The refresh rate of the finals is very fast, only 20 or 30 seconds. This is also to cause psychological pressure on the players, and the most important thing is to force these players to hurry up and end the game.

For example, some Gou Wang and so on.

For example, the typical Monkey King and others. In this round, they have completely become soy saucers. They no longer have the prestige of the previous round. Let alone kill more than 20 people in the previous round. , Even when you walk, you must be careful, for fear of being seen by someone.

This is also impossible. Among a hundred people, three teams are powerful, which is enough for them.

"Brother Monkey, what shall we do next? Is it possible to wait like this?"

Zhu Bajie asked with a bitter expression, he was particularly aggrieved in this round, and he always felt that this game was a bit unsavory.

"What if we don't wait? Can we go out and die?"

Hong Hai'er rolled his eyes. Although he is a godless and lawless lord, he really can't afford the courage to face the saints!

"Wait, now is not our chance to take action, we have to wait!"

Monkey King shook his head and looked up at Sha Wujing subconsciously. Fortunately, the four of them entered the finals together, instead of losing one person before waiting for the finals.


"Hey, these guys, kind of hide it!"

Master Tongtian glanced at the remaining number of people, and suddenly laughed. In the small venue, there were only 16 people left, that is to say, there were only three teams left.

"You said, the one named Holy Infant King, is it the son of the Bull Demon King?"

At this time, Nu Wa suddenly said with a weird face.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, they really didn't think so much, after all, they rarely paid attention to matters below the quasi-sage.

Subconsciously, the sages all looked at the smiling Master Tongtian.

Master Tongtian: "......"

He asked with a weird face: "Can't you?"

"I feel that, thinking about it now, Sun Wukong and others, it seems that it is almost time to reach Huoyun Cave, that is the cave of Red Boy, look at the names of other people in that team!"

Nu Wa said with a weird face.

Even, in her heart, it is almost certain. After all, the fairy costume, but any fairy with a name, a surname, and a face, will not call someone else’s name, and the king of the infant, Wukong, this is not the person. Who else can it be?

"Red Boy is not in Yujing Demon City..."

The Lord Tongtian just wanted to say, isn't the Red Boy in the Yujing Demon City?

But immediately his figure stopped, because he saw that there was no Red Boy in the Yujing Demon City, but instead saw it in the Huoyun Cave!

"Wucao, that said, is it really Monkey King and the others?"

Master Tongtian can’t laugh or cry, what’s so special? My family beats my family, isn’t this world a little too small?

The Tathagata Buddha was beaten as soon as he was enticed, and the Bull Demon King was his mount, but he returned to the chaos and just ignored it. Almost everyone in the world didn’t know the identity of the Bull Demon King. The cow is different from the green cow, but does it matter?

They are all gods, who wouldn't be able to turn them into something?

After all, people go down to hide their identity, but not to go down and pretend.

As for the Monkey King, he is even more regarded as the half son of the Nüwa saint. The reason why he is half is that he has no blood relationship, but the Monkey King only appeared because of the Nüwa sage's Nüwa stone.

It can be regarded as some causation.

At this time, the expression on the bitter face of the sage that had been enticed became better, even with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

At the very least, he didn't kill the Buddha and others.

Looking at the Master Tongtian, everyone who played against him in the last game doubted his life. When he saw the bridge, he turned around and left without hesitation.

"This... this game is a bit unreasonable!"

The Master Tongtian didn't know what to say for a while, co-authored, they played for a long time, and they all knew each other, not only knew each other, but also had some relationships. This is complicated!

"It's normal to think about it. After all, this is a fairy suit. If you can go to the end, it must be the strong in this field, and the weak will not make it to the finals at all!"

Dao Tianzun said with a smile on his face while stroking his long beard.

"Then what shall we do next?"

Then they asked a very important question, and now they know, in this round, they all know everyone, and even a little bit of kinship, then play or not?

this is a problem!

"Well, since the disciple has developed this game, what he requires is fairness and justice, so how can this master, this master, not support the disciple?"

The Lord Tongtian pondered for a moment, and said awe-inspiringly: "The reason why a game is a game is to compete fairly. We will never show mercy!"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

He didn't care about it either. Although he still didn't know what was going on, it didn't matter anymore.

The important thing is that their saint team will definitely win!

No matter what the Jade Emperor and Tathagata are plotting, it is destined to be nothing!


On the other side, the Jade Emperor and others are searching for medicine. Fortunately, this thing is not particularly difficult to find. If you are lucky, you can enter a room casually and there will be some medicine.

The Jade Emperor controlled the characters, and the four of them entered a room without hesitation.

"En? Something is wrong!"

As soon as he entered the room, the Jade Emperor was shocked.

"what's happenin?"

Emperor Gouchen glanced at the Jade Emperor subconsciously.

"There are people in this room!"

The Jade Emperor looked around. Although there were no footsteps around, the things in the house were very different!

There are quite a few big medicines on the ground, and even vaguely, you can still see that there are big medicines upstairs!

What's so special, although he has played this game relatively few times, only two rounds, but he has never seen such a scene.

It's law enforcement?


Hearing what the Jade Emperor said, several great emperors were shocked, looked at the medicines around, their eyes changed slightly.

They hadn't felt anything before, but now they reacted after the reminder of the Jade Emperor.

I thought it was lucky, but now it seems that there is a conspiracy!

"Your Majesty, what shall we do? Charge up?"

The Great Emperor Ziwei squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice: "It is reasonable to say that even if there are people here, it should be the same team as the Tathagata, because only they are the first to leave!"

Everyone nodded in agreement, this Tathagata, is it here to yell them?

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