Aolai Country is located in a region of Dongsheng Shenzhou. However, this country is not very big. According to Datang, it is still very different, but it is much larger than Baoxiang Country. A medium-sized country.

At this moment, Qin Hao and Yuan Tiangang stood on the sky, looking at the situation below.

In Aolai Kingdom, two places are particularly conspicuous. The first is the royal palace, and the other place looks more special, and that is the newly established orphanage in Buddhism.

"This Buddhism is really shameless. It was made according to our Taoist orphanage, and it hasn't changed at all!"

Yuan Tiangang looked at the orphanage with a look of anger, his own achievements are now being taken by others, without even notifying him, one can imagine how bad he is in this mood.

Qin Hao smiled helplessly. There is no charge of plagiarism in this world, and people are Buddhism. Those who plagiarize you are all for your face.

"look carefully!"

Qin Hao paused for a moment, then laughed softly.


Yuan Tiangang was stunned for a moment, looked at Qin Hao in surprise, then looked at the situation below, and smiled suddenly, a little weird in his smile.

I saw that at the entrance of the orphanage below, there were not many people, most of them were elderly people, but there were no children at all!

"What's the situation? Is it possible that Aolaiguo manages so well? There are no beggar children? Only the elderly?"

Yuan Tiangang was a little surprised. There are many old beggars, but none of them have children!

"Hehe, this is not necessarily true!"

Qin Hao smiled slightly. In fact, he started paying attention when Buddhism just got out of the orphanage. However, he also knew that Buddhism had one of the biggest differences with Taoism!

"Go, let's go and see!"

As Qin Hao said, the figures of the two disappeared where they were. The next moment, they appeared in a ruined temple. Just after appearing, they smelled a bit unpleasant in the ruined temple.

The two frowned slightly, but they didn't care too much, and then walked in.

I saw that inside this ruined temple, the Buddha statue was enshrined. It seemed that it should be Guanshiyin. Then I glanced slightly, and I saw four or five children, both men and women, sitting on the straw.

Seeing the two, the children looked at them with a little fear.


Qin Hao smiled slightly, not paying attention to the dirt in the ruined temple and the smell of the children, and came to the children.

"Big brother, you are..."

One of the little girls blinked innocent and fearful eyes, looked at Qin Hao, and asked crisply, that little appearance looked a little pitiful.

"Hehe, big brother is not a bad guy, come, try this!"

Qin Hao smiled slightly, touched the little girl's head, and then took out a sausage as if conjure, and put it in the little girl's hand.

The taste of sausage is very rich. Looking at the sausage in her hand, the little girl swallowed subconsciously. Her face was full of longing, but she shook her head firmly and said: "Mother has taught her daughters and daughters. Accept gifts from others!"

Hearing this, Qin Hao froze for a moment, and glanced at the little girl with a little surprise, what kind of mother could this be to teach such a child?

Even though life is so difficult, but still do not forget the original?

Sure enough, the mother is the greatest existence in this world!

Their teaching can ruin a child's life, but it can also give a child a perfect outlook on life. Even so downhearted, they stick to their heart!

Perhaps these things are worthless in the eyes of some people. After all, they can’t be eaten and they will starve to death. What use are these nihilistic things?

But in Qin Hao's view, to be a human being, then we must have rationality and value as a human being!

Yuan Tiangang stood at the door with a smile at the corner of his mouth. At this moment, looking at Qin Hao's back, he suddenly understood why Qin Hao wanted to create an orphanage. These children are still very cute.

What surprised him a bit was that as a disciple of a saint, Qin Hao didn't care about the smell and dirt on these children at all, but liked to be with the children, which he was very pleased.

"Hey, it is your blessing to have such a person sheltering you, you are destined to live a worry-free life in your entire life!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Tiangang sighed in his heart. In those previous times, I didn't know how many children died of starvation and freezing. If Qin Hao showed up earlier, this might not happen.

But in the future, this kind of thing will gradually decrease, and finally, disappear!

"Hehe, the little guy is very sensible, but I gave you this thing, not for free!"

At this time, Qin Hao smiled slightly and said lightly.

"what are you going to do?"

Hearing this, the few children who hadn't moved before suddenly asked vigilantly, and even subconsciously protected the nanny behind them.

"Relax, I just want to ask you a few questions."

Qin Hao was even more pleased to see this scene. Even if he lived like this, he still knew that the protection was weak and good.

Among these children, only the nun is a little girl, and the youngest and older are about ten years old.

"Oh, you are a nobleman. If you have any questions, just ask, we will answer them."

When the children heard this, they immediately relaxed, but they still held a vigilant attitude.

The often cruel life has made them wary of anyone outside, rather than targeting Qin Hao personally.

"Where are your parents?"

Even though Qin Hao knew that this question was cruel, he asked it softly.

"My parents don't want me!"

"My parents are dead!"

When the children heard this question, their faces all changed, but they still said.

"Don't want you?"

Qin Hao was surprised. He could understand when he died, but he didn't want children, which was a bit too much!

"Friends of Taoism, you don’t know. This kind of thing is very common. Some families have too many children and are unable to raise them. They can only be placed at the door of some wealthy people when their children are just born. People who are kind-hearted will take them home for adoption, but some..."

At this time, Yuan Tiangang said, but in the end he didn't say any more, and he didn't need to say any more.

"That's it!"

Qin Hao nodded suddenly, this kind of thing, he had read a lot in the book in his previous life, but he did not expect that it actually happened in front of his own eyes.

Immediately, the eyes looking at these children softened.

"Well, I'm sorry, I brought up your sad things, the next question, Aolai Kingdom now has an orphanage that specializes in adopting children and the elderly, why don't you go?"

Qin Hao smiled apologetically, and then asked another question again.

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