qin for deliberately causing chaos.

Zhao Guangyi was worried that his throne would be threatened, so he dismissed Zhao Tingmei's Kaifeng Fu Yin and transferred him to Xijing to stay behind.

Chai Yuxi, Zhao Rong, Yang Shouyi and others have all been promoted because of their meritorious deeds.

Zhao Pu had no contradiction with the Qin King Zhao Tingmei, but in order to bring down Ludoxun, he had to start with Zhao Tingmei and La Ludoson went into the water.

Lu Duoxun knew that a catastrophe was imminent, but he was still greedy for the position of the prime minister. He was unwilling to resign and missed the chance to avoid death. It is really a greed for wealth!

This is the sacrifice of life and money!

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