A line of golden fonts scrolls at the top of the glory of the king, and there are even special effects of sprinkling flowers.

At this moment, the entire king's glory exploded.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect to see such a scene as soon as they went online. It was really a bit surprised.

After all, at this time, most people are only in the Bronze and Silver ranks, but the special ones are already in the Diamond rank. The gap is a bit too big!

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief, dumbfounded.

Because at this time, the mobile phone has just been turned on, even more than ten minutes, but people have been directly promoted to diamonds, which is a bit horrible!

World Channel.

"Mist grass Mist grass!"

"Made, this is too strong, right? How long has the phone been turned on before it has been a diamond rank?"

"I heard that if you advance to the diamond rank, you can enter the game with spiritual thoughts, and I don't know if it is true or not!"

"That can be fake? It must be true, after all, this is something written in the rules of the game!"

"Doesn't that mean that these five people are now able to enter with divine consciousness?"

"Envy, I knew it, I played it earlier, but when I first came out, I didn't know how to play, it was a bit difficult!"

"Ahem, brothers, don't you think that the names of these people are a bit familiar?"

The World Channel just exploded. No way. The Glory of Kings is still very popular now, and it is not as good as stimulating the battlefield. It is not that Glory of Kings is better than stimulating the battlefield, but because the Glory of Kings is more playful than stimulating the battlefield to change more. , And pay attention to strategy, so more people like it.

But within a short while, someone discovered something was wrong, and looked at the names of those people, and suddenly became a little speechless.

"Uh, when you said that, I just remembered, aren't these names all saints?"

"Really, the names here are real names, there are no fake names, that means..."

"These people are the Taoist Sanqing, the Mother of Human Race, and the two saints from the West!"

"Ahem, that's not surprising, people are saints, and it's normal to be promoted to the diamond rank!"

Although everyone was a little shocked, when they saw the names of the saints, they suddenly calmed down.

Is it normal to think about it?

After all, people are saints, so it’s not unusual to be able to be promoted to diamonds in such a short period of time!

However, they were a little excited in their hearts. They did not expect that even the saints were playing in this game. It really surprised them and irritated them in the battlefield. They had never seen saints. That's for sure, because the ranks are completely different, and they are specialized in saints. It's a high rank.

But the king is different. Although the mortal suit and the fairy suit are separated, there is no level in this game, only rank!

In other words, as long as their ranks are up, they may encounter saints!


What a superior existence, if they can beat the saint once in the game, then they will be awesome in their entire life.

Just thinking of this, everyone's spirits became excited involuntarily, their faces flushed with excitement, even those gods were the same. Although they were gods and aloof, they were still close to mortals, thinking that they could defeat the saints... .....

Then let the saints treat each other differently, and then... if the saints are happy, they accept disciples directly, that is the pinnacle of life!


On the forum.

"Shocked, more than ten minutes after the phone was turned on, five diamond players appeared!"

"Shock, the king of glory diamond players, who are they?"

Soon, posts appeared on the forum. This is for sure. After all, even the rules of the glory of the king have been written clearly. The diamond rank and other ranks are a big watershed, as long as you reach the diamond rank , Then you can basically say goodbye to the low ranks.

The most important thing is that you can enter it with divine consciousness!

This is the most important thing, and it is also the most valued by those gods. As for the mortals, it is the money that the diamond ranks can get!

"Foggrass, is someone advancing to the diamond rank? Isn't this too fast?"

"Ahem, I'm only a bronze rank, still struggling!"

"It's actually the Taoist Sanqing? And the Nvwa Sage and the Western Two Sages?"

"There are Taoist Sanqing and Nuwa saints, I'm not surprised, but those two Western saints are a bit disturbing. Hasn't the West been always the enemy of Mr. Qin Hao? How can they be promoted to the diamond rank? This is a bit unfair!"

"Yes, I don't say anything about other people being promoted to diamonds, but what's the situation in the West?"

At this moment, no matter where you are on the Internet, they are discussing this matter. This is also a normal thing. After all, the current Internet is so big, unlike Qin Hao's previous life, the Internet is like a world.

And now the Internet is like a house, as long as there is a little bit of breaking news, basically everyone knows.

Although they have all heard the news, many people are a little bit uncomfortable. If other people are promoted to diamonds, they don't feel anything, only envy, but for the West, they just want to say, you are really shameless.

The front foot is doing things on the forum, and the back foot is promoted to the masonry rank. Can you still make a face?


Chaos Biyou Palace!

"Hahaha, congratulations!"

The smile on Dao Tianzun's face, even if he was in Gujing Wubo before, he couldn't help it at this moment.


After so many twists and turns, I finally got promoted to the diamond rank!

"Tongxi, Tongxi, now the entire network already knows that we are promoted to diamonds!"

Master Tongtian smiled too.

"However, the only troublesome thing is that too many people add our friends now, these people are really..."

Sage Nuwa frowned slightly and shook his head helplessly.

However, beside them, the two sages of the West, Zhunti, led the two of them with the same smiles, but in a moment, their smiles had already stiffened on their faces.

Because they saw a lot of congratulations on the World Channel, but also a lot of mocking voices.

And the mocking person, naturally needless to say, it is the two of them!

Although the two of them are saints, if they were in reality, even if those people thought so in their hearts, they would never say it, or even think about it, because they would be sensed by the saints!

But in this game, no one can check the secret, so just comment on it!

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