Blue star.

Wang Xiaobo's mutiny caught Zhao Guangyi off guard, losing streak and retreating.

Later, someone came up with an idea and wanted the princess to be kind.

From ancient times to the present, the role of the royal daughter, in addition to winning over the ministers, is to make peace.

One of the important roles of making marriage is also the most bitter thing for the royal daughter.

Because the object of the marriage, or the king, or the anti-thief.

Therefore, Zhao Guangyi was reluctant to part with his own daughter, and married ordinary people to suffer, so Zhao Pu's daughter was moved.

Anyway, Zhao Pu is dead. It is a great kindness to let his daughter go to marry him, and it is also a move to show grace to the courtiers.

Killing two birds with one stone, why not do it?

Zhao Pu has made so many contributions to Song Da Song. Now, it is time to treat his family kindly.

He first accepted Zhao Pu's daughter as a righteous daughter and named him a princess, and then ordered someone to send an edict to Wang Xiaobo so that he would come to the capital to choose his beloved woman and become his wife!

When Wang Xiaobo started, he was skeptical.

After all, going to the capital of the Great Song Dynasty is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. If Zhao Guangyi came to catch a turtle in a urn, wouldn't he be dead?

However, after so many years of fighting, Wang Xiaobo also understood the fact that he could not win.

It is good to not be wiped out.

Obeying the Song Dynasty and seeking stability is also Wang Xiaobo's wish.

Using the princess to make a marriage shows Zhao Guangyi's sincerity, and he should go down as a donkey.

However, he had to think of a way to prevent Zhao Guangyi from killing himself.

After thinking about it all night, Wang Xiaobo suddenly discovered that his body could not move anymore when it was about to dawn!

Then, a very strange voice appeared in his mind.

Every word, like a bell ringing!

"Old Buddha ~ Religion is dead, Tibet ~ Buddhism is flourishing, you must be a minister of Tibet ~ Dharma, establish Tibet ~ Buddhism, promote Tibet ~ Dharma. Recite these Buddhism clearly, the Dharma depends on you to develop."

Wang Xiaobo was frightened and stupefied. What about old Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism?

When I was shocked, a stack of books suddenly appeared in my hand:

"Introduction to Western~Tibet~Almanac", "Zang~Wang Ji", "Yamman Dega Fa", "Maha Guru Method", "Auspicious Goddess Method"), "Hundred Prayer Sutra", "White ~ Lotus Sutra" , "Moondeng Sutra".

These books, at a glance, feel sacred and boundless merits.

Wang Xiaobo is dumbfounded, so what does it mean to let himself preach Tibetan Buddhism?

Three days later, Wang Xiaobo led a large number of people to the Song Dynasty.

The people along the way were very surprised when they saw it, because the people led by Wang Xiaobo were all bald!

And wearing a uniform gray robe, still chanting words:

"I want to walk from south to north, and from white to black; I want people to see me, but they don't know who I am;

If you see me a little tired, please pour me a bowl of water; if you have fallen in love with me, please kiss my mouth.

I have these feet, I have these legs, I have these thousand mountains and ten thousand waters; I want all these things, but don't hate and regret.

If you want to fall in love with me, don't be afraid to regret, one day I will fly away! "

What is this stuff?

There were more and more people watching along the way, and they even followed Wang Xiaobo's team and kept following along.

After walking a long way, people finally understood that they dare to feel that these people are singing!

As if it had magical powers, the people led by Wang Xiaobo, sang the ballads, quickly learned by the common people.

After this team, Wu entered the capital of Song Dynasty, Wang Xiaobo ordered that the scriptures he brought were distributed to the local people.

If they don’t understand, they will explain them one by one.

"The punishment for fighting, the compensation for murder, the eightfold fine for theft, the exile for lewd limbs, and the deceitful cut tongue. This is the retribution of the wicked after death! Madam, don't believe it, it's all one thing. The Buddhism spread from mysterious places is clearly recorded on it!"

"Really? Then we still don't be wicked, or the retribution after death would be too miserable!"

An elderly lady turned pale with fright.

"What we preach is Tibetan ~ Buddhist scriptures, there are 16 social ethics ~ principles, you must remember!"

"Hmm, remember!"

At first, the common people didn't understand, but then gradually they all understood that this is to persuade people to be kind!

Wang Xiaobo led the people to the Great Song Dynasty. The original purpose was to marry the princess, but after he got some Buddhist scriptures, he began to preach the Dharma.

He first explained it to his subordinates in detail, and then began to preach to ordinary people after his subordinates made sense.

In this way, wherever he went, people understood Tibetan Buddhism in a short time.

"Respect and trust the Three Jewels, practice the righteous law, respect your parents, respect your virtues, respect your elders, make friends with trust, benefit the people of the country, have integrity in your heart, admire the virtuous, make good use of your wealth, repay your gratitude with virtue, never deceive yourself, be jealous, and refuse to listen Words, gentle and kind words, broad-minded. These sixteen articles are the essence of "Tibetan Buddhism"!"

Inside the imperial kitchen of Song Dynasty.

The royal cooks are busy preparing for the emperor~banquet, because Wang Xiaobo, who will marry the princess, is coming soon, Zhao Guangyi ordered a grand reception.

Some meals need to be prepared in advance.

Some people who specialize in paying tribute to fresh vegetables came in outside the palace. When they delivered the vegetables, they all hummed songs.

The chefs are very curious, because the ballad is very strange.

"I don't want to stay in one place, and I don't want anyone to follow; I want to walk from south to north, and I have to walk from white to black;

I want people to see me, but don’t know who I am; I just want to see you look beautiful, but don’t want to know that you are suffering;

I want to get the water in the sky, but not your tears; I don’t want to believe that there really is a devil, and I don’t want to oppose anyone;

Don't you want to know who I am, and don't want to see my hypocrisy. "

What an interesting ballad!

The days of these royal cooks are also quite boring, although busy, but very empty ~ empty.

So, after hearing such a song, I fell in love almost instantly.

Then they were busy learning to sing.

After the chefs learned, they taught some little palace ladies and eunuchs who came to serve food.

The little palace ladies eunuchs taught their master again, and they passed it on, and finally, even Zhao Guangyi knew the song.

The name is "Ascetic"!

In recent days, Zhao Guangyi often heard the court ladies and eunuchs whispering, and every time they hum, they still have a pious expression on their faces.

He was very strange, and later called someone to ask. It turned out that it was Wang Xiaobo's subordinates and the first to sing.

Zhao Guangyi's curiosity was aroused. What kind of ballad is this, and what do the lyrics in it mean?

It sounds very interesting. Is it too idle to walk from south to north and from white to black?

If you don’t want to stay in one place, and you don’t want anyone to follow, it’s even more troublesome, tramp?

With these mysteries, Zhao Guangyi made an order to let Wang Xiaobo hurry up to see him!

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