These people, with a glance, there are hundreds of people, maybe more!

However, at this time they stood quietly on the spot, with a smile on their faces, whispering something to the people around them from time to time.

It looks a little scary!

After all, whoever sees so many people standing here motionless in the morning will feel terrified!

"Uh, are they here?"

The dark demon looked at everything in front of him in surprise, didn't he say to bring himself to find the method of cultivating the supernatural power?

What is the situation now?

"Brother, you don't even know this, do you?"

Seeing the surprised expression of the dark demon, Wang Xiaoer was stunned and a little puzzled.

"This is the way Qin Hao and the sages created the ability to cultivate, but it shouldn't be. Even if you live in the mountains, this matter was announced to the Three Realms!"

The implication is that at the beginning, the saints told the Three Realms, even if you live in the mountains, you should know!

This is true, but the problem is that the Dark Demon is not a character living in the Three Realms!

He lives in a Lord of the Rings, which is completely different from the Three Realms. Before the seal is released, even the power of the saints cannot invade, let alone the Three Realms notice!

"Ahem, because I often retreat, you know, generally speaking, retreats don’t receive news from the outside, so it’s easy to get into trouble!"

The Dark Demon thought for a while, and coughed, a little helpless.


Wang Xiaoer nodded. He didn't think much about it. Then he introduced: "In the beginning, Mr. Qin Hao and a few saints created this technique, but because many people don't actually know the words, it is very difficult to cultivate! "

Hearing this, the dark demon nodded, which was actually a point of his curiosity.

In this era, most people don't know characters. If there are any cultivation methods, let's not talk about the question of whether mortals recognize characters or not.

Even if it is literacy, can a mere mortal understand those mysterious and mysterious techniques?


"Therefore, the saints came up with a method, which is to use movements, that is, broadcast gymnastics. However, for specific things, we are just ordinary people, so we don’t understand it. Anyway, we just know that doing broadcast gymnastics is good for people. benefit!"

Wang Xiaoer pointed to the people on the square dance and said with a smile: "Those people are here to dance the square dance!"

"Actually, we didn’t believe that square dancing can be practiced at the beginning. After all, these simple movements seem so powerful. But when we were surprised, when we did those movements, we actually didn’t believe it. I can really cultivate!"

"We feel that our body is getting better and better, and even some people have supernatural powers!"

The dark demon quietly listened to Wang Xiaoer's memory, but he did not interrupt because he wanted more information!

"Then are they standing here?"

The dark demon pointed at the people on the square, and said in surprise: "Standing here?"

"No, no, of course not, it's just that it hasn't started yet!"

Wang Xiaoer shook his head, then looked up at the time, and smiled: "However, look at the time, it should be almost now!"

As his voice fell, a person appeared in the front of the square. There were males and females. These people were relatively older.

Basically, there are no young people!

The dark demon suddenly narrowed his eyes, because he found that the energy in the bodies of the few people who appeared was much stronger than the energy of most people in the square!

Just when the dark demon opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

Only those few people smiled slightly.

"Everyone, maybe there are newcomers, maybe there are old people, but it's not important. The important thing is that as long as everyone follows our actions, then the body will get better and better, and even awakening abilities!"

"Okay, let's not say much, let's start doing it now!"

"Thank you teacher!"

Everyone yelled, everyone's expression was a little excited.

It can be seen that they respect these people's attitude very much.

"How many of them are?"

The Dark Demon asked curiously.

"Oh, they are the lead dancers here, that is, the people who do square dance better, and then everyone chooses them. After all, not everyone can dance square dance in place!"

Wang Xiaoer said helplessly: "But this thing, if the jump is not in place, although it will not cause any harm to the human body, it will even have the effect of exercising, but the effect of the ability is gone!"

Hearing this, the dark demon frowned slightly. It seems that the requirements of this thing are also very high. At the very least, if the actions are not in place, they can't cultivate supernatural powers!

"Deng Deng stare!"

At this moment, a huge music sounded, at least, the Dark Demon had never heard such music!

Just when he was stunned, he saw that the originally motionless crowd in the square began to move with the music!

"Who is singing, warms the loneliness!"

The Dark Demon looked at the people who were swinging their bodies to the music, with a dumbfounded expression.

He saw this scene for the first time.

"In your appreciation, flying freely, the brilliant stars roam eternally!"

With the huge sound of music, the dark magic that almost shook was directly deaf!

But I have to say that this music sounds uncomfortable to him at first, but after listening to it once, it feels like this music seems to be pretty good too!

Then, the next song!

Of course, the teachers were not idle either. One of them led the dance in front, while the other teachers walked down slowly, staring at the dancing people all the time.

Intervene from time to time to guide those who do not move properly.

The dark demon's spirit unfolded instantly, looking at the dancing people.

He soon discovered that as their dance moves, the blood flow in their bodies is fast and faster and faster, and finally forms energy and supplies it to the brain, which in turn supplies the heart, and the heart supplies the whole body again !

So fast cycling!

According to Dark Demon's estimation, a song can be looped several times!

And each cycle can leave a trace of energy in the person's Dantian position!

That's right, there is only a trace, not too much.

But the Dark Demon saw the power of this thing.

"It's worthy of the technique developed by the saint, it's amazing!"

After a long while, Dark Demon sighed with complicated expression. If he guessed correctly, this technique has no upper limit!

For example, they cultivators have a threshold of a great realm, and there may be a threshold that will never pass for a lifetime.

Direct card for a lifetime!

But under this dance, there is no such saying at all!

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