"Bodhisattva, my Buddhism cannot be controlled by Qin Hao!"

In this silence, someone suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at it, and the person who spoke was a bit inconspicuous in Buddhism. He was really Venerable Ananda!

"What can Venerable Ananda do?"

Without the Tathagata, Avalokitesvara has basically become the helm of Buddhism.

Of course, this is Maitreya Buddha, and when the ancient Buddha burning the lantern is not present, if these people appear, even she will not be the master.

"Bodhisattva, because of the advent of mobile phones, it has been popularized by too many people. Although mobile phones are convenient for communication, they have shortcomings. That is, ordinary people don’t think about hard work after getting a mobile phone, but gamble in the fight for landlords, hoping to win. Cell phone fee."

Venerable Ananda flashed in his eyes, and continued: "But most people lose miserably!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the Buddhas brightened. If this is the case, it is a good thing, a great thing.

Isn't this just plaything?

Guan Shiyin thought, pinched his fingers, and shook his head: "This is not a good strategy, because those who are good gamblers, most of them are still responsible."

What she needs is something that can legitimately attack Qin Hao or his mobile phone, not such an unreasonable reason.

The appearance of mobile phones has made it convenient for the public, but it has also made it easier for them to Buddhism.

"Then we will shoot movies. Movies are not that difficult. Fight with Qin Hao!"

Venerable Ananda continued.

"This is a way, but I need to inform Qin Hao, I hope he will enable other people to upload movies too!"

Guanyin nodded slightly.

If you can’t write a novel, you can’t do it. After all, you have a big brain, but I don’t believe it. You can’t make a movie but you can’t make it?


Chat forum.

A fairy in the sky: "Hey, I have watched a Chinese Ghost Story ten times, and every time I watch it, I have a deep understanding."

Qinglian Sword Fairy: "Yes, people with love can't be together, how heartbreaking is this?"

Sword Immortal Admirer: "Yes, yes, for example, I love Sword Immortal very much, but I can't get a response, and my heart hurts so much that I can't breathe!"

Qinglian Sword Fairy: "..."

The second fairy in the sky: "Don't you think that Nie Xiaoqian is very beautiful? I have decided to establish a group for her, and she will be our idol in the future!"

This is relatively friendly, and those who are unfriendly have already started to spray.

Buddhism is angry!

The young couple went through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and finally got together, but you stabbed them in the end. Is this still a human thing?


Datang, Chang'an City.

Qin Hao was sitting in the bookstore. At this time, several representatives of Dao Sect were all sitting here.

The atmosphere is a bit tense.

"Okay, almost done, we can release the news of the welfare lottery!"

About two hours later, Qin Hao kept observing the number of clicks, and he knew how many phones appeared in total. The most important thing was to activate, so just count the number of activated people to know!

Now the number of clicks on A Chinese Ghost Story has reached a peak, and it has even been seriously overflowed. It is obvious that someone is watching repeatedly.

"Is it finally going to be released?"

Hearing that, Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng and others looked at each other and became more nervous. This is related to the question of whether they can do Buddhism in the immortal realm.

How could they not be nervous?

"Ding Dong!"

At this moment, Qin Hao's cell phone rang, and when he looked down, it was actually a message from Guan Shiyin.

"Daoist Qin Hao, I also want to shoot a movie in Buddhism. I wonder if it is convenient to activate the upload function?"

Seeing this, Qin Hao smiled strangely.

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