"666, Yang Jian, this is his own skill!"

"Tsk tusk, he has a talent for drawing, and he can imitate the handwriting of a famous painter in ancient times. It is estimated that Yang Jian will win this time!"

"Yes, this kind of painting is worth a thousand dollars if you sell a painting casually!"

After seeing Yang Jian painting, everyone suddenly exclaimed.

However, Yang Jian is no longer a god, and it is even more impossible to finish the painting quickly.

It takes at least ten days to finish the painting, plus he needs publicity, so it may take more than twenty days.

This time is too long, there may be variables!

But obviously, Yang Jian is also very confident. He believes that in these twenty days, no matter it is Nezha or Red Boy, it is impossible to make a thousand taels of silver!

After all, one thousand taels is not a small number!

Therefore, he paints very seriously, basically it belongs to him, and he paints one to win or lose!


On the other side, Nezha was frowning, Yang Jian had at least one skill, but he couldn't!

He has never studied painting, and he has no talent for making money.

"Hey! How do you do this stuff!"

Nezha sighed and looked melancholy.

He felt that he might lose because he was not sure at all, not even a clue.

"Tsk tusk, Nezha is basically cold!"

"Yeah, there is no way. After all, he is still a child. Yang Jian can learn to paint, but it doesn't mean that all gods have this skill. I guess Nezha doesn't know much about other things except for fighting!"

When everyone saw Nezha's frowning expression, they immediately laughed.

It turns out that the gods have no mana, and they are like this!

It turns out that they also have something they don't know, not omniscient and omnipotent!

However, no one hates such immortals, and no one despises them. On the contrary, they feel that they are more intimate!



The Jade Emperor smiled and asked at this moment: "You Aiqing, I don't know who you think will win this round?"

This round is basically a win or lose, as long as whoever makes a thousand taels of silver first, then it is basically over, so he directly asked it out.

"Well, Weichen thinks that Yang Jian has a greater chance of winning!"

"Yes, it takes a long time for Yang Jian to paint, but it is stable. At the very least, as long as he finishes painting and then promotes it, someone will buy it directly."

"Indeed, after all, he still had those powerful connections before. Using these connections, he could indeed sell for a very good price!"

All the gods talked about it, and they had almost guessed about the current situation.

As for Nezha and Red Boy, they didn't think they would win!

Because the gap is too big!

Nezha has no skill, no ability to make money, and he is sure to lose!

Li Tianwang's face was a bit ugly. Before that, Nezha's performance was good. At least it was quite satisfactory, not particularly outstanding, but not particularly bad, not to mention that there was a red boy at the bottom.

But now it's different!

Now Red Boy has suddenly emerged, and Nezha's direct advantage is gone!

The change was so fast that he didn't even react now.

How did the originally good situation suddenly become like this?

On the contrary, the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan, with their chests raised up, with a reserved smile on their faces.

Look, our child is still very good, the reason why he was so down before, it is because there is no time for his performance!

But look at it now, it's completely different!

Even Yang Jian, who has the strongest advantage, is not the same as competing with my children?

"En? There has been a change!"

Suddenly, everyone's expressions paused slightly, and the scene turned around and appeared on Red Boy's body.

I saw Hong Haier went straight back to his small inn, surrounded by many beggar chiefs.

That's right, beggars have now developed into a powerful force.

Although Hong Haier is young, she has become the boss of this beggar gang!

"Boss, what are we going to do next?"

"Yeah, that guy actually tried with you, it's really deceiving too much, otherwise we will find someone to beat him?"

"Cough cough cough, forget it? It's just fair competition!"

Many beggars twitter!

Hong Hai'er frowned, he was thinking about one thing.

"We beggars, do we have disciples everywhere in this city?"

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded.

"Yeah, I can't say that there are everywhere, but basically there are in most places. After all, they are fixed-point begging, and some are wandering begging, with different division of labor!"

"Puff, hahaha!"

"I didn't expect a beggar to have such a different division of labor. It's amazing!"

After hearing these words in the live broadcast room, the audience burst out laughing directly, oh Nima, it's so funny!

Although they didn't mean to look down on beggars, it was a bit funny to see beggars in tattered clothes talking about a clear division of labor!

"Well, that's good, I have an idea, I don't know if I can succeed, everyone follow me!"

Hong Haier nodded, then turned and left.

Everyone was puzzled, but they still followed up curiously.

I saw Honghaier's goal is very clear, that is, Taoist welfare institute!

Taoist orphanages were already open at this time, everywhere in the world, basically covering the entire world of immortals!

Even, follow-up also came out Taoist teaching hall, Taoist refining equipment hall and so on, all kinds!

So, every day, there are hordes of people.

At this time, Honghaier entered the Taoist Academy. There were many people here, and not only scholars and believers, but also ordinary people. They all looked at the books in their hands seriously.

Even many people gathered together to discuss something in a low voice.

Honghaier walked in and listened. These people are discussing what they have learned with each other, mainly because they don't know many fonts.

Therefore, mutual authentication is required!

"Don't even say, the Taoist Welfare Institute is getting better and better now!"

"Yes, take a look, there are even academies, and ordinary people can enter!"

"Hey, this is the real benefit to the world. I think at the beginning, the Taoist orphanage was opened together with the Buddhist orphanage, but in the end, the Buddhist orphanage has basically disappeared, and only the Taoist orphanage remains!"

After seeing this scene in the live broadcast room, everyone suddenly sighed.

They are sighing that Taoism is prosperous, and Taoism is even more for the sake of mortals!

There are many rules in this Taoist Academy, that is, you can read the books here, or even take them away, but you need to replace them with a book of your own, so that everyone can read the scene!

That is to learn from each other!

The rules are very good, exchange them!

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