Journey to the West: I Am Entertaining in the Great Tang

Chapter 1410: The strongest second generation

The master of Tongtian Church is like Hong Zhong, I want to let all three realms hear it.

There is a successor to Biyou Palace!

In his heart, what has been hidden, there is no wish that has been declared in his mouth, now comes to his heart!

That is-build another teaching!

Although, this decision may be opposed by others, but he doesn't care!

"Child, can you help Grandpa fulfill a wish?"

The longing eyes of the Lord Tongtian made the two children a little uncomfortable.

This grandpa was still excited just now, but now he is full of anticipation!

This expectation is a bit uncomfortable.

"Hurry up and promise Grandpa, no matter what you wish!"

For the Master Tongtian, Qin Hao has always been regarded as his father!

This is his only family in his previous life and Journey to the West, apart from his wife and children!

So no matter what kind of request he has, Qin Hao will agree!

"Grandpa, you say!"

The Lord Tongtian hadn't spoken yet, his eyes were already wet.

"Grandpa thought..."

Before the words of the Master Tongtian were finished, an old voice came: "Where is the nephew of this seat?"

The space moved slightly, and the old man in the gossip robes appeared.

Moral God!

Qin Hao's father-in-law!

"Meet father-in-law."

There was no blood relationship before, and the friendship between Qin Hao and Dao Tianzun was very shallow, and there was almost no intersection.

Unexpectedly, one day, I will marry someone's daughter.

Still a pot of stew!

There are two girls in the family, and Qin Hao is all in his bag.

Therefore, Qin Hao must be respectful when seeing Lao Zhangren at this moment.

"Stop it."

The moral **** is still faint, but when his eyes fell on the two adorable babies, his eyes suddenly brightened!


The old Laozi, the predecessor of Tianzun Tianzun, met Qingqiu Diji, and the first few years were affectionate.

But later, Lao Tzu's restless travel heart stopped him from being satisfied with the little Qingqiu.

He will continue to travel around the world!

Qingqiu Diji knew that Laozi was in the world, and besides, he was also a person with great luck.

She shouldn't stop it, and she can't stop it.

Qingqiu Diji looked at Lao Tzu's back leaving with desperation, feeling sad.

Later, she found out that she was pregnant!

But at that time Lao Tzu had already left and was missing, besides, how many years has passed since then!

Therefore, the child's growth process, he did not participate at all!

In fact, as far as Lao Tzu is concerned, he also has some regrets in his heart.

A man aspires to the world, but he has the world and the supreme status of the Three Realms. He doesn't feel much happiness.

After all, he owes a lot to his two daughters.

Not to mention the love of the father, I have never seen my father before, it is almost no different from a stranger.

However, in the morning, he heard from his subordinates that Qin Hao was going to visit Biyou Palace with his two sons first, and then to visit him.


Qin Hao's son?

Isn't that his nephew?

Suddenly the father's love overflowed, and ripples appeared in the heart of Tianzun Moral. The ripples gradually enlarged, and instantly became a boundless circle of happiness, covering him.

He can't wait any longer!

He is going to meet his blood relatives!

So he appeared in Biyou Palace.

"These two are my nephews?"

Seeing the two lovely children, Tianzun Tianzun suddenly rushed into love, and his face showed a knowing smile.

Qin Haotian and Qin Haoting looked at each other, looking at Dao Tianzun, and then at Qin Hao, a little at a loss.

"Child, he is your mother's father and your grandfather."

After listening to Qin Hao's words, the two children looked into the eyes of Dao Tianzun, and they had anticipation!


Mom's father!



The two children smiled sweetly, the smiles in their eyes like rippling lake water.

Tianzun Tianzun heard the soft and creepy shouts, and his heart was happy: "Good boy, good boy!"

He was excited and happy, reaching out to hold the child in his arms.

However, the next moment!

"Grandpa, just now Grandpa gave us a meeting ceremony. The saint technique can resist the saint's attack for ten minutes! Killing does not account for the cause and effect! I don't know what meeting ceremony grandpa gave us?"

There was an unexplained weirdness in the smiles of the two children.

Moral God: "······"

Real hammer!

This is definitely Qin Hao's biological son!

Like Qin Hao!

Just admit the money!

However, the master of the sky is too big!

Giving the meeting ceremony turned out to be a ten-minute exercise to resist the saint's attack!

That's not the case, the key is to kill people without being causal!

In the Three Realms, this kind of exercise can only be obtained by the Master Tongtian!

He is just Qin Hao's master, but he is the old man!

My father-in-law!

Moral Tianzun pondered, really can't be too shabby.

"Well, I owe your mother something. Today, I will give you Yuruyi and Xuanhuang Pagoda as a meeting gift!"

Foggy grass!

Qin Hao listened.

This grandpa was really not given in vain, the meeting ceremony turned out to be Yu Ru Wish and Xuanhuang Pagoda!

Isn't his son invincible in the Three Realms?

Grandpa gave the body protection bracelet, which can resist the saint's attack for ten minutes, and can kill people without taking the cause and effect!

The magic weapon the grandfather gave is even more attractive, like a jade, it will not be broken, and it will not be invaded!

As for the Xuanhuang Pagoda!

That is a treasure that makes the Three Realms scared!

Qin Hao looked at the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda in the hands of Tianzun Tianzun, and then at the crystal clear jade Ruyi!

Qin Hao's eyes are red!

Foggy grass!

The fate of these two stinky boys is really good, they got so many innate spirit treasures just after they were born!

Taking out one of them can shock the Three Realms!

The full name of Xuanhuang Pagoda is Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, once it is sacrificed, it will be invincible.

Pangu opened the sky and the avenue sensed it, and the vast void gave birth to an infinite sky and earth, and yellow gas filled the space between the sky and the earth, and gradually condensed into a nine-story exquisite pagoda.

At first, the pagoda had a height of ten thousand feet, and in a short while, it condensed into a one-foot-tall small pagoda.

Later, he was acquired by the Supreme Lao Tzu's Moral Heavenly Sovereign, and became his self-defense magic weapon, which can easily resist the damage of top magic weapons such as the Zhuxian Sword Array and the Purple Electric Hammer.

These two magic weapons that can deter the Three Realms, whose power is not lost to the Qingping Sword, and even the innate spirit treasures that are not inferior to Zhuxian's Four Swords, are they just given to two little kids?

At this moment, Qin Hao was jealous!

Think about the risk of death to get the favor of the Master Tongtian and Qingping Sword.

It was a bet that shocked all three realms with Real Taiyi to get the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

But these two little rascals, cough cough!

Although they are the two little **** of the Qin family, their fate is too good!

Just born, so many innate spirit treasures have already been obtained!


At this moment, Qin Hao really wants to cry!

Wouldn't your own pair of **** become the strongest second generation of the Three Realms?

The strongest second generation!

What a envious person!

Qin Hao admitted that at this moment, he was jealous!

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