Yin Jilun ordered the soldiers to eat and drink until evening.

Let them each hold a short knife, walk in file, and walked quietly for a few kilometers, at this time it was still dark.

Yin Jilun looked up and saw that Xuhe was already in front of him, and the Khitan was stationed on the riverside, with faint plumes of smoke floating in the sky.

Four or five miles across the river, there is also a large camp stationed, presumably Li Jilong's troops.

Yin Jilun pointed to the front:

"Presumably the Khitan soldiers are burying pots and cooking here, we just happened to kill them to make them sleep and eat!"

After hearing the order, the sergeants rushed forward, rushed to the river, and smashed into the enemy camp.

The enemy army was eating, and suddenly saw Song Jun killed, and didn't know where it came from, so he hurriedly threw down his job and prepared to fight.

The Song Army rushed to the past without waiting for the Khitan soldiers to consolidate their troops.

Yin Jilun rushed to the front, his face was dark, and he was wearing a black helmet and black armor. He was sitting on a black horse, like a black cloud, holding a bright knife in his hand, killing left and right, killing countless enemies. .

The Khitan soldiers led the leather room out to resist, and before they had played three rounds, they had fallen to the ground.

The Khitan soldier exclaimed: "The black-faced king is here, run for your life!"

Yin Jilun's surname is Yin, but not Yan. Why are Liao people so afraid of him claiming his life?

After Song Jun was killed, Yeluxiu hurriedly turned and ran away. Unexpectedly, his right arm was chopped off, and he couldn't help but cried out in pain.

It is the strong midfielder who has its own strong midfielder, and the wise generals have to urge them!

Brother Yeluxiu was injured in his right arm and was about to be captured by Song Jun.

At this critical juncture, the guards under his tent desperately rescued him, and Yeluxiu was able to escape.

He leaped on his horse and ran all the way, his men saw the coach fleeing in embarrassment, and followed him away.

Li Jilong looked at the Khitan military camp, only to see the fire blazing into the sky, shouting and killing.

Only then did he wake up and hurriedly cross the river to help the fight.

The sky was faintly bright, the enemy fleeing, the dead, the wounded, the Song army won a great victory.

Li Jilong never expected that Yeluxiu, who was invincible, would lose the battle.

At the moment when he joined with Yin Jilun, the soldiers admired Yin Jilun's courage very much. This battle greatly boosted the morale of the Song army.

After the two armies bid farewell, Li Jilong was able to safely reach his destination with grain and grass.

Yin Jilun was awarded the Governor of Changzhou for repelling Brother Yeluxiu, and he is still serving as the chief inspector.

The Khitan army fled in embarrassment this time, and talked about the "black-faced king" in private and couldn't help being afraid. It was the Khitan warrior Yeluxiu who didn't dare to attack again.

In the second year, Zhao Guangyi again issued an edict to change Yuan, named Chunhua.

Zhao Pu resigned from office, but Zhao Guangyi was not allowed.

Zhao Pu pleaded again and again, and Zhao Guangyi let him go to Xijing to take up the post, and still serve as the Taibao and Zhongshu Order.

It turned out that Zhao Guangyi used Zhao Pu again for Lu Mengzheng, and Zhao Pu gradually realized what the emperor meant, so he didn't want to serve any longer.

At that time, many people accused Zhao Pu of letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Zhao Pu felt very guilty, so he always called the sick leave.

After the imperial decree to send him to Xijing came down, Zhao Pu repeatedly pushed back and insisted on resigning.

Zhao Guangyi gave a handwritten letter and said: "The founding father is only Aiqing alone. Others can't take on this important task, so don't give in. When I have time, I will personally go to your house and follow you. Tell the past well."

Zhao Pu held up his hand and was very moved.

The next day, Zhao Pu entered the dynasty and talked with Zhao Guangyi about the military career of Taizu, Zhao Guangyi and him. He was full of emotions and tears.

When Zhao Pu set off to Xijing, Zhao Guangyi personally went to his house and shook hands to say goodbye. Both of them reluctantly left.

In the spring of the second year of Chunhua, Zhao Pu used his old age and illness as an excuse to ask Liu Changyan to be sent to the capital by the left-behind pass sentenced Liu Changyan, hoping to tell him to return to his hometown and live forever.

Zhao Guangyi was worried about Zhao Pu's body, so he sent envoys to give condolences and gave Zhao Pu the title of emperor, named Wei Guogong, and paid the prime minister's salary.

Zhao Guangyi also asked him to recuperate well, and after he recovered from his illness, he would take time to visit him.

Zhao Pu was so grateful that he planned to hold on to the sick body, make every effort to cure him, and do his last strength to repay the emperor's grace.

Persevering, the sick body can barely support, but the wrong soul comes to entangle him every night.

In the evening, Zhao Pu would have nightmares, often yelling at the Queen Mother or His Royal Highness King Qin, sometimes filled with righteous indignation and sometimes begged bitterly.

Wake him from the left and right, he is afraid that the person next to him will know, and he will not say anything.

When I fell asleep dimly, I kept talking again.

This lasted for more than a month, and Zhao Pu's spirit became more and more tranced, and he ate less and less, and finally became bedridden.

Later, as soon as he closed his eyes, the king of Qin Zhao Tingmei sat on the side of the bed, bony and bloody, and wanted to kill him. Zhao Pu had nothing to do, so he had to burn incense and pray.

It's a pity that prayers are useless at all, and the illness is getting worse and worse.

As Zhao Pu's condition worsened, he had to bring the treasure Pisces rhinoceros he wore to his confidant Zhen Qian, and asked him to ask Jiang Daoyuan, the chief of the Taiping Palace, for help.

Jiang Daoyuan burned incense and burned paper, opened the altar, pretended to be a ghost for a long time, and finally invited the pen fairy to pray for Zhao Pu a way to crack it.

I saw that Zang pen neatly wrote on the letter paper:

"Although Zhao Pu is the founding father of the country, his grievances are too deep to escape."

Jiang Daoyuan bowed again: "Who is the injustice?"

Zangbi drew another big sign. Many characters were written on the sign randomly. Most of them could not be recognized. Only the word "fire" at the end of the sign could be recognized.

Jiang Daoyuan didn't understand the meaning, so he had to tell Zhen Qian to report to Zhao Pu.

After Zhao Pu learned about it, he sighed:

"This wronged soul must be the Qin King Zhao Tingmei! But he and Ludoxun colluded with him and conspired, and the incident was revealed and was imprisoned. I am not responsible for this matter. I don't understand why he pestered me."

Zhao Pu cried bitterly and drove to Hexi this evening! He was seventy-one years old.

Zhao Pu is dead, and people are rumored to be wronged.

Whether it is or not, there is one more ghost.

In this way, there are more and more lone souls and ghosts in Blue Star, most of them are caused by war, and the broken arms and legs are very miserable.

So many souls are wandering in the world, and they dare not come out during the day, but at night, they make a horrible cry.

Even more frightening is that as soon as the sun goes down, no one dares to go out.

Because in the wilderness or in sparsely populated places, ghosts often appear, which is very scary!

Even in the middle of the night, some ghosts want to go home to visit their relatives alive, and if they make a mistake, they will go to other people's homes.

Therefore, people who were scared to death in the middle of the night abound.

As a result, many ghosts have grown.

Due to years of fighting, the common people have no livelihood, large tracts of land are not cultivated, and countless people starve to death.

At this time, the number of Blue Stars alive is less than one million, but there are many times more people who are wronged than those who are alive!

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