When Monkey King saw the figure in the distance, his pupils contracted slightly, and the phone in his hand was clenched subconsciously.

"Finally, is this day?"

Monkey King muttered in a low voice, then released his palm, his eyes flickered with golden light.

At this time, Tang Sanzang didn't know what was about to happen, riding a white horse, his monk's robe was hunting, his handsome face, and his shiny bald head came slowly.

However, his heart at this time was not as calm as it appeared on the surface, and his heart was extremely suffering.

Originally, many guards followed him, but it was a pity that all those people died because of a tiger.

These people all died because of themselves. Everyone has a family and children waiting for them to go back, but now...

Tang Sanzang walked slowly, sweat slowly dripping from his forehead, he suddenly remembered the words of the person in the bookstore.

"Yes, these people died because they went to the Western Heaven. Isn't it their own sin? Why didn't the Buddha who believed in him come out to save all living beings at that time?"

Tang Sanzang was already a little confused!

"Monk from Datang!"

At this moment, Tang Sanzang vaguely heard someone calling him, raised his head in confusion, but didn't find anyone.

"Monk from Datang, I'm here!"

The next moment, Tang Sanzang felt a flower in front of his eyes, appearing under a huge mountain. He was shocked to find that there was actually a monkey head under the mountain!

If it was before, when Tang Sanzang hadn't read the biography of Wukong, maybe he wouldn't care about it, but now, when he saw the monkey head, his body suddenly shook, and even his heart was a little frightened!

Because, in the biography of Wukong, there is also such a monkey!

"Tsk tusk, you said, I want this day, can't cover my eyes? Doesn't it look like?"

Monkey King looked at Tang Sanzang in front of him, and the opponent's cultivation level was clear, he was just a mortal, how could he say that domineering words?

"The donor is Monkey King?"

Hearing this, Tang Sanzang took a deep breath, folded his hands together, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I didn't expect that you monk has even heard of my old grandson's name. Presumably, you are the monk from the Tang dynasty, Tang Sanzang?"

Monkey King nodded and continued: "Then you don't hurry up and let me out, I will save you to Xitian!"

Tang Sanzang was stunned, some didn't react, the other party actually wanted to keep him going to the West?

"Are you... a mobile phone?"

Subconsciously, Tang Sanzang looked at Monkey King and suddenly found what he was holding. If he remembers correctly, he had also seen this thing in the hands of the bookstore. Later, I heard that Datang Internal sale.

"Huh? Do you know Qin Hao?"

Monkey King was surprised.

"The poor monk once asked the donor Qin for advice!"

Tang Sanzang nodded, he didn't know, this sentence saved his life.

"Well, that's it!"

Sun Wukong pondered for a moment and nodded: "So, you let me out, I have something to do, and then I will send you to learn the scriptures when I come back, how about?"

"Thank you!"

Immediately, Tang Sanzang went up to Wuzhishan, saw the seal, read the Buddha's name, and the seal drifted away.

"Haha, my grandson is out!"

With a frantic laugh and a "boom", Wuzhishan burst instantly, and a golden figure stood in the sky, with a powerful aura that overwhelmed the sky and the earth.

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