After Lu Wen said, the scene turned around and appeared in a courtyard. Many viewers could clearly see that although the place was small, the environment was elegant and there were some Taoist priests in long robes around.

Lu Wen and Qingyin walked into the courtyard and saw an old woman sitting in the courtyard.

"Dear viewers, this is the old mother of the winner, and one of the hosts here. Now let us ask, what does the old mother want to say about her son winning the prize!"

When Lu Wen saw the old woman, her eyes lit up and she said to the camera.

However, the faces of the Jade Emperor and others at this moment were a bit ugly, and they felt something was wrong!

What's so special? They said that the winners were under house arrest. Isn't this pour dirty water on them?

It's Buddhism, it's very joyful. I didn't expect that the people of this door would beat their own people, it's kind of interesting!

"Ding Dong!"

In the carriage, Qin Hao's cell phone rang, and when he looked down, he suddenly smiled. It turned out that it was the Jade Emperor.

"Qin Hao, what do you mean? Why did Lu Wen and Qingyin point at the door with swords? Did they get bought?"

The Jade Emperor didn't doubt Qin Hao. After all, the two of them should be mutually beneficial now. Qin Hao would definitely not cheat him, because he was afraid that Lu Wen and Qingyin would be bought by Buddhism or the monster clan.

"Haha, don't worry, Your Majesty, I have other arrangements for this matter!"

When the Jade Emperor saw Qin Hao's reply, he was a little more settled. Now Daomen became famous because of the emergence of the welfare lottery. If the welfare lottery was severely damaged, then Buddhism would definitely not be idle.

"This lady, do you have anything you want to say about your son's winning the lottery?"

Lu Wen and Qingyin came to the old woman and asked with a smile, very kind.

"We are the two hosts of live news software. I would like to ask you if you have any inconveniences or complaints or discomforts in your life after winning the prize!"

When Guanyin and others heard this question, everyone put a smile on their faces.

There is no problem at first hearing this, but after careful consideration, you will find that they are all talking negative, and none of them are positive, which is basically tempting the old woman to tell negative news.

"What's the situation? Could it be that Mount Shu is arguing with Daomen?"

Guanyin had some doubts in her heart.

"Inconvenience? There are indeed many inconveniences!"

The old woman looked at Lu Wen and Qingyin with alertness in her eyes, but she heard the introduction of the two, and the Taoist priests did not stop her, she was not a bad person at first sight, she suddenly smiled.

"Oh? What's the inconvenience? Just say, don't worry, we are directly under Mr. Qin, as long as you put forward any comments, we will report to Mr. Qin, the founder of the mobile phone, and all beings in the Three Realms will know! "

Lu Wen and Qingyin looked at each other and laughed.

They didn't have any rehearsals before, and they didn't come to notice. What they wanted was real news, not fakes!

"Hey, I was an ordinary old man. I used to live a bad life and work daily, but now I suddenly have money. Not only can I not do anything, but even when I go out, I have to be followed by many people. I am not used to it!"

The old woman sighed: "I am old, and when I am idle, I feel very boring, I always want to do something!"

"Oh? So, the Daomen restrict your freedom?"

Lu Wen's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly asked.

The Jade Emperor's face twitched slightly, so you are going to kill him!

Does our Dao Sect have an enmity with you?

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