Many ministers heard that Qin Hao actually let these three stinky boys manage things on Douyin, and their expressions suddenly became very envious.

In their opinion, the Douyin thing can be so popular in just a few days of its appearance, then it will certainly be a very popular thing in the future.

However, now Qin Hao actually gave this important thing to these three boys, how could it be that they were envious?

After hearing the words of the three, Li Shimin was also stunned, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

"Ahem, it's not what you think. It's not about managing the entire Douyin, but looking specifically for some wronged videos, or those who are particularly poor, to verify it, not for nothingness!"

When Cheng Chu silently looked at the expressions of the people, he knew that they had misunderstood, and quickly explained.


That's it!

Everyone heard these words clearly, and they immediately breathed a long sigh of relief. If this is the case, then there is no problem. Although it is also very enviable, it is at least not a terrible thing.

You know, there is a huge gap between managing the entire Douyin and managing the previous part of Douyin!

At least they think so!

"Okay, Brother Qin Hao is really good, you three brats, don't let him down, do it!"

Li Shimin laughed suddenly and patted the shoulders of the three of them heavily, very pleased.

Although he was not in the battle himself, these three little guys were also his ministers!

The most important thing is that they are all from Datang, this is to win glory for them!

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will certainly not disappoint Mr. Qin Hao and your Majesty's value!"

The three of Cheng Chumo gave a quick glance and clasped their fists together.

"Well, go ahead!"

Li Shimin smiled and nodded, then watched the three people get on the flying saucer and slowly left.

The look in his eyes is a bit complicated, and the times are really changing!

Especially the changes over the years are really too great!

In the past, they didn't even dare to think about things that were flying in the air, because in their minds, they were things that only gods could have.

But now, looking at the flying saucer that is rapidly going away, they know that it may be something refined by the gods, but at least, these things are very close to them!


On the flying saucer, after the three of Cheng Chumo observed the internal things, although they were marveled at the whimsical ideas here, they still had more important things.

The three of you now are not the guys who didn't know anything before, they know a lot!

"Brother, we need to create an official account. This is the first step. Then we will send a notice. If there is any wronged video released, we need to be at first. Otherwise, we will not arrange recommendations for them. Before arranging a recommendation, we need to contact the author to verify the matter!"

Cheng Chubi frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Indeed, let's do it now."

Cheng Chumo nodded, and then the three of them got busy. They now have a Douyin administrator account given to them by Qin Hao. This account is very powerful and can even delete anyone's video directly.

Then, they created an official account on Douyin.

And it was released.

At the same time, many people have discovered this news. As long as they are opening Douyin, they all saw this notification, and they suddenly became curious and clicked to view it.

Then they saw a video. They saw three young people with serious faces. Behind them, it seemed like a future world, and things they had never seen before appeared in front of them.

"This is... flying saucer!"

"Wucao, isn't this Mr. Qin Hao's thing?"

"Tsk tusk, I heard that the price of this thing on Sanjie Taobao has reached a sky-high price, and there is no one sold yet!"

"Doesn't that mean that this thing is actually owned by Mr. Qin Hao personally? So these three young people?"

Many viewers suddenly exclaimed when they saw the things behind Cheng Chumo's trio.

It’s not that they have never seen the flying saucer, because at the annual meeting, Mr. Qin Hao used this thing to pick up many emperors. The huge thing, full of sci-fi, made them fresh in their memory, even if half a year passed, they still Still dare not forget!

"Hello everyone, we are the official auditors of Douyin. We are instructed by Mr. Qin Hao to create an official account. In the future, as long as there is a grievance or a particularly poor place, we can use our official video before the video is released. We will Review them one by one, and then go to the place to investigate. If the matter is true, then we will deal with it as appropriate!"

The three Cheng Chumo's faces were very serious, and they said softly.

As soon as the words came out, everyone was taken aback, and then they reacted, and an expression of excitement appeared on everyone's face.

Douyin auditor?

Foggy grass, this is amazing!

You know, now Douyin doesn't know how popular it is. Whether it is a fairy or a mortal, or even a ghost from the underworld, everyone is watching Douyin videos.

However, now there are auditors?

Although many people don't know what an auditor means, there is no doubt that the power is very big!

What do you mean by that?

You can contact them if you specifically review poor places, even if you have wronged things!

No matter what the gods think, many mortals are very excited anyway, because if this is the case, they don't need to be afraid of those officials!

They have a place to complain!

"This thing is good!"

"Yeah, praising Mr. Qin Hao, I actually came up with this thing!"

"Haha, we mortals are no longer afraid of those officials!"

"Hey, I didn't expect to see such a scene in my lifetime. It's really not easy!"

Cheng Chumo naturally gave this video some heat, even the Tik Tok notification, but the three brothers did not expect that just such a video would have received millions of likes, and the number of likes continues to increase. !

The three people watching were stunned!

These millions of likes are millions of coins!

Immediately afterwards, the three of them made another video.

"We enforce the law impartially. Although the video has received a lot of likes and can be exchanged for a lot of money, we absolutely, if there is a poor place in the future, then the money will be used for construction for them and lift them out of poverty!"

"Here, I hope everyone will supervise more!"

As soon as this video came out, the official account was completely blown up!

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