"It's impossible, you didn't do it? Even a strong person can't come back so soon!"

"Yes, yeah, are you sure this is Lao Liu's biscuits?"

A group of princes were astonished for a moment, and then recovered, they doubted whether the biscuits were Lao Liu's.

Wouldn't it be this little beggar who wants to refill the count?

However, the little beggar was out of breath and could not speak.

However, Wang Gui was much calmer, took out the biscuits and took a look, his face was a little dignified, and he took a bite.

"This is indeed Lao Liu's biscuits. I usually eat their biscuits. The taste is correct!"


Hearing that, everyone took a breath and was a little shocked.

A little beggar, looking at his small body, shouldn't run too fast.

But even people who are physically strong may need ten minutes to come back, and their budget is about twelve minutes, and now they come back in less than eight minutes!

This speed!

"Uh! I have a hunch that this express delivery might really become popular!"

"Yeah, how much time does this save?"

"Especially these princes, I guess they would like this feeling very much, right?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also stunned!

High efficiency, speed, and stability. Who doesn't like this kind of stuff?

At least they are very willing to use such people to help them do things!

"how did you do it?"

The princes asked curiously while eating.

"Ahem, it's because we are very familiar with the streets around here. In fact, what you don't know is that there are many small roads here. Shortcuts can be used to shorten the time!"

The little beggar gave a dry cough and whispered.

That's it!

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that they even thought that Red Boy had used some magic weapon, otherwise how could it be done?

But now you understand!

These little beggars, who have been around here all the year round, are naturally very familiar with everything in the vicinity. They know where there are passages and shortcuts.

Therefore, the speed will be much faster than normal people.

"Well, well, I will use your courier in the future. What is your name?"

Wang Gui asked with his palm and laughed.

"Uh... Our boss said that we are all beggars, so we are called beggar express, but it is definitely fast. We can't do anything far away, and we don't have the strength, but if it's just this city The express delivery in Ikenouchi, such as running errands, is definitely the fastest!"

The little beggar said excitedly.

Tears almost came out!

After all, no one wants to be a beggar!

In the past, they had no ability and strength, and coupled with their young age, they could only be beggars.

But now it's different, they can also make money with fairness!

At least, he didn't get the money by begging!

"Okay, you leave, we will find you if we have something to do!"

Wang Gui nodded with a smile!

The viewers in the live broadcast room were a little bit overwhelmed. They looked at Yang Jian who was still drawing, and Nezha, who had nothing to do, suddenly felt that Yang Jian might lose!

Because Yang Jian is always alone, but the people of Red Boy are beggars of the entire city. Everyone moves together, which is totally incomparable!

It will take at least twenty days for Yang Jian's paintings to be completed. By then, will anyone appreciate it, will anyone buy it, and how much time will be wasted to buy it? These are all questions!

What about Red Boy?

People make money every day!

Moreover, looking at this scene, there should not be too little money!

As for Nezha, everyone has subconsciously forgotten him, this guy hasn't found a way to make money yet.

It is probably cold!

Beggar Express is hot!

Not surprisingly, it suddenly became popular.

Those beggars that people would subconsciously hate when they saw it, now they become hot characters with bare hands!

Although they are wearing shabby clothes, they are very clean and free of any dirt. The most important thing is that they are fast, fast, and cheap!

Even now, in the homes of some big masters, there is no need to go to buy food for subordinates. They just go out and explain to the little beggar, and then someone will buy it back for him!

It is completely possible to enjoy everything at home without going out of the door!

This feeling is simply unstoppable!

Even those who originally just wanted to try, after trying this taste, no longer want to go all the way to buy things on their own.

Even the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar in many shops, and some small items in daily life, will look for these beggars to buy!

It's mainly convenient and fast, and it's also cheap. You only need two or three cents for a not-to-distant journey!

On the first day, Red Boy's income was ten taels of silver!

At this time, the reputation has not yet started!

On the second day, the income was thirty taels!

But on the third day, the income became sixty taels!

This is just one day's income!

All the audience who watched were stunned!

They didn't expect that such a simple thing could actually make so much!

Originally they thought that it might take a long time for Red Boy to earn a thousand taels of silver, but now it seems that they are really not sure!

Because although the price is very low, it can't hold up many orders!

Many people are powerful, that's what it means!

"You said that Red Boy will almost complete the task in ten days, right?"

"You can't say that, and the account can't be calculated like that. Think about it carefully. You only see how much Red Boy makes a day, but can you guess how much he can have left?"

"Yes, after all, he needs to raise so many people, eat and drink Lazard every day, and the express delivery consumes a lot, and he can't eat too badly, otherwise he has no energy at all. After such a calculation, how much money do you think Red Boy has left? "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone reacted, yeah!

Although Honghaier seems to make a lot of money every day, but there are many people in the family, and it needs to consume a lot!

Slightly improper operation, there may be scenes of losing money!

If calculated carefully, the time spent by Red Boy may be longer than that of Yang Jian!

"Look there, Nezha is moving!"

At this moment, Nezha, who had stayed in the inn for three days without going out, began to act.

I saw that he first went to the arsenal, which is a place dedicated to building weapons, and other people are forbidden to enter!

"What is he going to do? Is it so difficult to steal money?"

"Puff, grab the money and grab a place to sell weapons? Are you talking nonsense?"

"I don't think he is going to sell his own weapons, right?"


As everyone talked, they saw Red Boy take out his flint-point spear.

With a "cang-dang", he threw it directly on the table.

"I want to sell weapons. How much do you think this weapon is worth?"

Nezha said bluntly.

Li Jing: "......"

The smile fades away!

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