"Sorry, sir, after checking, the guests who live in the theme space of the Demon Realm have not recorded the repair base. However, according to our hotel's rules, if there is a fairy, a prompt will appear, but there is no right now!"

The young lady at the front desk smiled slightly, very warm.

But her warm smile could not warm Liu Hao's cold heart!

He looked at the young lady at the front desk with a pale face, and asked unwillingly, "Really?"

"Yes, the fairy appears, and a prompt will appear at the door of our hotel!"

The young lady at the front desk nodded seriously.

"I'll wipe it, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Liu Hao is stupid, he doesn't even know this!

If you know, um, if you know, then you will definitely bet. After all, he believes that if he is not a fairy, it is impossible to hold on until the morning.

In other words, the bet still holds!

Now he can only expect that the guest will come out in the middle of the night, otherwise, not only will he go bankrupt, but many people will also go bankrupt with him!

"It's over, I'm scrapped, I even lost my wife!"

"Hehe, at least you still have a wife. I have lost my wife’s dowry money. I don’t dare to go home now. I’m afraid of being beaten to death by my wife!"

"Don't say anything, I am ready to go home on my knees now!"

On the barrage, many people turned pale when they heard the conversation between Liu Hao and the young lady at the front desk.

"Hey, I don't know whose husband, whose father, whose son this is, who is the backbone of which family!!"

The young lady at the front desk looked at Liu Hao's desperate back and shook her head helplessly.

She has seen so many things like this!

It's no surprise!


In the early morning of the next day, the Dark Demon got up early, and he suddenly found that he was comfortable all over after sleeping here, as if he was sleeping in his own home!

When he opened the door, before he was thinking about what to eat today, he suddenly saw a dark shadow rushing towards him!

The dark demon was shocked, because he was in the hotel, so he didn't release his mind, but he didn't expect that someone would sneak attack?

But when I was thinking about it in my mind, the movements on my hands were not slow.

He is also the cultivation base of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. Although the opponent's speed is very fast, in his eyes, it is no different from a snail!


One hand was firmly placed on the opponent's head.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

The dark demon asked in a deep voice, if the opponent didn't use mana, it would not be a block, but a direct obliteration!

"I am an anchor. There are currently more than five million viewers in my live broadcast room. I want to ask you a question!"

Liu Hao looked embarrassed, he didn't expect the other party to move so fast.


The dark demon was taken aback for a moment, then he thought about it, and suddenly, he remembered, isn't the anchor thing the same as that of the live broadcast software?


The Dark Demon released his hand and asked immediately.

"I want to ask, are you a fairy?"

Liu Hao stared at the Dark Demon with his eyes, his heart trembling.

"Fairy? Naturally not!"

The dark demon was taken aback, shook his head, what a joke, he is a demon, how could he be a fairy?

However, don't know why, he felt that after he finished saying this, the whole spirit of the person in front of him disappeared a lot.

"Then I would like to ask, what method do you rely on to stay in the theme space of the Demon Realm for one night? You know, even the top existence under the immortal can't do it!"

Liu Hao didn't give up, but he didn't get too entangled. He knew that since he lost the bet, he had to find another way. As long as he said something amazing, it wouldn't be impossible to make money back!

Hearing that, the dark demon's heart is a little funny, the top existence under the fairy?

Although he is not an immortal, he is the Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation base among the demons!

Moreover, even if he has no cultivation base, he is a demon and lives in the demon world. Is there anything wrong with him?

"I came from a mountain. What I pay attention to in the mountain is the natural way of Taoism, and my heart is like still water. As long as there are no demons in my heart, naturally I don't need to fear any demon world!"

The dark demon looked indifferently, and said slowly.

Especially looking at the mobile phone in Liu Hao's hand, when facing more than five million viewers, he naturally couldn't say that he was the devil, so he could only say that.

And, suddenly, he had a bold idea!

That is, why not take this opportunity to break into the enemy?

"There is no demon in my heart, naturally fearless?"

Hearing this, Liu Hao gave a slight shock and looked at the dark demon incredibly.

You know, as long as a person or a god, as long as it is a creature and has a thought, there will be more or less joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. This is a necessary thing for a creature!

And with emotions such as emotions, anger, sorrow, sorrow, and so on, then the demons will naturally arise!

The gods are indeed very powerful, but they also need to overcome the catastrophe!

But to a certain extent, the catastrophe of crossing is no longer an external force, but an internal force!

Heart robbery!

As long as the spirit of the gods is not enough, then they will naturally die under the catastrophe!

This is why, many gods will choose to live in the demon world theme, because this is the tempering state of mind, which is why there are many anchors who choose to live broadcast this!

"What? You don't believe it?"

The Dark Demon raised his brows and asked with a smile.

"This...... This is naturally believed!"

Hearing this, Liu Hao smiled awkwardly. He didn't believe in his heart that no one is perfect. Even saints have emotions and emotions, let alone ordinary cultivators?

However, he had nothing to say when he stayed alive in the Demon Realm theme all night.

"Okay, I'm going to eat, I'll talk more when I have time!"

The Dark Demon waved his hand, turned and left.

"Everyone, have you heard? This person is extraordinary!"

Liu Hao's eyes flickered, and he looked at the live broadcast room and said in a deep voice.

"I feel that there must be some big secret in him, I need to think about it, wait for the evening, I will broadcast it to everyone!"

After speaking, Liu Hao directly closed the live broadcast room regardless of the audience's obstruction.

Immediately, his fingers flew quickly, and the titles appeared on the phone one by one, send!

In a short period of time, more than ten articles appeared on the forum.

"Shocked, I was shocked to see the master of the deep mountain hermit, he was born calmly, the reason is actually..."

"The hermit master came out just to experience a night in the themed room of the demon world? The most important thing is that he still succeeded?"

"As everyone knows, the devilish themed room is a taboo under the immortal, the room used by the immortal to hone his state of mind, but just last night, there was an ordinary immortal cultivator who lived in this room!"

"An old man was surprised. He said that there is no magic in his heart, and his mind is natural. Why is this?"

"Everything, please look forward to the Liu Hao live broadcast tonight!"

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