Tiandao looked at the eleven saints and said slowly:

"You also know the current situation

;" "Huaguo Mountain will not be eliminated for a day, you saints, don't think about regaining the majesty that a saint should have

;" "So, you go and preach

;" "For a hundred years, I will assist in secret, and try my best to provide you with spiritual energy, so that you can develop your own strength;

"" After the sermon is finished, the whole flood will encircle and suppress Huaguo Mountain, and I will wipe out

Huaguo Mountain!" "Although the plan of the Heavenly Dao is full of enthusiasm, the interest of the saints below is not so high;

Lao Tzu, as the oldest saint among the saints, said in a sneering manner:

"That, the way of heaven, the passage of Huaguo Mountain, what should I do with Sun Wukong?"

No matter how big our power is, no matter how many quasi-saints there are, we ourselves can't

do Sun Wukong and Tongtian~" "As long as Sun Wukong and Tongtian are not defeated, then we will not be able to win!"

"The original also said silently

: "Heavenly Dao, as long as we can't do Tongtian and Sun Wukong, then everything is in vain~

" At this time, Tiandao said confidently:

" Don't worry

, Sun Wukong and Tongtian, I will be responsible for holding it down;" "As long as I don't do it, I won't let Tongtian and Sun Wukong do it

!" "Don't tell me, you eleven can't even beat the newly sanctified Agarwood and Wutian!" Di

Jun spoke in time and said

, "Heavenly Dao, as long as you let go of the restrictions and let our demon clan gather the three hundred and sixty-five demon gods above Daluo, our chances of victory will be greatly increased!"

After all, our demon clan has the first great array of the flood wilderness, the Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array!"

"The ancestor dragon of the dragon clan also said: "My dragon clan also has a great array of ten thousand

dragons;" "It's just that there are not so many dragons;"

"Heavenly Dao, if you don't remove the restrictions of our dragon clan, it is impossible for my dragon clan to develop;

" Yuan Feng and Zu Qilin also said:

"We are the same!"

If the three also

said: "Heavenly Dao, we have a Bodhi

Great Array!" Lao Tzu said

: "Heavenly Dao, Lao Dao I, also have a Liangyi Dust Great Array!" Actually

, for the release of restrictions, Heavenly Dao does not dare to let go

; after all, the previous Hongjun is a lesson from the past

; before, the Heavenly Dao released restrictions on Hongjun, but in the back, Hongjun almost swallowed the Heavenly Dao; however, the Heavenly Dao

thought in a blink of an eye:

At this time, the flood famine force is no longer the dominant family like Hongjun at that time

;"Besides, let go of some restrictions, the Heavenly Dao is confident, and it can still suppress the saints, after all, the Heavenly Dao is the consummation of the four nine laws, not the kind of saints, one or two laws are consummated;

" So, the Heavenly Dao gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, I will let go of the restrictions, but, you must not disappoint me!"

For Nuwa, the position of this saint is a pit, since she can't resist, then she will fight soy sauce;

then, after the return of all the saints, they all announced

: "The ten-year period has

come, all living beings can come to my ××× and listen to the sermon~" Only Nuwa said:

"Those who are destined, you can come to my Wa Palace to listen to the sermon!"


is even the quasi-holy consummation, but in the chaos

, it is also full of dangers; the creatures of the flood wilderness, listening to the sermons of other saints on the desolate land, isn't it fragrant?

not to mention the creatures above the desolate land, they are unwilling to go

to the Wa Palace; it is Nuwa herself, after she has finished announcing the sermon, she directly blocked the road from the desolation to the Wa Palace;


idea was:

[Preaching, this is no problem

;] [I'm in the Wa Palace, preaching to the maids in the Wa Palace, isn't it also preaching?] [Fighting?] [I'm

standing on the side, looking at you, can't

I?] Among the eleven saints, there is only one woman;

Are you old men really embarrassed to ask the old lady to rush forward?

Although Tiandao did not have hope for Nuwa, it was just that when he saw Nuwa's operation, he did not turn his mind for a long time;

then, Tiandao did nothing, and directly supplied all the aura to those few saint dojos who preached on the flood wilderness;

In this way, the total amount of spiritual energy in the Heavenly Dao has not changed, it is just that the spiritual energy from other places is extracted and concentrated in the Saint's Dojo;

just a small Heavenly Dao, if you want to increase the total amount of spiritual energy in the Great World of the Great Flood and Desolation, it is simply delusional!

These spiritual qi alone are not enough, you know, how long does it take for a Golden Immortal to break through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal?

Moreover, the Heavenly Dao has to open up the restrictions it has set for itself.

As long as a person who cultivates immortals, he knows that before he becomes a great luo, he needs to go through three calamities and five tribulations

; even after Daluo, every time he breaks through a small realm, there seems to be a membrane between heaven and earth, preventing the monk from breaking through;

and if the heavenly dao lets go of its own heavenly laws, it will be easier for the monks to find their own corresponding laws;

Moreover, to comprehend the laws corresponding to oneself, so as to

improve the realm; these are the limitations

of the Heavenly Dao; the Heavenly Dao cannot directly improve a person's cultivation and mana, not to mention the comprehension of

the monk himself; if the Heavenly Dao has done so much, the monk still can't improve his own cultivation;

then directly descend the Dao thunder and kill the stupid fork, anyway, it is a waste to live~

Time is in a hurry, a hundred years have passed, just like this

; the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans

, the number of their own clans, has not changed much; it's just that the existing members have cultivated a little stronger

than before; however, the number of subordinates is much larger than before, and there are many masters;

at least, the masters of the Da Luo level, each clan, has three digits;

Buddhism, demon clans, The number of heavenly courts is amazing

; the words of Buddhism, needless to say;

there are three saints, preaching in three places, although in terms of quantity, it is a little less than the demon clan, but in terms of quality, it is definitely the top

; the previous Buddhism, beaten by Huaguo Mountain, quasi-saints, there is only one left: Guanyin, can walk freely

; Buddhism's Daluo level, less than ten;

however, what about today after a hundred years of preaching by the three saints?

The quasi-saint has reached seven

; although the five newly added saints are only in the early stage of the quasi-saints, and they have not yet reached the peak of Buddhism; however, there are a lot of Daluo level and

Taiyi level; Daluo level, close to 1,000, Taiyi level is at least 10,000

; it can be said that Buddhism is compared with before, except for the strength of quasi-saints, the rest have exceeded the previous heyday

; the

demon clan, the number is the largest;

After all, the flood is so big, there are quite a few creatures who think they are demon clans

; the demon clan has increased this time, and the number of golden immortals below is calculated in billions; the number

of golden immortals to Taiyi golden immortals adds up, almost 100,000

; Daluo is a little less than Buddhism, but it has also reached a terrifying 800-hundred

; the quasi-saint level, the demon clan is already more than Buddhism;

there are only three new quasi-saints;

plus Kunpeng, Lu Quan, and Bai Ze, there are a total of six quasi-saints;

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