However, the White Tiger tribe’s camp was neat and orderly, and when they wanted to get in, they were shocked by the white tiger tribe’s aura. They were afraid of being encircled and suppressed.

A small white tiger tribe actually despised the unicorn tribe!

The deputy patriarch also gave up, and immediately led a few soldiers into the White Tiger camp!

A war between the Qilin and Baihu tribes was triggered in this way.

The game war hadn't started yet, and the Kirin clan was already in conflict. When Qin Hao got the news, he was speechless.

He had long heard that there was no coordination within the Kylin Clan, and he did not expect that the contradictions were already so great.

For Qin Hao, who wants to coordinate the relationship between the Three Realms, this phenomenon is very difficult.

He quickly came up with a few solutions, but then he overturned them.

The Qilin tribe has not yet come up with a perfect solution, and the battle between the Qilin tribe and the Baihu tribe is dim.

After tens of thousands of years of recuperation, the Kirin tribe and the beast tribes originally under their rule have developed very well and are quite prosperous.

And there are several great abilities.

Following this development, the most powerful animal in the Three Realms is the Kylin Clan.

However, the White Tiger clan has also risen rapidly, becoming a strong presence among the beasts, and even the strength is not weaker than that of the Qilin clan.

Two powerful beasts, no one would give in, so the earth-shattering battle began.

In just a few days, the Qilin and Baihu tribes suffered a lot of casualties.

When Qin Hao arrived, even the two patriarchs of the quasi-sage level had come out of the mountain.

If you don't get out of the mountains, you will have to exterminate the family!

If the two patriarchs fight, then the world will definitely be affected.

When they were facing each other, Qin Hao took a shot and blocked them.

After all, the sacred beast is only equivalent to the quasi-sage level, which is very different from the real quasi-sage.

And Qin Hao is a thorough quasi-sage, and his strength is much more tyrannical!

"Two patriarchs, listen to me."

Qin Hao stood in between them and began to make a speech before the formation.

If these two sacred beasts are not pressed down, perhaps there will be an extermination battle that will break out.

"The two patriarchs don't be impatient!"

Even though they were furious, the two patriarchs also felt Qin Hao's strength, much more tyrannical than himself.

They can only hold back their inner anger and listen to what Qin Hao said.

Qin Hao first said to the patriarch of the Qilin clan:

"Your unicorns have always ruled the beasts. The Baihu tribe has repeatedly challenged the belief that it is indeed that they have different intentions. But this is no wonder, because their power has grown. You also need to be able to tolerate others."

As soon as the patriarch of the Kylin tribe heard this, his anger couldn't be suppressed immediately.

"This fellow speaks too much! To be partial to the White Tiger tribe, is it peace of mind to oppress our children and grandchildren?"

Its voice is loud, its momentum is fierce, and it is about to fight again immediately.

The patriarch of the Baihu clan has stopped doing it. I am also a quasi-sage, afraid of you being a bird?

As it said, it was about to rush forward!

Qin Hao quickly stopped them again.

"You fight like this, you can't show your own ability, so let's go, I have something very new here, I promise you have never seen it."

As Qin Hao said, he took out his mobile phone.

The patriarch of the Kylin tribe: "What is this?"

Although it has a very high repair base and has lived for a long time, it has never seen a mobile phone.

The patriarch of the White Tiger clan also opened his eyes, looking at something like a small box, and muttered in his heart: "Is this a weapon?"

Their attractiveness is all attracted by mobile phones, and they all look with good eyes.

Qin Hao opened the phone interface, clicked on the game, and logged into the race war page.

Seeing the dragon, phoenix, and kirin images appearing on the phone, the two patriarchs were stunned.

what is this?

"Game. The battle between the three major races."

Hearing that this was a game, they were even more stunned, including the beasts behind.

For them, this is definitely a brand new experience. I have never seen it before. Where can I still have a chance to play?

Qin Hao briefly introduced the content of the game, and then invited the unicorns to participate in the game.

The patriarch of the Kylin tribe agreed at that time. As soon as I read the page, his blood boiled. For their militant Kylin, such a battlefield is needed!

The Baihu clan is not happy anymore, "Mr. Qin!"

They spoke politely and smiled.

"We Baihu also want to participate, but we have a condition!"

Qin Hao nodded: "What conditions?"

"We want to be opponents to the Qilin Clan, not to fight together!"

The patriarch of the Baihu clan spoke uprightly, and in his words he was dissatisfied with the Qilin clan!

As soon as the Qilin tribe listened, they were gearing up one by one. If you are an opponent, you will be an opponent, who is afraid of whom!

There is just a chance to compete, and the Baihu clan who must fight are convinced!

In this way, what was originally a three-race war, turned into four major races.

After Qin Hao returned, he reassigned the list of people participating in the battle.

There is no doubt that Heavenly Court and Queen Mother of the West helped the Feng Clan.

Buddhism helped the Qilin tribe, and there was no change.

It’s easy to say that Tang Sanzang, Monkey King and others helped the Dragon Clan.

Now it is the saints, and Li Shimin and others, how to distribute them.

Li Shimin meant to help the Feng Clan, but they were all in need of help. It is estimated that the Jade Emperor would not agree to more of these dragging their feet.

Then, let them help the White Tiger Clan, this strength is too weak, and then divide them to the Master of Heaven and the Saint Nuwa, so that it will be balanced.

After organizing the list, Qin Hao read it again and felt that there was no problem. He sent the red boy to inform the Three Realms!

After Hong Haier went back, he wrote out the name list as follows:

The Three Realms Game War consists of four teams, namely Dragon, Phoenix, Kirin, and White Tiger.

Each team’s assisting capabilities are allocated as follows:

Dragons: Yinglong, Zulong, Tang Sanzang, Monkey King, Nezha, Red Boy.

Feng Clan: The Four Royals of the Heavenly Court and the Queen Mother of the West.

Kylin: Buddhism.

White Tiger tribe: Master Tongtian, Saint Nuwa, Li Shimin, Cheng Yaojin, Cheng Chumo.

After the Three Realms learned about the distribution of power, they all had no opinion, and they felt very fair.

There is no problem with the distribution of power, and the next step is the preparation of the live broadcast room.

Because it was an ancient battle, almost all the great powers appeared, and there were three big beasts, those species that only existed in legends and had never been seen.

This time, the viewers in the live broadcast room were so blessed, all of them were so happy!

To be able to see Xiansheng, and to be able to see the beast, is worth it in this life.

I am so grateful to Mr. Qin for providing the audience with a great opportunity and satisfying their curiosity!

At this time, the Three Realms were all a sensation. Even the hermits who usually don't care about the mundane world are holding their phones and staring at the live broadcast room, for fear of missing the live broadcast!

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