Qin Hao didn't know how Sun Wukong treated Zhu Bajie, and he didn't want to know that it was a problem with other brothers and sisters.

"My son, I found a lot of little monsters in the mountains, but these little monsters are very wild, and most of them have very little intelligence, so they are of little use!"

At this time, Xiao Hei rode back on the 28th Dagang, which is the product of the system. If it is a normal 28th Dagang, even if the quality is good, after this big Luo Jinxian's fast speed switch, it would have fallen apart long ago!

"It doesn't matter, low IQ is not a problem, isn't there a smart little demon? Let those shopkeepers take the place, or let them use their brains and work!"

Qin Hao smiled. What he wants is the number of people, within the scope of his ability, he can control it well. As for the little demon with IQ? He really didn't report any hope!

"That's it!"

Xiao Hei nodded honestly, and continued: "My son, this time, I found more than 20,000 little demon, and it has been arranged now, but those shops are no longer enough, and it is even more difficult to manage."

After speaking here, he paused and continued: "And I heard that Hong Haier and other little monsters have also found a lot of little monsters to come back, presumably, they are coming back soon!

When Qin Hao heard this, his face was suddenly happy, he felt that his task was almost completed!

Although I don't know how many little demons they can retrieve this time, it should almost be close to 100,000!

One hundred thousand little monsters can almost be regarded as a monster city.

Sure enough, after a while, Hong Haier took a group of younger brothers back on the Erba Dagang. I have to say that the gods are awesome. Have you ever seen the scene of flying in the sky riding the Erba Dagang?

When Qin Hao saw it, he was shocked.

"Hey, Master Qin, we are back, I found fifty thousand little demon, how?"

Hong Haier's face was triumphant, and his eyes were full of excitement. This is fifty thousand little demon!

How much is that?


"Where did you get so many little monsters?"

Even Qin Hao was shocked when he heard this number. He even wondered whether this guy relied on his strong cultivation base and the true fire of Samadhi to kill several demon kings?

Or, to find the little demon that his father wanted?

"You don't know this? The king is smart, Tang Sanzang and the others went all the way west, killing many demon kings, and the remaining little demon will naturally be homeless!"

Hong Haier did not hesitate to press the plan under his hands on himself.

The fox behind him smiled slightly. He didn't care about this. As a subordinate, he had to have the consciousness of his subordinates. Anyway, as long as a lot of his own rewards were enough, it would be fine. As for who is making the plan, does it matter?


When Qin Hao heard this, he immediately gave a thumbs up. He had to say that this plan was really perfect, easy, and there was no danger.

Looking down, I saw that within the Yujing Demon City, fifty thousand little demon stood quietly in the middle of the square.

"Fifty thousand little demon, a little demon is one thousand yuan, that is fifty million, right?"

Qin Hao smiled slightly and said slowly.

"Yes, with these 50 million, this king can open a shop, hehe!"

Hong Hai’er’s eyes are shining. For his second generation of demon, fifty million is undoubtedly a piece of cake, not even a single leg hair, but there is no way. Now his parents have completely restricted his property, let alone five. Ten million, not even five hundred thousand.

"I've transferred the money to you, go ahead!"

Without saying anything, Qin Hao transferred the money directly, and his current fortune had reached a very terrifying figure. Because of the welfare lottery, a large amount of funds would enter his account every time.

"Thank you, thank you, I'm leaving now!"

Seeing the transfer, Hong Haier smiled immediately, and hurried away with his subordinates.

And Qin Hao also gave Xiao Hei the transfer, and said with a smile: "Although you are my subordinate, you still have to give the reward you should have!"

"Thank you son for the reward!"

Xiao Hei bowed respectfully. For him, the big Luo Jinxian, tens of millions is not a huge number, but the fairness of the young master made him very moved.

In this world, the subordinates do things for the master, that should be, and whether to reward you or not is all the master's mood, but it is obvious that Qin Hao has not done so.

"Well, you will be the urban management team in the future. There will be more and more little demons in the Jade City Demon City. You must also manage them. Of course, these little demons can also be kept to help you manage the Jade City Demon City. At the same time, To provide them with a salary, it is a reward. As for the reward, it depends on how much they paid!"

Qin Hao said and looked at the little monsters behind Xiao Hei, and smiled slightly: "You were all of Red Boy's subordinates before. If you want to go back to find your King, you can go now. If you choose to stay, then you will be the city manager in the future. As a member of the brigade, I will not treat you badly. I will give you money every month so that you can eat and drink well, how about?"

"Listen to the king!"

"Yes, the king is so good to us, it's the same everywhere!"

"Although the King of Red Boy is not bad, he doesn't urge him to be an urban management team!"

As soon as the little demons heard this, they all said one after another.

For the little demon, milk is a mother, as long as it is good for them and can make them eat and drink well, it will be the same as anyone else.

What's more, they feel that following Qin Hao seems to be more profitable than following Red Boy!

When I followed Hong Haier, although it was okay to eat or anything, Hong Haier's temper was not very good, and obviously, Qin Hao's temper was good.

"it is good!"

Qin Hao couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, and said slowly: "From now on you call me son, don't call me king!"

"Yes, son!"

Many little demons nodded together, and then Xiao Hei took them away.

Looking at the backs of the little demons, Qin Hao shook his head helplessly. In fact, these little things are still cute. Of course, as long as they are non-cannibal little demons, they are all cute.

Immediately looking into the distance, he found that many little monsters were coming to the Yujing Demon City with their family and mouth.

"It seems that this time the task can finally be completed!"

Qin Hao let out a long sigh of relief. The mission this time was almost the longest time mission, and it took a long time, but this was nothing to do!

A day later, basically most of the little demon had returned, and at the same time, they also brought back many little demon companions.

Qin Hao appeared in the sky above Yujing Demon City, looked at the little demon gathered in the square below, and smiled slightly.

"Welcome to the Yujing Demon City!"

"Wow, is this the master of Yujing Demon City? What a powerful aura!"

"Well, I think the Lord of the City is so handsome!"

Many little demons suddenly exclaimed when they saw Qin Hao, especially some female demons. When they saw Qin Hao's handsome face, their eyes were full of peach blossoms, and even, somewhat unbearable, even their saliva flowed down.

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