After the Great Desolation, Heaven and Earth’s constraints on these great powers became more and more serious. Saints were not allowed to come out, and quasi-sages were not to be fought. .

This has led to the fact that the Dao Sect wants to manifest in the human world, and it is completely impossible without a valid reason.

But Buddhism is different. It is normal for people to go up to the sky to listen, hold a Westward Journey to learn scriptures, and come out to manifest.

"Yes, what we lack now is a reason!"

Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng and others looked at each other and nodded suddenly.

Although they knew this question a long time ago, they didn't expect that Qin Hao had just analyzed it and he had a clue, which made them more confident.

"Buddhism is about learning from scriptures, enlightening the foolish people of the Three Realms, letting them know what is good or bad, and helping them live a better life!"

Qin Hao said, shook his head slightly, and sighed: "But it is a pity that they can only do the first step at most, but they can't do the latter. After all, can the Buddhist scriptures make people full? Can people avoid danger? Is it? It's impossible!"

Everyone nodded subconsciously, what is the use of the Buddhist scriptures?

In addition to calming people's mood and good character, nothing can be changed here.

"I have a few options now, but they require a lot of manpower and material resources, and may also require a lot of money. Are you willing?"

Qin Hao looked at the faces of everyone, and said slowly.

"Of course, we were ready!"

Yuan Tiangang nodded, and the others nodded.

"I have three strategies. First, hold a lottery event. There are five numbers in total. The lottery is drawn every seven days. Of course, you need to spend money to buy this thing, and you must be realistic. If someone buys it, you have to give it. money!"

What Qin Hao is thinking about is the lottery of the previous life!

With this thing, getting rich overnight is not a dream, but it is a booster for everyone to feel excited!

When everyone heard the words, they took a breath, and they were shocked by Qin Hao's thoughts.

"Friends of Daoist, although our Dao Sect is not bad for money, we can't stand the consumption!"

Yuan Tiangang smiled bitterly. According to Qin Hao, the winner is based on mobile phone fees, which is directly tens of millions of mobile phone fees, once every seven days. Who can stand this?

"No, no, only one person won the lottery in seven days. Think about how many people will buy lottery tickets in these seven days? In the end, I'm sure that you will not only not lose money, but you will also make a lot of money!"

Qin Hao shook his head. Although the ancients were very smart, they still maintained their old thinking after all.

Looking at the past life, I have never heard of the lottery going bankrupt, and everyone has made money!

After Qin Hao said this, everyone reacted.

Yes, under the reward, there must be a brave man, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of mobile phone fees, and can be exchanged for magic weapons, and even for money. What is the concept?

Getting rich overnight is simply a simple matter.

Even if they think about it, they can't help but want to buy lottery tickets, let alone mortals?

"It makes sense, fellow Taoist is right!"

Several people looked at each other and laughed suddenly.

This is simply enough to make a sensation in the world.

"The second way, as a monk, you may not have noticed that the weakest one is the human race. Not only do they have to face the scourges brought by nature, but also the big monsters in the heavens and the earth, plus some places, it’s simply Live the life of having the last meal but not the next. This is the person you need to help!"

Qin Hao's eyes flickered as he slowly said.

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