Qin Hao sat in the shop with a smile on his face. With the cultivation of human beings, he has only a trace of confidence until now. Although he is still like an ant in the eyes of those great powers, it is better than thoroughness. Mortal!

"Today is another day!"

Qin Hao opened the door of the bookstore, but saw a lot of people standing outside, including men and women. Everyone's faces were full of sadness, very complicated, but there was no sound.

My eyelids twitched slightly, I was so excited just now that I didn't even notice it at all.


Qin Hao looked at the faces of everyone, and asked cautiously.


Seeing the door opened, everyone said together, but the tone was full of resentment.

If it weren't for what happened yesterday, and knowing that this one is a fairy, I am afraid that the rotten egg and rotten tomato would have been thrown up at the moment the door opened.

All night long!

They haven't slept all night, after reading the biography of Wukong, and watching Zhuxian, the whole person is not good!

Especially the result of Wukong Chuan and Zhuxian, playing with them feels the gloomy life!

"Sir, can you tell me, what is the result in your biography of Wukong?"

At this time, a head squeezed out of the crowd, and it was Cheng Chumo.

When everyone heard the words, they nodded their heads. They had come long ago and found that the results they saw were actually different. This was really strange!

"Well, the story of Wukong has no results, some are just what you want most in your heart!"

Qin Hao pondered for a moment, and said slowly.

The Cheng family three brothers immediately gave him a helpless look, and then slowly backed away.

Everyone was thoughtful, and at the next moment, no one behind the crowd shouted, but it was obviously a woman's voice.

"Sisters, throw it to me!"

"Give me back Baguio, would you write a story, Baguio is so cute, you actually wrote her to death?"

"Give me Baguio!"

Then, Qin Hao's face turned green, and he saw a large piece of egg and cabbage leaves thrown over.


Qin Hao stepped back, closed the door directly, shook his head and said, "Hey, why is this, it's just a story, these people are really, too serious!"

Speaking of which, men can bear it, fear of being immortal, but those women are emotional. They care about you as immortals or not. Baguio, who is so eccentric, let the author write to death. Will you still keep you if you don't kill you?

The corner of Qin Hao's mouth rose slightly, this was the result he wanted, and he was not angry, because it showed that the effect was very good!

It wasn't until the afternoon that the crowd slowly dissipated. They just vented their emotions. When they couldn't say it was really competitive, they knew it would stop there!

"Tsk tsk, it's horrible, look at this dish, it's all fresh, I guess you can make a meal after picking it up and washing it!"

Cheng Chu silently looked at the eggs and vegetable leaves on the ground, and there was a sound in his mouth.

The second child, Chuliang, silently glanced at his eldest brother. At this time, you still dare to say cold words?

"Small Mo, what were you doing just now? As a staff of the bookstore, you have to live and die with the bookstore, so you ran away?"

Qin Hao put a hand on Cheng Chumo's shoulder and smiled: "Well, you can pick up these dishes, wash them, and save them for dinner. If you don't finish them, I will doubt whether you are loyal to the bookstore. Maybe , I'm going to change a clerk!"

Cheng Chumo: "..."

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