The state of Baoxiang has changed drastically now. It is full of enthusiasm, people everywhere, and the number of beggars is gradually decreasing.

"Your Majesty, now that the establishment of the orphanage is complete, do you have any ideas?"

Yuan Tiangang stood in front of the old king and asked with a smile.

"Where did the Taoist say? I just cooperated with you, and I don't understand these, so I need to trouble you!"

The old king smiled. These days, Baoxiang Country has undergone earth-shaking changes, because all young and strong people will participate in the establishment of the orphanage.

The most important thing is that there is still wages, food and housing!

This kind of thing is not available in Baoxiang Country, and the speed is naturally very fast!

"Haha, then don't worry, your Majesty, I will definitely get the orphanage ready when I wait, and try not to let Baoxiangguo worry about it!"

Yuan Tiangang smiled slightly. Logically speaking, they are also the cultivation base of immortals, and they don't need to care about mortal kings at all, and they don't even need to care about Li Shimin's level.

But he obeyed Qin Hao's words, as the saying goes, the strong dragon does not crush the ground snake. With the cooperation of this country, the speed of their construction and the assembly of manpower will be much faster.

Seeing the elderly and children in tattered clothes slowly enter the orphanage, Yuan Tiangang smiled. Even if the elderly were alone, they would do what they could, such as cleaning.

But the child's words, in his opinion, are the reserve power of their Dao Sects!

Not to mention the issue of belief and incense, according to Qin Hao's words, as long as he finds out any of them is talented, he is recruiting a talented disciple for Heavenly Court!

As the saying goes, it’s not necessarily that those rich and powerful children have a talent for cultivation. It’s hard to say clearly. It’s possible that a little beggar is a talented generation.


Xiao Mu Nai is a beggar, and there is a younger sister who is only five or six years old. Their parents are dead long ago, while Xiao Mu, only ten years old, can’t do physical work. He could still live in the village before. Because the neighbors see their brothers and sisters pitiful, they will give them a bite of food.

But Xiaomu also knew that those neighbors were not wealthy, and even had a meal without a meal. Therefore, Xiaomu resolutely took his sister to Baoxiang Country. He felt that only in big cities, they might be able to do it again. Stay alive.

This is the fact. In big cities, there will always be some rich and noble people, and those rich and noble people can let their brothers and sisters live for several days if they donate anything.

"En? What are you doing here?"

Outside the city of Baoxiang Country, in a dilapidated temple, Xiaomu asked in surprise as he watched a large number of his companions walking towards Baoxiang Country with excitement.

"Hey, Xiaomu, our good days are coming! The Daomen Taoists pity us these poor people and opened a welfare home in Baoxiang Country to take us in!"

The old man beside him suddenly smiled, with a look of excitement on his face.

They are all beggars, lonely and helpless. They can only live in this dilapidated temple. Although it is dilapidated, they can also shelter from the wind and rain, which is also a good place.

Fortunately, there is no so-called beggar fighting here, otherwise, Xiaomu brothers and sisters may starve to death.


Hearing this, Xiaomu's dim eyes suddenly brightened, his expression unbelievable.

"Why do those people do this? Although I am still young, I also understand a truth. We are of no use to them. Instead, they still spend money to help us?"

But immediately, Xiaomu frowned slightly. He was not hypocritical, but his living environment had to make him vigilant, otherwise, there would be no dead scum left.

Moreover, this is a normal reaction. The so-called children from poor families are in their homes early.

"Hey, I don't think about this, but His Majesty the King has already issued a will. There is nothing wrong with this. Moreover, we are just going to see if something is not right, we will run!"

How can the old man not understand the truth that Xiaomu understands?

They are just a group of beggars, what can they do to help those Taoists?

Why do they want to establish an orphanage for them?

Therefore, Xiaomu took his sister and followed the old man into the Baoxiang Country. From a distance, you can see that there are many beggars on the road, and there are many adults and children, heading towards the center of the city.

"To benefit the world, Daomen accommodates beggars and old people. As long as you are a beggar, you will be accommodated without any fees. Instead, it will let you eat, drink and dress well!

Someone shouted in the street, and many people were suddenly excited when they heard this.

But Xiaomu noticed something was wrong. If this is the case, how much does it cost?

What are the benefits for Daomen?

Although he is still young, he knows a truth. There is no free lunch in the world!

Therefore, Xiaomu slowly approached the city center with vigilance in his heart, and saw that it was a very large building complex with exquisite houses everywhere, and in the middle was a group of Taoist priests in Taoist robes, everyone They are all majestic and look very majestic.

And all around, there were beggars everywhere, and the smell was very unpleasant, but even so, those Taoists didn't care at all, instead they smiled.

Seeing this scene, Xiaomu's heart was slightly settled.

At the very least, these people don't dislike themselves and others very much.

"Everyone, the children stand aside, and the elderly please stand aside!"

Yuan Tiangang appeared in front of everyone with a smile on his face. This was the first orphanage in Daomen, and he was about to appear naturally.


When everyone heard this, they quickly dispersed, and the crowded scene suddenly became a lot more refreshing.


Suddenly, Yuan Tiangang frowned slightly, his expression changed.

And those beggars, with a nervous mind, were a little flustered when they saw Yuan Tiangang's expression change.

Beggars are the poorest people in the world and the most fragile in their minds. They may feel anxious and uneasy because of anyone's expressions and eyes!

Ahem, of course, those beggars who make millions in the next generations do not count.

I saw that the children in ragged clothes were standing on the left, while the old people were standing on the right, but in the middle, there were many men in their twenties and thirties!

It should be noted that men in their twenties and thirties are in this world when they are young and strong, and these people are actually beggars?

Looking at the hundreds of young beggars in front of him, Yuan Tiangang suddenly remembered what Qin Hao had said to him before.

In this world, there will never be a lack of opportunistic and lazy people!

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