When everyone heard the words of the Dark Demon, they suddenly shook their heads helplessly.

Because in a short period of time, they found a problem, that is, 11 is very easy to go up, after all, before the top 10, the equipment will not be broken, only drop the level.

Moreover, even if it is dropped, it won't drop too much. All the small swords in a backpack will be strengthened together, and sooner or later, they will be able to go up. Therefore, even those with bad luck can get some 11 small swords sooner or later.

But 12 is more troublesome!

They need to strengthen these 11 Kodachi once again, how many successes will depend on their fate!

But they can also understand, how can ten dollars be so easy to get?

You know, they are just sitting here, wirelessly looping the equipment in their hands to strengthen it!

And many people are still working hard outside, they only need to succeed one or two, then it is equivalent to other people's work wages for a day!

Where can I find such a good thing?

There are even people who think carefully, they think of a good way to make money!

For example, Liu Hao is one of them. He is a young man with a more active mind. Otherwise, he cannot be an anchor now.

"Since the big men need this sharp Kodachi, do other great gods also need it?"

Liu Hao thought secretly in his heart. After all, it makes sense to think so. Although the battle power rankings of the fairy suit and the mortal suit are completely separated, they are actually in the same area.

In other words, they can play with the gods, not only that, the items between the auction houses can all be traded with each other!

If this game should be used in mortal clothes, it is of no use, because mortal clothes probably not many people can strengthen it.

But the fairy costume is different!

There are all great gods in there, can people still need money?

It's definitely not bad!

"In other words, is my opportunity to make money?"

Liu Hao thought for a while, his eyes lit up, since the boss didn't choose to keep it secret, then he could tell that they didn't care about this strengthening method at all.

Therefore, even if you use it out to make money, the boss will not care.

"Well, when the live broadcast is over, I will find a few people to help me strengthen my equipment every day! Of course, if you give them 30 yuan a day, they must be very willing, and as long as they successfully strengthen three Kodachi every day, then they will be stable. You won't lose it!"

Liu Hao's eyes were firm. The reason why he had such an idea was because he saw that in just a dozen minutes, someone had succeeded in two twelve small swords!

This is ten minutes!

I earned 20 yuan, which is the day's work money for others to work outside!

This game should be so fast!

Of course, this is only his temporary thought, he is not going to say it, if this thing appears too much, then Kodachi will be worthless!

"Hahaha, I succeeded, I succeeded again!"

Suddenly, someone cried out in the Internet cafe.

As soon as this remark came out, someone immediately looked over with envy.

"Brother, you are amazing, a handful of 12, then you can get ten dollars!"

"Ah, did you succeed? I have succeeded three times. No one really thinks this game should be difficult, right?"

The Internet cafe is very lively for a while.

In the past, what they showed off to compare was who can burst out good equipment!

But now, what they compare is, who can strengthen more!

The dark demon looked at the enthusiastic crowd in the Internet cafe, smiled and shook his head.

"Everyone, I will receive a wave now and trade with me! Come one by one, don't worry!"

"Wang Xiaoer, you can record it for me, who has traded with me, how many trades, and then everyone settles together, is it okay?"

"no problem!"

Everyone nodded, they were very happy, what could be the problem?

Originally a sharp small sword is not worth money, so it can be said that it basically doesn't cost much.

It doesn't matter if it is given to the Dark Demon for nothing.

What's more, can the boss still pay the bad money?


Wang Xiaoer nodded, then took out a small ledger and began to record.

At this moment, the Dark Demon felt the feeling of how powerful people are.

If he did it himself, it would take a long time to complete at least!

But now, in less than half an hour, he actually got dozens of 12 sharp kotatsu.

Of course, this is also normal. After all, even if one person succeeds once, this can also be accomplished. What's more, most people have more than one!

"Hey, this wave has only succeeded three!"

"Grass, is that good? I only succeeded two."

"Uh, I was ashamed of you, I just made it!"

Everyone sighed after seeing the completion of the Dark Demon transaction, a little helpless, there was no way, the time was too tight.

Even, they don't have time to watch the dark demon boss to strengthen the equipment right now.

After all, you can only look at other people's strengthening, but they can make money for themselves if they strengthen their equipment now!

Which one is good and which is not good for oneself, can't you tell at a glance?

"Come here, everyone, I think the big guys are consuming very quickly, let's hurry up!"

"Yes, let's stop watching the strengthening of the big bosses, and act quickly!"

Everyone greeted, just a humanitarian reminder, and then ignored the others, and sat down one after another to start strengthening Kodachi.

Anyway, they said they had already said it, and it was their own business whether to do it or not.

Liu Hao looked at everyone, and then at the boss. He is now in a live broadcast state, so naturally it is impossible to strengthen like them.

Suddenly said bitterly: "Dear viewers, have you seen it? In order to broadcast it to you, I may have lost hundreds of dollars!"

"Haha, rest assured, you won't be missing!"

"Hurry up and show us the boss strengthening, I'll give you a reward!"

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately laughed when they saw Liu Hao saying this. Are they short of money?

not bad!

Reward and go!

"Everyone, rational consumption is good. Underages, please don’t give rewards. Of course, don’t give rewards for minors of the human race. Monsters and other races don’t count. Ahem, it’s not that I take a different look, but that other races are even minors. They are all over a hundred years old. Also, thank you all for your rewards!"

Liu Hao looked at the picture and instantly turned into a sea of ​​gifts, and immediately thanked him.

Immediately, the screen of his mobile phone changed, and everyone could see the computer screen of the Dark Demon.

At this time, a wave of enhancement of the Dark Demon is ready to be continued.

The 12 sharp Kodachi, threw it in without hesitation.

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