Journey to the West: I Am Entertaining in the Great Tang

Chapter 895: Watch the fire from across the bank

In fact, if Fairy Chang'e was angry, these people in the Jin Mansion would have ceased to exist.

However, she can't use her powers against mortals, let alone use them for no reason.

So, endure to come to Jinfu.

Jin Ruyi had long been impatient to wait, and her face sank as soon as she came.

The face that was originally like a big pie, fell even more, like a snow-covered Changbai Mountain.

"Are you Bai Suzhen?"

I went to the security hall a few times, and by coincidence, she was not there.

So I saw it for the first time today.

Seeing the gentle and beautiful, dignified and virtuous woman in front of him, Jin Ruyi's heart was sour.

No wonder Yang Jian didn't care about himself at all, and even looked down upon the overwhelmingly powerful Jin Mansion.

To be able to marry such a beautiful and virtuous woman, to change oneself, regardless of everything.

"You are Jin Ruyi?"

Fairy Chang'e stood in the hall, her fluttering temperament could not conceal, nor could she conceal her soft outside and rigid temperament.

Jin Ruyi, who was sitting on the tiger leather chair, looked at Bai Suzhen, who was not polite at all, with trembling eyes.

"You are a common people, you don't even kneel when you see this lady?"

"You are not Miss Jinfu." Fairy Chang'e said contemptuously.

Jin Ruyi heard it and asked in surprise, "What did you say?"

"I said, how could I kneel a goblin?"

Jin Ruyi stood up suddenly and came to Fairy Chang'e: "Who do you think is a fairy?"

"You! How long will a fairy who borrows a mortal body be rampant!"

As she spoke, she gave out a white light, covering Jin Ruyi's whole body.

Jin Ruyi was shocked and immediately resisted.

Jing Song, who had been guarding the side, saw him, and couldn't help stepping forward to protect Fairy Chang'e.

If it were in the heavenly court, such a chaotic battle situation would not exist.

Those are all gods who have attained the Tao, how can they behave like mortals.

However, at this moment, Jin Ruyi was sour and jealous, Fairy Chang'e was so angry that he couldn't take care of much.

When Yang Jian arrived, the hall was in a mess.

Jin Ruyi fights with Fairy Chang'e, and Jing Song keeps making noise.

Because Yang Jian is now a mortal Xu Xian, without the slightest mana, he is in a hurry.

No one can see what possession of Jin Ruyi is, so Nezha let go and did a big job.

It's been a long time since he had not fought with anyone, and every joint of his body was uncomfortable.

Fairy Chang'e was gradually invincible, and in her anger, she actually showed her original form!

A huge white python hovered over the hall. Yang Jian suddenly frightened his eyes and passed out!

"Master Xu!"

Jin Ru commented, she shook her body and fainted unexpectedly.

In the circling white python, in the bright eyes, I saw a ray of green soul floating out of Jin Ruyi's body, and then went away.

After Fairy Chang'e regained her senses, she also regretted it. She was angry for a while, but scared Xu Xian to death.

According to the plot, it is necessary to go to Kunlun Mountain where the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother to steal the fairy grass to be resurrected.

She opened her mouth wide and said, "Jing Song, send Xu Xian back to the Baoan Hall."

She jumped up and flew into the air.

Suddenly saw the green soul, sprinting ahead.

She was surprised, she had to see what was possessed by Jin Ruyi's body in the end.

Therefore, the python rose into the air, chasing the green soul.

The soul came to the Jinsha Temple, hovered for a moment, and then disappeared.

"Could it be that Fahai did all these things?"

She regained her human form, and just about to enter, suddenly the gate of the temple opened wide, and Fahai and Nezha walked out.

Fairy Chang'e couldn't find the green soul, so he flew to Kunlun Mountain.


Xiaoqing who got the news came, "Are you going to Kunlun Mountain to steal Ganoderma lucidum grass?"

Fairy Chang'e nodded: "Yes, I was so angry that I was so angry that I frightened Xu Xian to death. Only West Queen Mother's Ganoderma lucidum can resurrect his soul."

Xiaoqing worriedly persuaded: "The Ganoderma lucidum was planted by Xiwang’s mother. There are 100 plants in total. They are irrigated with jelly and jade lotus. They will grow into finger lengths for tens of thousands of years. Only high-grade gods can enjoy them. I heard that there are only more than ten left. Strains, guards are extremely strict, just to prevent someone from stealing it."

Fairy Chang'e frowned: "No matter how difficult it is, you will have to pick it, otherwise, Mr. Xu must be dead."

Xiaoqing said: "Sister, you are going alone, alone, I will go with you, even if there is danger, I will share it!"

"Xiaoqing, thank you! You are really my good sister!"

Fairy Chang'e was grateful, bringing Xiaoqing, flying through the clouds, drilling through the clouds and mist, crossing the river, the higher the mountains, and the hardships before coming to Kunlun Mountain.

At this time, the sun was rising and Kunlun Mountain was full of strange flowers and weeds. They soon saw that among the colorful flowers and grass, there were more than a dozen strange grasses shining with golden light.

Those strange grasses were about half a foot tall and covered with gold caps the size of fingernails. Fairy Chang'e exclaimed excitedly: "That's it! Ganoderma lucidum!"

She immediately knelt down and recited religiously: "Mother Xi, in order to save Young Master Xu, forgive me for secretly picking the Ganoderma lucidum grass that you planted by yourself!"

After waiting for a while, nothing happened.

There was silence all around.

Fairy Chang'e got up. She thought that Queen Mother understood her difficulties, and she wanted to come from all walks of life to know the needs of the plot, and she probably wouldn't stop her.

So she reached out and picked two trees and put them in her arms.

As he was about to fly away, there was a stern sound of stopping in the sky: "Where is the evildoer, dare to steal the Ganoderma lucidum grass planted by Xiwang's mother! Don't hurry to hand it over and save you!"

Fairy Chang'e felt cold, but it turned out that she didn't stop her.

She looked up and saw a huge black wolf appearing in front of her.

"Underworld wolf demon?"

Fairy Chang'e once heard that there is the most ferocious wolf demon in the world on Kunlun Mountain, comparable to the gluttony of the underworld!

It was Queen Mother West who was conquered in the underworld, with a fierce nature and violent temperament, and was dispatched to guard the fairy grass here.

I saw it, teeth like sharp swords and wolf claws like iron hooks, rushing fiercely all over his face.

It turned out that this wolf demon was the patron saint of Ganoderma lucidum. Hearing the movement, he rushed to stop it.

Fairy Chang'e shouted: "Xiaoqing, let's go together!"

Xu Xian's life was in the middle of the night, and the time was delayed for a long time, even the Ganoderma lucidum was useless.

There must be a quick fight.

That's why Xiaoqing was invited to fight against the wolf demon together.

Unexpectedly, she was fighting with the wolf demon, but Xiao Qing stood by and didn't mean to help.


Fairy Chang'e wondered, what happened to Xiaoqing?

But the enemy is currently, she must use all her energy to deal with it.

A fierce battle was fought with sand and rocks, and the sky was dim.

Gradually, the wolf demon was exhausted and showed his defeat.

However, Fairy Chang'e's physical exertion was also huge, panting, and extremely tired.

"Xiaoqing, come and help me!"

Fairy Chang'e thought, the wolf demon at this time won't be able to support it for long, as long as Xiaoqing helps out, they will win!

And you can leave soon!

However, Xiaoqing is still watching the fire from the other side, steady and steady!

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