Qin Hao's attitude towards Tathagata Buddha had actually long been foreseen.

After repeated frustrations, Tathagata realized that Buddhism is not the most powerful. Let alone the great power, let alone the venerables in the heavenly court, it is not easy to deal with.

Last time Buddhism and Heavenly Court played against each other in the game, they couldn't even win a Red Boy team.

So he didn't dare to try easily, because Buddhism couldn't lose, and couldn't afford it.

However, when Qin Hao was about to leave, he hesitated again.

If the Heavenly Court had already gone to war, Qin Hao would invite the Master Tongtian and other great abilities to come out. Only the Buddhists would not go to war. Isn't this obvious to the world that the Buddhists are afraid?

This is a matter of face, very serious!

From then on, no matter what occasion or any time, the Buddhism can no longer hold its head up, because even a war does not dare to fight, what a Buddhism!

Heavenly Court also lost last time, and it has been frustrated many times, but how dare the Jade Emperor challenge him!

And it's a challenge without saying a word!

Of course, the Heavenly Court had a contradiction with the Dragon Clan, and the Jade Emperor must let the Dragon Clan continue to guard the sea and guard the monsters willingly!

But even for this purpose, the Jade Emperor could shirk his excuses and let other powers work for the heavens, and he would take advantage of the fisherman's benefit.

From this point of view, the Jade Emperor was considered good, at least not afraid of being beaten.

"Buddha, the reason why you don't play is that you are worried about losing face and not looking good?"

The Tathagata Buddha was a bit embarrassed. Qin Hao didn't expect Qin Hao to say it straightforwardly, and he said it in one sentence.

"Ahem, it's really a bit. Let's not hide it from Mr. Qin. Ever since you emerged in Datang, the Buddhism has been frustrated. It's all because of you."


Qin Hao was a little confused, he couldn't say that at first it was because of the mission that he wanted to shock the world, so he would take the Buddha's knife.

Because the Buddhism at that time was in its heyday, almost controlling the thoughts of all mortals. Only by attacking Buddhism can the world be surprised and complete the task.

Of course, Qin Hao couldn't explain the inside story of these things, but his face was a little red.

"That's why I am worried that if you continue to lose, it will be too ugly."

"The Buddha is too worried. This game is not a direct match in the Three Realms, but to help fight the three great races."

Help out the three major races?

The Buddha's eyes instantly rejuvenated. What new competition system is this?

Qin Hao explained: "The main targets of this game are the Dragon, Yuanfeng, and Qilin tribes. In other words, the mighties can choose to help out one of these three races. Heavenly Court has chosen to help out the Yuanfeng tribe, and the Buddha chooses Which camp?"

The Buddha put his heart down, and said nothing.

He thought to himself that Heavenly Court had already selected the Yuanfeng clan, leaving the Dragon and Qilin clan.

If you choose the Dragon Clan, you will directly oppose the Heavenly Court.

Moreover, the strength of the dragon clan is relatively stronger. If it still loses with the help of the Buddhist school, it will make people laugh.

Why don't you choose the Qilin Clan? Among the three major races, the Qilin Clan is relatively the weakest, so it depends on the Yuanfeng Clan.

The Buddhists choose to help the weakest, even if they lose, they will not be laughed at, because the Qilin clan loses as expected.

"The Buddha is right to choose this way. If he directly abandons the war, wouldn't he be ridiculed by the Three Realms? Since the Buddha has selected the camp, then Qin will leave!"

Qin Hao returned to the mansion, looked up a lot of information about the Dragon and Han catastrophe, determined the prototypes of the three major races, and started making new games.

He was very busy, and at this time, Hong Haier came to him: "Mr. Qin, the Tianting and Buddha are all arranged?"

Qin Hao nodded, "How's the matter on your side? What's the response after spreading the news to the Three Realms?"

Hong Haier came for this matter: "There is nothing else, Tang Wang Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin must participate in the game."

"Huh? They are all mortals. Will such an ancient battle be dangerous?" Qin Hao said his worries.

The red boy kept nodding: "Yes, I explained to them that the battlefield where the great powers will appear, there are also the three major races of mythical beasts. The scene of this battle must be very magnificent, but it is very dangerous!"

The anxious red boy continued to say, "But they said, because it is an ancient war, it is difficult for the world to see it, even if it is dangerous, you must participate!"

These are two ruthless people.

Qin Hao heard this, but said nothing.

He was thinking.

The current camp arrangement is that Heavenly Court helps Yuanfeng tribe, Buddhism helps Qilin tribe, Tang Seng, Monkey King, Nezha, and Honghaier help Dragon tribe.

Although there are corresponding dragons to help out, the dragons are relatively weak.

But the primordial power is too strong, if you help the dragon race, other races will definitely have opinions.

Moreover, a crushing victory has no sense of accomplishment for gamers.

Correspondingly, the attraction will be weaker.

Therefore, Hong Huang Da Neng is temporarily unable to participate and needs to remain neutral.

"Well, you have to go and run again, and ask which camp Tang Wang will choose."

If the camp they choose happens to solve the current power problem, it will be fine.

Hong Haier promised to go, when suddenly Li Shimin's voice came from the courtyard.

"Big Brother! You are so partial!"

With the sound of footsteps, Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin walked in.

The two people who blushed because of the game a few days ago have joined hands now.

"Wang Wang, Lao Cheng, why are you here?"

Tang Wang Li Shimin was not polite, and directly sat on Qin Hao's chair, and praised, "Ho! It's so comfortable!"

This chair was recently changed by Qin Hao. He made a massage chair by himself. Sitting on it, he can massage his whole body, which is very comfortable.

Cheng Yaojin has always been very carefree, but today he is very obedient, standing aside and saying: "Mr. Qin! I heard Red Boy said that you are going to develop a new game in the Three Realms. It is a battle between the three great races in the prehistoric times! "

Qin Hao nodded, "Yes, I heard Red Boy say that you all want to participate."

"It's not just us," Cheng Yaojin was a little embarrassed. "The boy Cheng Chumo also wants to participate. He is young and has no knowledge. He wants to take the opportunity to open his eyes!"


Qin Hao was speechless. He was worried that ordinary people would be in danger if they participated, so he let his son participate again.

In case of an accident, what a bad thing!

Seeing Qin Hao’s worry, Li Shimin said, "Brother! If you know how many people are not allowed to participate in such an ancient battle, let us open our eyes. We can issue a military order, in case there is an accident, no I will blame you!"

Qin Hao frowned, "Then which camp do you choose?"

King Tang is speechless. These three races are all powerful sacred beasts. They are just mortals. Which race can they help?

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