Looking at the constantly changing numbers, Empress Changsun thought that it would be okay to score higher, at least it would not be too ugly to lose.

That score keeps changing, and people’s hearts keep changing. Finally, the numbers finally stopped moving.

Empress Changsun didn't dare to look.

Until Li Shimin cried out in surprise: "Ah, how could it happen!"

Empress Changsun then quietly opened her eyes and glanced guiltyly, ah, it seems to be ninety-nine five!

No way!

How could it be so high!

She thought she was wrong, rubbed her eyes, and then looked carefully, it was really ninety-nine five!

In other words, I actually scored a point higher, I actually won the game!

This fact is so unexpected!

It's so exciting too!

Winning this round by himself means that his status is higher in front of Tang Wang Li Shimin!

What Li Shimin was most angry about was that he lost to Cheng Yaojin. In order to make a comeback, he took the initiative to let himself participate in the game.

Not only that, but also let me invite Mrs. Cheng, just to find face in the game.

If he loses to Mrs. Cheng again, it is estimated that his face will be lost.

Not only that, he will continue to struggle with this matter, and even vent his anger on himself.

Although Empress Changsun is virtuous and virtuous, she is not temperamental. She is also the daughter of a general and her elder brother is the current prime minister.

It would be even worse if one couldn't hold it on one's face and cause disputes within the royal family.

The result now is very good, I actually won by a narrow margin!

I really don’t know how such a high score came from!

A smile appeared on Li Shimin's face immediately: "Hahaha! I won! I won!"

He was like a child, laughing and showing off here, and the audience in the live broadcast room looked at him dumbfoundingly.

This is the king of Datang?

It's too naive!

Cheng Yaojin on the side was as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit: "You won?"

"Ah? Oh, my queen won! Haha, husband and wife are one, just like I won!"

Cheng Yaojin's face suddenly became gloomy like years of cold ice, and his mood fell from the clouds to the abyss, so that he didn't even care about the live broadcast, and it broke out immediately.

"What a broken game, it's definitely shady, it's not fair!"

He roared loudly: "It's obviously my wife who is superb in cooking, much better than the Queen of the Grandson, so why is the score lower than her!"

Regardless of monarchs and friends, in front of the game, in front of winning or losing, everything is ignored. The loudest voice will break the roof of the live broadcast room.

Li Shimin and his wife on the side can't hold their faces anymore. What he called shady, refers to the use of power to suppress others?

Or is he saying that he has a good relationship with Qin Hao, and he has been tricking him out of it?

No matter which kind it is, it is Chi Guoguo's face slap for herself!

No matter how good the temper is, Li Shimin can't help it, "Da Lao Cheng, you can't speak authentically like that. What is absolutely shady? We are here in the live broadcast room, the game is broadcast live, the audience’s eyes are discerning. Audiences What's the shady of the scores?"

Before Cheng Yaojin spoke, Madam Cheng spoke.

As a party to the game, she has the most say and is the most angry.

Although the opponent is the emperor and queen, everyone is equal before the game!

His own cooking skills are obviously better than that of Queen Grandson, and he added an extra dessert during the cooking time. I dare not say that it is better than her. How can it be lower than her score?

"Your Majesty, the game process is indeed live broadcast. There are audience interactions throughout the whole process, but there are many variables in the scoring process. Everyone knows that you have such a good relationship with Qin Hao Da Neng, who knows if he secretly added Is it scored? Anyway, the game was developed by Qin Hao, so whoever he wants to add points to is not a word!"

What this said, the whole live broadcast room was silent.

All the audience, including Li Shimin and Empress Changsun were frightened.

Everyone knows that Cheng Yaojin is a famous rectum, but he didn't expect that his wife is even a rectum. Cheng Yaojin didn't tell the truth, so his wife said it straightforwardly!

"Ms. Cheng's remarks meant to question the game I developed? He also pointed out that it was me who did the trick?"

A cold voice came, breaking the suffocating silence.

Qin Hao came in with a whole body of air-conditioning.

Everyone didn't dare to show up, staring at Madam Cheng's reaction.

Could it be that she would fight Qin Hao Da Neng directly?

When I saw Qin Hao appearing, his face was embarrassed, but he quickly disappeared.

It's about winning or losing, no matter what he can do or not, even if it's the game he develops!

"Yes! I just questioned the game you developed, and even more suspected that you were making a ghost!" Mrs. Cheng showed her aggressive energy and is not afraid of death.

"Because the game was developed by you, you know better than others. It is not impossible to secretly change the settings of the game! Especially everyone knows that you have a good relationship with King Tang, and you are like brothers!

And before the game starts, you have some contact! This is unreasonable! You must not bear to watch him lose! After all, as a king, what he loses is the face of the royal family! "

Li Shimin was also speechless right away, after all, he also knew, how could Queen Sun's score be high?

Ming Ming Cheng's cooking skills are even more superb.

It seemed that the words he said to Qin Hao worked before the game started.

Maybe Qin Hao secretly changed the game settings?

Or is it just giving extra points privately?

Qin Hao looked at Madam Cheng coldly.

If there are problems and opinions are raised, this is good and it should be.

Qin Hao would never refuse to accept it, or even retaliate.

The other party is a mortal woman who has no mana at all.

If Qin Hao wanted revenge, he only needed a thought, and Mrs. Cheng would be wiped out.

Others don't know, not even Madam Cheng herself. When she said these words, she had already walked through the ghost gate for several laps.

But Qin Hao would definitely not do this.

He nodded, and smiled on his angular face: "Mrs. Cheng said so. Before the game started, we did meet each other. This is my inconsideration and my negligence."

Qin Hao waved to the back, and Red Boy walked out from the secret room.

He was holding a big square box in his hand.

"This is the master controller for developing games, which is equivalent to our brain. The reason why games can run depends on it."

Not to mention Mrs. Cheng and Li Shimin, including the audience in the live broadcast room, are blank in this regard.

Therefore, Qin Hao just gave a brief introduction, and then told Red Boy, "On the big screen, replay the live broadcast of the game!"

On the big screen, Empress Changsun and Mrs. Cheng immediately appeared in their state at the beginning of the game!

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