
"Dou Zhi Li, what is this? New cultivation system?"

Tathagata Buddha stands on a high lotus platform. The moment he saw Qin Hao's new book upload, he clicked in, but when he saw the content, he was puzzled.

If there are still traces of Zhuxian's cultivation system, then Douzhili's cultivation method is completely irregular.

With a slight movement of his finger, he quickly pinched it.

But the result he got was a blank, which made him even more puzzled. Is it possible that Qin Hao really imagined it out of thin air?

Even if it is the Journey to the West, the cultivation system is still not so full of flowers. They are all handed down and perfected from the prehistoric times. The fighting power written by Qin Hao completely violates the prehistoric training system.

However, because of the legend of the White Snake, his impression of Qin Hao has improved. He never thought that Qin Hao was pitting Buddhism. He just thought that mortals were ignorant and needed enlightenment.

After all, they are immortal Buddhas, and mortals cannot understand their behavior, but it is normal.


Heavenly Court.

"Strength of fighting? New training system?"

When they saw Qin Hao's "Fight Breaking the Sphere", the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother immediately noticed something was wrong. Although the plot was attractive, in their eyes, it was far from the attraction of the new cultivation system.

"This kid, did he think about it, or does this world really exist?"

After a long while, the Jade Emperor sighed, with exclamation on his face.

"Yeah, if it's my own imagination, then it would be too shocking!"

The Queen Mother also nodded and agreed.

"Mother Queen, have you noticed that the protagonist who is fighting to break through the sky is a traverser, what is a traverser?"

Soon, the Jade Emperor found something different and frowned.


After Qin Hao's new book was uploaded, there was still a great shock to the earth and the immortal world and the sky. Most of the gods, after being surprised by this new cultivation system, read it with relish.

For mortals, they don't think so much at all, and it's over after watching them.

Almost within a short period of time, a fighting forum appeared.

"You said, what exactly is this traverser?"

"Yeah, it seems to be someone who doesn't belong to the world of Doupo."

"You do so much, don't you think that thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi are very domineering?"

"Domineering has a fart. Strength is the most important thing. Without strength, saying this is tantamount to looking for death!"

There was a quarrel on the forum, and the two sides couldn't argue. One side felt that Xiao Yan had been retired, and there was nothing wrong with saying those words. After all, as a man, you can't let a woman down by saying anything!

But the other side felt that even though Xiao Yan was a man, but without the strength, if he said thirty years in Hedong and Hexi for thirty years, that would be death!

Far on the Westward Journey Road.

Monkey King looked at Doupa and scratched his head, especially when he saw Nanan Yanran retiring from marriage, he was even more furious, as if he had been insulted.

When he saw Xiao Yan yelling out Thirty Years of Hedong and Thirty Years of Hexi, his body was shocked.

"Haha, yes, that's right, that's it, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, Feng Shui turns around!"

The golden light in Sun Wukong's eyes flashed, and the powerful momentum was overwhelming.

Isn't that what he is in now?

Sitting on the white horse, Tang Sanzang looked helpless, but he was used to it, and Wu Kong would convulse at any time.

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