This sentence seemed to have the effect of a fryer, making the Tongfu Inn boil immediately.

Bai Zhantang, played by the Master Tongtian Sect, narrowed his eyes, "Male and female? What is that?"

The sage Nuwa frowned and said, "Both males and females are terrifying Jiangyang thieves."

Gang Yang thief?

This fresh word has made several actors stance up again.

On the roof of Tongfu Inn, Fairy Chang'e appeared in the men's clothing. She tied her hair high and wore a chivalrous scarf to become a heroic woman.

Although she is in men's clothing, she looks like a woman in every way.


The woman who has been transformed into bones for thousands of years, wearing a woman's clothes, frowns with worry: "We have been out for so many days, we have been out for so many days, we have been out of violence and peace, and walked for the heavens, but why don't the people thank you? She also guards us, Even wherever you go, you will be scattered with birds and beasts?"

Fairy Chang'e was full of excitement, "That's because we don't need to thank! Let alone the support of the people! They avoid us and guard us, it doesn't matter, as long as we can achieve our goals, what we do is meaningful!"

"Significance? Miss, let's go back, the reputation of both male and female is stinking! They have become the scourge of everyone!"

"Impossible! We want to become heroines who are heroes!"

Fairy Chang'e is righteous and serious, with a serious face, "I used to be covered by Guo Juxia's halo. When people introduce me, they will say that this is Guo Juxia's daughter. In the future, I will let others say that her father is Guo Jixia. !"

Puff ha ha ha —!

All the cast and crew, including Master Tongtian and Saint Nuwa laughed, this is too funny!

Fairy Chang'e hadn't realized what was wrong with him. It was inexplicable to see everyone leaning forward and closing together with laughter.

With her beautiful eyes open, she looked at the cast and crew of the audience, dumbfounded, not at all like her usually arrogant and cold.

The bones beside her couldn't help but "poof", laughed out loud, and then immediately held back.

But it was too late, because everyone had seen it, it turned out that the white bone spirit laughed, so beautiful.

Not worse than Fairy Chang'e.

"Fairy Chang'e, your words were wrong just now!"

Nezha finally held back his laugh, ran over, and patiently analyzed the lines with you.

Fairy Chang'e understands that the difference between Guo Nuxia and her father is Guo Nuxia.

After this episode passed, everyone re-entered the shooting.

This time Fairy Chang'e followed the script strictly.

"When I want to be introduced by others, I say like this: ‘This is the father of Guo Nuxia!’"

In the Tongfu Inn, the shopkeeper Tong, played by the saint Nuwa, complained in tears: "In the name of acting for the heavens, both male and female Shuangsha actually did a lot of harming things. There is a Wang girl in Qiancun... ·"

When she said this, Kak was suddenly gone, because she was only focusing on acting, and she had forgotten what to say.

After a while humming, she apologized embarrassedly: "Everyone, I'm embarrassed, I forgot the words!"

Everyone is very tolerant to the unruly Nuwa saints. After all, they are saints. They came together for a common goal, which is to shoot a good TV series.

Who can expect her to be superb in acting?

It is normal to make several mistakes.

As long as the shooting can be completed smoothly.

"It's okay," Nezha comforted, "Sage Nuwa, you can take a break and recite the lines."

Qin Hao looked at the strong friendship at the shooting site, and the harmonious atmosphere between the crew made him feel very comfortable.

It suddenly occurred to him that if a live broadcast is set up so that the audience can see the whole process of shooting, as well as the laughs and moving things that appeared during the shooting, wouldn't it be very interesting?

Anyway, the people in Datang are very leisurely, and they make money to open any kind of live broadcast, not to mention the filming of comedy by the saints and the great Luo Jinxian, which is more valuable to watch.

Thinking of this, he quietly took out his phone and turned on the live broadcast function.

After entering the live broadcast room, good fellow, it was only a few days before the barrage completely maxed out the live broadcast room.

"Mr. Qin, hurry up and start the live broadcast. There hasn't been any entertainment recently, and it's just getting moldy!"

"Yes! There is no fun in life, it's boring to death!"

"We strongly request to continue the live broadcast and do whatever it takes!"

"Aren't we going to shoot a comedy? We can watch the live broadcast and register as soon as possible to participate in the filming of the TV series!"

"As long as you have that dignified face, forget it, I feel sick when I look at it!"

"What? The most important thing for an actor is acting. Being capable and acting is the next best thing to look like!"

"If you say so, you should try it!"

"Okay, don't look down on me, I will sign up right away!"

"Should the crew be involved? We want to visit the site!"


Barrage after barrage flooded the live broadcast room, which is simply a sea of ​​topics.

Everyone's attention is on the live broadcast, it seems that you can't live without it.

Seeing these barrage and the people's reaction, Qin Hao couldn't help but want to laugh.

Sure enough, the people of Datang are the same as he used to be. They can't do it without a mobile phone!

The mobile phone represents all of this, and if you own a mobile phone, you have the world!

This is the function of the mobile phone, this is the effect of entertainment!

Qin Hao smiled and replied with a bullet screen: "Dear viewers, the filming process of "Wulin Biography" has begun to be broadcast live!"

This sentence immediately set off a huge wave, almost like throwing a boulder on the surface of Wanqing Lake.

The huge boulder thumped, and the live broadcast room was full of joy, and the voice was full!

"What, Mr. Qin said, the filming process will also be broadcast live?"

"Yes! In other words, can we see those gods shooting?"

"You can still watch them make mistakes!"

"Hahaha! Great! Anyway, it's okay recently, just have fun!"

"Live broadcast, entertainment, all come to the live broadcast room!"

"Thank you Mr. Qin, it is your high technology and your kindness that make the people of Datang happy!"

"Yes, live broadcasts again and again are the most exciting moments in our lives!"

"It's an unforgettable permanent moment!"

Not only the common people were excited, but even in the Tang Palace, there was a burst of excitement.

Cheng Yaojin and his son stood in front of Tang Wang Li Shimin with a look of expectation.

"Wang Wang, I heard that the filming process of "Wulin Biography" started live broadcast! In other words, everyone can see how the gods filmed!"

Cheng Yaojin was very excited.

"Doesn't that mean that their every move, even the moment of error, will be seen by the people?"

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