The Jade Emperor watched Taibai Jinxing leave with a smile on his face.

It's not easy. I used to think that even if Buddhism didn't sit on an equal footing with them, the gap would be small, but I didn't expect that Qin Hao's appearance would directly change the current situation and it was so beautiful!

He didn't do anything, just waited quietly. With this feeling, just ask who else?

"Well, but I think Buddhism should still move. After all, they can’t watch their temples gradually disappear. This is the power of incense. Although it has nothing to do with the cultivation base, it has a lot to do with the prosperity of Buddhism. Without worship, then Buddhism will gradually lose!"

The Queen Mother thought for a while. She felt that Buddhism would definitely take action. As the saying goes, people fight for a breath and Buddha fights for a stick of incense. This is the truth. If there is no incense power, it will not affect their cultivation, but it will affect Buddhism. The prosperity!

"Hehe, that's of course, now I don't know how Buddhism will do it!"

The Jade Emperor smiled slightly, nodded, his eyes gleaming, and continued: "However, no matter how they make a move, these powers of worship, I have to fix it, and I must stabilize those territories before they make a move. At that time, even if they want to redeem it, there will be nothing they can do!"

Thinking about it, the Jade Emperor's heart was very excited. It used to be their heavenly court and Buddhism fighting against each other.

Because the power of worship is separated, one side is dedicated to heaven, while the other side is dedicated to Buddhism.

This is also impossible.

But now, this opportunity is right in front of us to kick Buddhism out of the game. Then, let's see how they are still jumping?



"Have you seen the magic weapon of the snarling dog?"

Moral Tianzun's eyes were burning, and he said in a deep voice.

The little movement of the snarling dog was naturally not hidden from the eyes of their sage, and only one glance revealed that something was wrong.

Because they found that those flowery pants, the fluctuations on them and some special things do not belong to this world at all!

"Naturally, this must be something Qin Hao gave him, but the formation and wave mana on it are weird. Anyway, I have never seen it before!"

The Lord Tongtian nodded, his face a little dignified.

In fact, they had previously guessed whether Qin Hao would be a so-called traverser, but at that time they did not delve into it, because Qin Hao could bring them benefits no matter whether it was or not, so they didn’t think so. many.

But it's different now!

I had to say before that Qin Hao relied on his own ingenuity, and the things he researched could be forgiven, but the magic weapon of this flowery pants doesn't belong to this world at all!

The expressions of Zhunti and Xiuying were sad and ugly, because the treasure house of Buddhism was stolen!

Although the two of them are saints, seeing the treasures stolen, their heartache is bleeding.

It's not that they're short of something, it's habit!

Think about who they are?


Their Buddhism has existed since the ancient times, and it can be said that from ancient times to the present, it has been their Buddhism asking for things from others. When will anyone be able to take things from their Buddhism?


It's too much!

But they can't say anything, because there are bigger things that attract them now.

"Well, how about we go and ask Qin Hao? What are those panties?"

Nu Wa thought about it and asked softly.

"Forget it, let's just wait and see what happens. If we ask, the kid will definitely be slick, after all, we didn't see if the thing was given to the snarling dog, so even if we asked him, he would definitely not be honest. Come back, let's wait quietly!"

"Unexpectedly, we are still studying, the kid did not say anything, but did such a big thing."

Tianzun Tianzun's smile on his face, now they are some experiments, and the results are gradually appearing.

Fuhu Arhat is basically a certainty, and he has become a big Luo Jinxian, because he has traveled to another planet and directly broke through his previous cultivation base.

However, this is the process of their evolution. They don't know exactly when the Tiger Arhat will break through. They just know that he will definitely break through.

But the Muzha boy didn't break through, and they didn't know why it was.

If they can be sure, they might have crossed it a long time ago. After all, maybe this is their only chance to break through the saints, they want to try!

Unfortunately, they are not sure now, so they dare not take risks!

If it was before, as long as there was a little chance, they would take risks, but now that Qin Hao is here, they feel that there are still many opportunities!

"By the way, how about the seven gourds?"

At this time, Tianzun Tianzun suddenly said that they had already gotten the gourd for some time, but they hadn't researched the result yet.

"I have planted it, and it may take some days. After all, this thing has been refined and needs to be returned to its original form, which is a bit troublesome!"

Hearing this, the Lord Tongtian frowned and said.

If the seven gourds have not been refined, they can be planted directly and it will be over.

But there is no way, all have been refined, and when returning to the original, although it is the same as before, in essence, there is a big difference.

"Hey, try it, no matter whether it succeeds or not, you have to try it, maybe this is just something Qin Hao made casually, but we can try if it can work!"

Moral Tianzun sighed when he heard the words.

If Qin Hao knew about these things, he would be stunned. Foggy guys, are you sick?

That gourd baby I just made something out of it!

Are you taking it seriously?

Or even return those gourds directly to the original?

You know, those gourds are all innate magic weapons, even if they are refined, they can be regarded as acquired top magic weapons, and some special gourds can even be compared with the innate treasures, but even so, they are still A sage has returned to his roots!

What does it mean to return to the original and return to the original?

It is very simple, it is to wipe out all the refining methods of Hulu Mountain, and directly change back to the appearance before the refining, but it is spiritual, but there is no function.

It is conceivable that this requires so much power!

Unfortunately, Qin Hao didn't know. If he knew, he would definitely be dumbfounded. He didn't expect that a cartoon he had produced would make these big guys so nervous.

I just made a cartoon, but you guys played it with me for real!

This puts me under a lot of pressure!

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