With the emergence of Datang Seeds, the entire network burst.

Not because of anything else, five thousand catties, eight thousand catties, what is that concept?

Many later generations may not care much about food. After all, without rice, they still have other foods. Meat is even more numerous, and many foods can be eaten.

But in this era, only mutton can eat meat. As for pork, it is something no one can eat. It is something that the poor cannot afford and the rich disdain to eat.

Many people may not believe it, because pork is very nasty in this era, and it tastes very bad. As for beef, cattle are the main workers of crops. To put it mildly, in this era, the life of cattle is More valuable than humans.

Except for cattle that died accidentally or died of old age, otherwise, most people can't eat cattle at all, so only mutton can eat, and grain, that is, wheat, but the output is very small!

It can be seen from this that in this era, what can be eaten is very rare.

Therefore, the seed that appeared in Datang was able to produce more than 5,000 catties per mu, and everyone was excited.

Whether it is chat software or forums, everyone is discussing this matter.

"Have you heard? Our country bought the seeds, although they can't be fully matured overnight like Datang, but it won't be long before our country is here and there is no need to go hungry!"

"Naturally I heard that not only our country, but even many countries have bought seeds, maybe the prosperity of the world is about to appear!"

"Haha, it is still Mr. Qin Hao who cares about us ordinary people, other gods, where will they give us these seeds!"

"Yes, whether it is Taoism or Buddhism, they will only come out to save us mortals at a critical moment. Although we are very grateful, for us mortals, as long as we can give us a little chance, we will be able to survive!"

"Yes, it's just that there was no such opportunity before, but now the opportunity is here!"

Everyone is very excited. The saying that teaching people how to fish is worse than teaching people how to fish. This is the truth. Although gods sometimes help mortals, in the final analysis, the help is only superficial help.

It's like a big tree, but it looks good on the surface, but the roots have already rotted!

There was no chance for change before, but now, the seed given by Mr. Qin Hao, when this opportunity appears, they are naturally very excited.

Many people are gearing up, as long as this period of time passes, they will not need to be cold and hungry in future records!

However, this is a very good thing for ordinary people, but it is not necessarily a good thing for those who are powerful.

Because their land was sold because of this incident, if the price is high, they are still very relieved, but the price they sold is really too low!

This makes them very uncomfortable, and it feels like a big loss.


Heavenly Court, Yao Chi.

"This guy can really do things, I knew that he would intervene in mortal matters."

The Jade Emperor looked at the news on the forum and shook his head helplessly. To be honest, he had already sensed it from the time Qin Hao made the sale. The mortal world might have to be shuffled!

Others didn't know, but he could know that Qin Hao was clearly targeting those aristocratic families.

Qin Hao is the Daluo Jinxian cultivation base, he can't do it himself, otherwise, he will inevitably leave a reputation for being a small bully.

As soon as the big sale event came out, everyone had nothing to say. Anyway, this is a matter for the Three Realms, not just the mortal world, right!

Sure enough, Qin Hao soon produced seeds that could yield 5,000 catties per mu.

In fact, when he heard the news, he was still a little surprised. Don't think they are gods, but the ability to make out of thin air does not exist. His Jade Emperor can make the mortal weather smooth, but this does not mean he can take out acre Yields five thousand catties of seeds.

Unexpectedly, Qin Hao actually let Qin Hao take it out, which is really beyond his expectation.

"Hehe, Daoist Qin Hao is always able to do a lot of incredible things."

The Queen Mother smiled slightly. Although she was surprised, she was used to it. After all, mobile phones were the biggest doubt. Things that had never appeared before appeared in Qin Hao's hands. Can't people be surprised?

However, after a long time, have they got used to it?


The Jade Emperor smiled and nodded. No matter what happened, it was a good thing after all. They didn't need to show the sage, let alone show off. In other words, the Taoism itself was very arrogant.

What they pay attention to is that when I cultivate my Dao, you have nothing to do with me. Even if they starve to death, they won't go to others to ask for anything. They can only say that they can't cultivate at home.

Buddhism is completely different. They pay attention to saving all living beings, asking ordinary people for money, in exchange for the protection of mortals from the Buddha. It is also for this reason that in the world of Qin Hao's previous life, Taoism is becoming less and less obvious. Instead, it is the foreign Buddhism that has become the mainstream sect!


Lingshan, Guan Shiyin was looking at the phone at this time, but her face could not be said to be good-looking or ugly, anyway, it was a little weird.

For the seeds Qin Hao took out, she was still very happy. After all, this could also benefit the people of the world. To be honest, although they looked at each other not pleasing to the eye, they had to say that their minds were actually the same.

Especially in Buddhism, there is nothing wrong with thinking about the sentient beings in the world. Mortals can have a good life, they are certainly very happy.

However, all this reputation remained in Qin Hao's body, which made them happy and not very happy.

"Where did this guy get five thousand jin of grain per mu?"

Guan Shiyin muttered in her heart, this is a real merit, not like the illusory things of mobile phones, it is not realistic enough, the yield per mu is 5,000 catties, how much merit can be earned this time?

To say that she was angry, she really didn't have it, but she was a little unhappy in her heart.

"Bodhisattva, now Qin Hao's reputation is getting bigger and bigger. Although his previous reputation was great, it can't bring any substantial benefits to sentient beings after all, so the reputation is still very limited, but this time... ..."

At this time, a Bodhisattva said solemnly.

It's just that he didn't finish his words, because many people knew what he was going to say.

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